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Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2015 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Higher Education - Rules / Regulation for the smooth functioning of the Campuses and Hostels of Universities and Affiliated Colleges - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
Kerala Government Servant's Attendance Rules, 1960 - Additional List of admissible Medicines included for the purpose of reimbursement - Orders issued 190DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.4079/2015/G.Edn Dated,15.09.2015.
G.O (P) No. 408/2015/Fin Dated. 14-09-2015
Benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade - Counting of WAR / Military Service as Qualifying Service - Judgment dated. 25-03-2015 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 3136/2015 (Special Leave Petition (C) No. 3969 of 2013) and Other CAs - Complied with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CTD - Sharing Data on Dealers transaction - Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the Commercial Taxes Departments of the State of Kerala and Tamil Nadu - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Services - DIES NON - Threatened Strike by a Section of Government Employees & Teachers on 2nd September 2015 - Measures for dealing with - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 8983/Adv. C3/2015/P & ARD Dated. 17-08-2015
P & ARD - Advance Intimation to Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (P) No 338/2015/Fin Dated 07/08/ 2015
G.O.(P) No. 23/2015/P&ARD. Dated, 25/07/2015.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Compassionate Employment-annual family income limit-renewal- orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 11433/A.R13(2)/2015/P&ARD. Dated 16-07-2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms - Timely reply to petitions - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No./50171/S.C1/2015/RD Dated 14.07.2015.
Revenue Department- Kerala Building Tax Act in 197 exemption in luxury tax-designated to assessing authority reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2192/2015/H & FWD Dated. 14-07-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Academic - Fixing of Fee Structure for MBBS Course in Self Financing Medical Colleges for the Academic Year 2015-16 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
General Education - Printing department - withdrawal of milk /milk allowance - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Kerala Right to Information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Amendment Rules 2015 DOWNLOAD
Government Secretariat-General administration(house keeping cell) Dept-Secretariat Security measures, Parking facility reg. DOWNLOAD
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to Disabled and Physically Handicapped Employees - Clarifications issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 25/2015/Fin Dated. 14-01-2015
Pension - National Pension System for All India Service (Kerala Cadre) Officer and State Employees - Realization of backlog contributions - Guidelines and accounting procedure - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 22/2015/GAD Dated. 19-01-2015
Public Services - Threatened Strike by a Section of Government Employees & Teachers on 22nd January 2015 - Measures for dealing with Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 9/2015/GAD Dated. 08-01-2015
Constitution of Kerala Administrative Service - Amendment to the report of the Committee set up to study the feasibility of creating Kerala Administrative Service - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 26/2015/H.Edn Dated. 06-01-2015
Higher Education Department - Government Law Colleges - Establishment - Sanction to Introduce Uniform to Students in Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 584/2014/Fin Dated. 29-12-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of retired teachers of Government / Aided Ayurveda Medical College under AICTE / UGC / Medical Education Scale of Pay - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 43/2014/P & ARD Dated. 27-12-2014
Personnel and Administrative Department - IMG - Ratification of the Enhancement of the Retirement Age of IMG Staff to 60 Years - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Medical Reimbursement Verification of Essentiality Certificate by Competent Authority - Specification of Admissible amount - Instruction to Heads of Department - Reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR NO.1001/SC1/2014/GAD Dated, 17.12.2014.
General Administration Department - Instruction to File Annual property Statement Online for Employees reg- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 106/2014/Fin Dated. 16-12-2014
Implementation of National Pension System - Applicability of the Scheme - Clarifications - Issued DOWNLOAD
No.92697/H.K.A2/2014/GAD Dated 16.12.2014.
General Administration Department- Govt Secretariat (house keeping cell) - to conduct Seva Camp for Passport Employees reg. DOWNLOAD
General Administration Department-Govt calender, Dairy and Daily Remembrance in 2015- Guideline for the Submission of Indent reg.DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 149/2014/Co-op Dated. 10-12-2014
Co-Operation Department - Revision of Pension and Allowances under Co-Operative Employees Self Financing Pension Scheme 1995 and State Co-Operative Bank and District Co-Operative Bank Pension Scheme 2005 - Amended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 295/14/AD Dated. 09-12-2014
Agriculture (AH) Department - Kerala Livestock Development Board - Abolition of Vacant Posts of Worker Category - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No 52/2014/Plg. Dated 09.12.2014.
planning &Economic Affairs Department -Moratorium on revenue recovery for education loans-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 939/14/H Edn Dated. 09-12-2014
Higher Education - IHRD - Pay Revision - Extending the benefit of 9th Pay Revision to the Employees of IHRD and the Institutions under it - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
SC/ST Development Department-Financial assistance for funeral ceremonies - amount increased - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 7/2016/Fin Dated. 20.01.2016
G.O (P) No. 5/2016/GAD Dated 06-01-2016
Public Services - Threatened Strike by a Section of Government Employees & Teachers on 12th January 2016 - Measures for dealing with - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(Rt) No.51/2016/GAD dated,Thiruvananthapuram,07.01.2016
Administration Department - Alappuzha District, Cherthala Taluk, Arthunkal Church Festival-Holiday on 20.01.2016 - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Martyrs' Day - Observing silence on 30.01.2016 - reg DOWNLOAD.......................................................................................................
G.O(Rt) No.8687/15/GAD dated 03.12.2015
Taipongal - Kollam District - Holiday on 15.01.2016 -Govt offices & Education institution -sanctioned-orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 5/2016/GAD Dated 06-01-2016
Public Services - Threatened Strike by a Section of Government Employees & Teachers on 12th January 2016 - Measures for dealing with - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(Rt) No.51/2016/GAD dated,Thiruvananthapuram,07.01.2016
Administration Department - Alappuzha District, Cherthala Taluk, Arthunkal Church Festival-Holiday on 20.01.2016 - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O No.77216/CDN.2/2015/GAD dated 30.12.2015·
G.O(Rt) No.8687/15/GAD dated 03.12.2015
Taipongal - Kollam District - Holiday on 15.01.2016 -Govt offices & Education institution -sanctioned-orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.20364/Ad.C3/15/P&ARD Dated 23.12.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- joining report -sending reg DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.600/Ad.C2/2014/P&ARD Dated, 21.12.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- appointment in govt service through compassionate employment scheme- joining period extension reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.326/15/GAD Dated 28.12.2015
General Administration Department- Compassionate Employment Scheme- 310 Creation of Supernumerary Post- Sanctioned- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 92/2015/Fin Dated. 08-12-2015
Deduction of Tax at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial Year 2015-16 under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act 1961 - DOWNLOAD
ORDER NO.A8.888/2015/CT DATED: 11-12-2015
CTD – Promotion/Transfer and Postings in the cadre of Commercial Tax Officers – Orders issued.
General Administration Department- Compassionate Employment Scheme- 310 Creation of Supernumerary Post- Sanctioned- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 92/2015/Fin Dated. 08-12-2015
Deduction of Tax at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial Year 2015-16 under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act 1961 - DOWNLOAD
ORDER NO.A8.888/2015/CT DATED: 11-12-2015
CTD – Promotion/Transfer and Postings in the cadre of Commercial Tax Officers – Orders issued.
G.O.14816/AD.C3/2015/P&ARD dated 01.12.2015
P & ARD - Reporting anticipatory vacancies through E-VACANCY SOFTWARE- reg DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No.32/2015/P&ARD dated 24.11.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- publication of books,program presentation in private radio/TV Channels, Acting Cinema/Serial/Professional Drama-formulation order -Freeze -orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No.32/2015/P&ARD dated 24.11.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- publication of books,program presentation in private radio/TV Channels, Acting Cinema/Serial/Professional Drama-formulation order -Freeze -orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 90/2015/Fin Dated. 21.11.2015
Misuse of Indian Currency - Instructions Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 89/2015/Fin Dated. 20.11.2015
Tax Deduction at Source - Deduction of Advance Tax component from Salary - Detailed Statement of Anticipatory Income called for - Reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 90/2015/Fin Dated. 21.11.2015
Misuse of Indian Currency - Instructions Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 89/2015/Fin Dated. 20.11.2015
Tax Deduction at Source - Deduction of Advance Tax component from Salary - Detailed Statement of Anticipatory Income called for - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 526/2015/Fin Dated. 19-11-2015
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - Renewal of the Scheme for the year 2016 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 525/2015/Fin Dated. 18-11-2015Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2015 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.No.20540/O.L.3/15/P & ARD Dated 13.11.2015.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department-Secretariat/non-secretariat dept/public/autonomous/co-operative sector etc- Govt Orders, Circulars,Mail should be in Malayalam language -direction reg. DOWNLOAD................................................................................................................................
G.O.No.18902/Ad.c3/2015/P&ARD Dated 13.11.2015.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Repoting of anticipatory vacancies reg.
G.O(M.s)No.29/2015/P&ARD dated, 19.11.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Public Services- Estt- DRIVER POST Renamed as 'Driver cum Office Attendant - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O(P)No.29/2015/P&ARD dated, 12.11.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department-compassionate Employment Scheme- Dependents of Divorced Govt Employees -Appointment - Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P)No.28/2015/P&ARD Dated 11.11.2015.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Publication of books,Private radio / program presentation in TV, Acting in Cinema, Serial, Professional Drama- conditions formulated-orders issued. DOWNLOAD.
CIRCULAR No.69381/Cdn.4/2015/GAD Dated, 07.11.2015
Observance of Human Rights Day on 10th December 2015 in all Government Departments and Institutions -Instructions issued - Regarding. DOWNLOAD
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Repoting of anticipatory vacancies reg.
G.O(M.s)No.29/2015/P&ARD dated, 19.11.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Public Services- Estt- DRIVER POST Renamed as 'Driver cum Office Attendant - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O(P)No.29/2015/P&ARD dated, 12.11.2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department-compassionate Employment Scheme- Dependents of Divorced Govt Employees -Appointment - Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P)No.28/2015/P&ARD Dated 11.11.2015.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Publication of books,Private radio / program presentation in TV, Acting in Cinema, Serial, Professional Drama- conditions formulated-orders issued. DOWNLOAD.
CIRCULAR No.69381/Cdn.4/2015/GAD Dated, 07.11.2015
Observance of Human Rights Day on 10th December 2015 in all Government Departments and Institutions -Instructions issued - Regarding. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 485/2015/Fin Dated. 29.10.2015
Electronic Treasury - Salary through Bank account of Employees - Integration with E-Kuber portal of RBI - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Electronic Treasury - Salary through Bank account of Employees - Integration with E-Kuber portal of RBI - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 3437/2015/H & FWD Dated. 19.10.2015
G.O (P) No. 469/15/Fin Dated. 17-10-2015
Kerala Service Rules, Part III - Modifying the priority for nomination in Rule 71 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 3437/2015/H & FWD Dated. 19.10.2015
G.O (P) No. 469/15/Fin Dated. 17-10-2015
Kerala Service Rules, Part III - Modifying the priority for nomination in Rule 71 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 264/2015/GAD Dated. 15-10-2015
Public Holidays to the Public Offices under the Government of Kerala during the Calendar Year 2016
Circular No. 26483/G1/15/H.Edn Dated. 12-10-2015Higher Education - Rules / Regulation for the smooth functioning of the Campuses and Hostels of Universities and Affiliated Colleges - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 217/2015/H & FWD Dated. 23-09-2015
G.O (Ms) No. 269/15/G.Edn Dated. 08.10.2015
General Education - Leave Benefits to Part-Time Teachers having less than Two Years continuous Service - Modified orders issued DOWNLOAD
..................................................................................................................................Kerala Government Servant's Attendance Rules, 1960 - Additional List of admissible Medicines included for the purpose of reimbursement - Orders issued 190DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 13671/A.R13(2)/2015/P&ARD Dated 19-09-2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Identity Card to Govt officials - Wear Name Board / Name Badge - directions - reg. DOWNLOAD
General Education- children in special school-for educational grants - parents annual income enhanced-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 408/2015/Fin Dated. 14-09-2015
Benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade - Counting of WAR / Military Service as Qualifying Service - Judgment dated. 25-03-2015 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 3136/2015 (Special Leave Petition (C) No. 3969 of 2013) and Other CAs - Complied with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 1871/C2/2014/TD Dated 14-09-2015
Guidelines for Regulating the Activities of Multi Level Marketing Companies in the State of Kerala DOWNLOAD ..................................................................................................................................
G.O (MS) No. 67/2015/F&WLD Dated. 10-09-2015
F & WLD - Revision of Seigniorage Rate of Timber and other Forest produce for the year 2013-14 & 2014-15 - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.579/2015/H.Edn 11.09.2015.
Higher Education - collegiate education - Establishment - Appointment of Teachers in Arts and Science College,Sanskrit colleges,Training colleges,Law college - Age Limit Enhanced-Order amended- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 158/2015/TD Dated. 08-09-2015...................................................................................................................................
G.O (P) No. 391/2015/Fin Dated. 07-09-2015
Implementation of Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) - Streamlining Salary disbursement process of State Government Employees - Introducing One Office One Drawing Officer System - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 26/2015/P & ARD Dated. 04-09-2015
Compassionate Employment Sheme - Regularisation of Persons appointed in Posts created supernumerarily - Orders issued DOWNLOAD ...................................................................................................................................
Circular No. 15888/Ad.C2/2015/P&ARD. Dated. 26-08-2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms - Display board regarding 'No Smoking' in govt offices reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 227/2015/GAD Dated. 25-08-2015...................................................................................................................................
Circular No. 8983/Adv. C3/2015/P & ARD Dated. 17-08-2015
P & ARD - Advance Intimation to Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (P) No 338/2015/Fin Dated 07/08/ 2015
Govt have sanctioned Onam Advance to State Government Employees,part time contingent Employees,NMR/CLR workers etc DOWNLOAD
G O (P) No.337/2015/Fin Dated 07/08 /2015
Govt have sanctioned Bonus / Special Festival Allowance for 2014-15 to State Government Employees and pensioners. DOWNLOAD ...................................................................................................................................
G.O (P) No. 335/2015/Fin Dated. 07-08-2015
Payment of DEARNESS ALLOWANCE to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01-01-2015 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD ...................................................................................................................................
CIRCULAR No. 12960/A.R.14/(2)/15/P&ARD Dated. 04-08-2015
P & AR(A.R.14) D - Submission of monthly work report & finalisation of pending files - reg. DOWNLOAD...................................................................................................................................
G.O (P) No. 322/2015/Fin Dated. 28-07-2015
Kerala Service Rules - FAMILY PENSION to Parents, Unmarried Daughters above 25 Years of age and Disables Children - Time period Enhanced - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD ...................................................................................................................................
G.O.(P) No. 23/2015/P&ARD. Dated, 25/07/2015.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Compassionate Employment-annual family income limit-renewal- orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 11433/A.R13(2)/2015/P&ARD. Dated 16-07-2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms - Timely reply to petitions - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No./50171/S.C1/2015/RD Dated 14.07.2015.
Revenue Department- Kerala Building Tax Act in 197 exemption in luxury tax-designated to assessing authority reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2192/2015/H & FWD Dated. 14-07-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Academic - Fixing of Fee Structure for MBBS Course in Self Financing Medical Colleges for the Academic Year 2015-16 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 7995/A.R.13(2)/15/P&ARD Dated 24-06-2015
P&AR(AR13)D - Ensuring dignified behaviour & better consideration to public in government offices - reg DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 7995/A.R.13(2)/15/P&ARD Dated 24-06-2015
P&AR(AR13)D - Ensuring dignified behaviour & better consideration to public in government offices - reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 238/2015/Fin Dated. 19-06-2015
Revision of existing Bill Forms in tune with the requirements under IFMS - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 276/2015/H.Edn Dated. 16-06-2015
Higher Education Department - Technical - Admission to Professional Degree Courses for the Academic Year 2015-16 - Revision of Fee Structure for Architecture Colleges - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 238/2015/Fin Dated. 19-06-2015
Revision of existing Bill Forms in tune with the requirements under IFMS - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 276/2015/H.Edn Dated. 16-06-2015
Higher Education Department - Technical - Admission to Professional Degree Courses for the Academic Year 2015-16 - Revision of Fee Structure for Architecture Colleges - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 56/2015/Fin Dated. 15-06-2015
Enhancement in the rate of Service Tax effective from 01.06.2015-
LIC Premium enhancement- Updation done at SPARK database -intimation- reg DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 56/2015/Fin Dated. 15-06-2015
Enhancement in the rate of Service Tax effective from 01.06.2015-
LIC Premium enhancement- Updation done at SPARK database -intimation- reg DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 169/D3/12/H.Edn Dated. 11-06-2015
Higher Education Dept - Private Aided Colleges - Implementation of GAIN PF - Time Limit - Fixed instructions issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 169/D3/12/H.Edn Dated. 11-06-2015
Higher Education Dept - Private Aided Colleges - Implementation of GAIN PF - Time Limit - Fixed instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1723/2015/H & FWD Dated 09-06-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Medical Education - Academic - Admission to Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Course - 2015-16 - Agreement by the Managements of Self Financing Nursing Colleges - Allotment in Government Merit Seats - Orders issued DOWNLOAD ....................................................................................................................................
G.O (Rt) No. 1722/2015/H & FWD Dated 09-06-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Medical Education - Academic - Admission to Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Course - 2015-16 - Agreement by the Managements of Self Financing Nursing Colleges - Executed - Allotment of Government Merit Seats - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1722/2015/H & FWD Dated 09-06-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Medical Education - Academic - Admission to Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Course - 2015-16 - Agreement by the Managements of Self Financing Nursing Colleges - Executed - Allotment of Government Merit Seats - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.156/2015/GAD Dated 06.06.2015.
General Administration Department- SC/ST Representation in Commercial Tax dept -annual review - special sanction given - orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.156/2015/GAD Dated 06.06.2015.
General Administration Department- SC/ST Representation in Commercial Tax dept -annual review - special sanction given - orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.No.51309/T2/2014/RD Dated 03.06.2015.
Revenue Department- Caste certificate (others) reg. DOWNLOAD
F No. 17011/21/2015-IS. VI - Allocation of MBBS Seats from Central Pool for Spouse and Children of Terrorist Victims for the Academic Year 2015-16 DOWNLOAD
F No. 17011/21/2015-IS. VI - Allocation of MBBS Seats from Central Pool for Spouse and Children of Terrorist Victims for the Academic Year 2015-16 DOWNLOAD
Go.(P) No.143/2015/G.Edn Dated 27.05.2015
General Education Department- Higher secondary education - transfer of teachers-guideline amended - orders issued DOWNLOAD
Revenue Department - Village Field Assistant- Tax writing - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Higher Education - Technical - Curriculum and Syllabus of the Diploma Programme in the Polytechnic Colleges in the State of Kerala - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
..................................................................................................................................... G.O. (Rt) No. 1097/2015 Dated. 20-05-2015
H.Edn - Technical - College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram - Increase in intake of the M. Tech Evening Courses - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 48/2015/Fin Dated. 13-05-2015
Rules for appointment and fixation of pay of the Contract Employees in Public Sector undertakings and Autonomous bodies guidelines issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
Office Memorandum No. VI/401/01/05/2014 Dated 26-05-2015
Issuance of Ordinary PASSPORT to GOVERNMENT SERVANTS, PSU / Autonomous body Employees - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.16/2015/P&ARD Dated 28.05.2015.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Guideline for the appointment of L.D.C/L.D.Typist(By Transfer) reg. DOWNLOAD.....................................................................................................................................
Go.(P) No.143/2015/G.Edn Dated 27.05.2015
General Education Department- Higher secondary education - transfer of teachers-guideline amended - orders issued DOWNLOAD
G O. (Ms) No. 213/2015/RD Dated 27.05.2015Revenue Department - Village Field Assistant- Tax writing - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 212/2015/H.Edn Dated. 27-05-2015Higher Education - Technical - Curriculum and Syllabus of the Diploma Programme in the Polytechnic Colleges in the State of Kerala - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
H.Edn - Technical - College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram - Increase in intake of the M. Tech Evening Courses - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 178/2015/Fin Dated. 15-05-2015
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD.
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD.
Rules for appointment and fixation of pay of the Contract Employees in Public Sector undertakings and Autonomous bodies guidelines issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 168/2015/Fin Dated. 11-05-2015
Finance Department - Extension of HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE Scheme to Teaching / Non Teaching Staff working in Panchayat / Municipality Schools which have been taken over by Government - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 164/2015/Fin Dated. 07-05-2015
Journeys outside the State Performed by Government Officers - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 156/2015/H.Edn Dated. 05-05-2015
Higher Education Department - Sixth UGC Scheme - Clarifications to the G.O (P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn Dated. 27-03-2010 - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No.98/2015/G.Edn Dated 04.05.2015.
General Education Department - Sub District education office- 165 Clerical post upgraded as Junior Superintendent- for the proper functioning - U.D.Clerk upgraded as noon meal officer -sanctioned- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.84/2015/Home Dated 04.05.2015.
Home Department-88 Assistant Sub Inspector post upgraded as Sub Inspector- Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.61/2015/Co-op Dated 04-05-2015.
Co-operation Department- District Co-Operative Bank Employees - Revised Master Scale - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 168/2015/Fin Dated. 11-05-2015
Finance Department - Extension of HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE Scheme to Teaching / Non Teaching Staff working in Panchayat / Municipality Schools which have been taken over by Government - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 164/2015/Fin Dated. 07-05-2015
Journeys outside the State Performed by Government Officers - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 156/2015/H.Edn Dated. 05-05-2015
Higher Education Department - Sixth UGC Scheme - Clarifications to the G.O (P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn Dated. 27-03-2010 - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No.98/2015/G.Edn Dated 04.05.2015.
General Education Department - Sub District education office- 165 Clerical post upgraded as Junior Superintendent- for the proper functioning - U.D.Clerk upgraded as noon meal officer -sanctioned- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.84/2015/Home Dated 04.05.2015.
Home Department-88 Assistant Sub Inspector post upgraded as Sub Inspector- Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.61/2015/Co-op Dated 04-05-2015.
Co-operation Department- District Co-Operative Bank Employees - Revised Master Scale - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 3283/15/GAD Dated. 04-05-2015
General Administration (Sainik Welfare) Department - Enhancement of Ex-Gratia grant to the dependents of Defence Force Personnel / Para Military killed in action and the Financial Assistance to the Wounded / Disabled Defence Personnel - Clarified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD .
CIRCULAR No. 46/2015/Fin Dated. 30-04-2015
SPARK data - Updation of Mandatory Fields - Extension of time limit - Directions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.06/2015/Envt. 28.04.2015
Environment Department - Health problems due to sound pollution- Sound Pollution Rules - Instructions issued.DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 150/2015/H.Edn Dated. 28-04-2015
Higher Education Department - Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Starting of LLM (Evening) Course during the Academic Year 2015-16 - Sanction accorded Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 143/2015/Fin Dated. 22-04-2015
Electronic Ledger Account Monitoring System (eLAMS) - Operational Guidelines for Finance Department / Administrative Departments / Government Departments / Implementing Agencies / Treasuries - Detailed instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No.7397/adv .c3/2015/P&ARD Dated 20.04.2015.
P&ARD- Advance reporting of anticipatory vacancies of last grade servant to K.P.S.C reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.115/2015/GAD Dated: 18.04.2015.
General Administration Department - Kerala Freedom Fighters pension - Rule 1971,Rule 10- Relaxation - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 3283/15/GAD Dated. 04-05-2015
General Administration (Sainik Welfare) Department - Enhancement of Ex-Gratia grant to the dependents of Defence Force Personnel / Para Military killed in action and the Financial Assistance to the Wounded / Disabled Defence Personnel - Clarified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD .
CIRCULAR No. 46/2015/Fin Dated. 30-04-2015
SPARK data - Updation of Mandatory Fields - Extension of time limit - Directions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.06/2015/Envt. 28.04.2015
Environment Department - Health problems due to sound pollution- Sound Pollution Rules - Instructions issued.DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 150/2015/H.Edn Dated. 28-04-2015
Higher Education Department - Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Starting of LLM (Evening) Course during the Academic Year 2015-16 - Sanction accorded Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 143/2015/Fin Dated. 22-04-2015
Electronic Ledger Account Monitoring System (eLAMS) - Operational Guidelines for Finance Department / Administrative Departments / Government Departments / Implementing Agencies / Treasuries - Detailed instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No.7397/adv .c3/2015/P&ARD Dated 20.04.2015.
P&ARD- Advance reporting of anticipatory vacancies of last grade servant to K.P.S.C reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.115/2015/GAD Dated: 18.04.2015.
General Administration Department - Kerala Freedom Fighters pension - Rule 1971,Rule 10- Relaxation - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 775/2015/H.Edn Dated. 17-04-2015
Higher Education - Technical - Revision of Fee Structure in Government Technical High School and Prospectus for Admission to Government Technical High Schools in the Year 2015-16 - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 770/2015/H.Edn Dated. 17-04-2015
Higher Education Department - Norms for Selection of NCC Cadets for Admission to Professional Degree Course including Polytechnic and BSc Nursing - Norms Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 136/2015/Fin Dated. 16-04-2015
Loans and Advances Sanction to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2015 - Postponed - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.2628/2015/GAD Dated 13.04.2015
General Administration Department - Exhibition 2015 related to THRISSUR POORAM held on April 29, 2015-participation of all govt dept-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 775/2015/H.Edn Dated. 17-04-2015
Higher Education - Technical - Revision of Fee Structure in Government Technical High School and Prospectus for Admission to Government Technical High Schools in the Year 2015-16 - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 770/2015/H.Edn Dated. 17-04-2015
Higher Education Department - Norms for Selection of NCC Cadets for Admission to Professional Degree Course including Polytechnic and BSc Nursing - Norms Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 136/2015/Fin Dated. 16-04-2015
Loans and Advances Sanction to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2015 - Postponed - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.2628/2015/GAD Dated 13.04.2015
General Administration Department - Exhibition 2015 related to THRISSUR POORAM held on April 29, 2015-participation of all govt dept-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 105/2015/GAD Dated. 08-04-2015
Minority Welfare Department - Scholarship / Hostel stipend for Muslim Girls - Guidelines modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD .
No. 1/2/2015-E-II (B)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES - Revised Rates effective from 01-01-2015 DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.51/2015/Co-op Dated 31.03.2015.
Co-operation Department - District co-operative Bank - Salary Revised - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 122/2015/Fin Dated. 27-03-2015
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala State Insurance Department - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - Extension of Time limit for deduction and remittance of premium for the year 2015 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.6126/ad3/2015/P & ARD Dated 26.03.2015.
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C.- direction given -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 35/2015/Fin Dated. 25-03-2015
Refund claims in respect of payments received by way of online remittances - Clarifications issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.No.21658/adc2/2014/P&ARD Dated 24.03.2015.
P & ARD- Disciplinary Action taken against the Officials who are going to be Retired- immediate finalization reg. DOWNLOAD
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- restrictions in using Smoking,drinking during duty time-instructions - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.2085/2015/GAD Dated 23.03.2015
General Administrative Department- chief ministers Janasamparkaparipadi 2015-Including UID Number,Bank Account Number Mobile Number reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 386/2015/LBR Dated 21.03.2015
Labour and Skills Department - Departmental Examination - Revised Syllabus -direction of KPSC- Approved-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.13/2015/P&ARD Dated 21.03.2015.
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C. -May,June 2015-creation of supernumerary post -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.369/2015/LBR Dated 19.03.2015
Labour and Skills department- Unemployment Wage - 2014 April to August -sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 32/2015/Fin Dated. 18-03-2015
Treasury Transactions - Rushing of Bills and Drawal of advance towards the close of the Financial Year - Avoidance of - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 114/2015/(206)/Fin Dated. 17-03-2015
Pay Revision 2009 - Excise Department - Enhancement of Uniform Allowance - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 23/2015/Fin Dated. 26-02-2015
Updation of SPARK data of Employees - Directions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 31/2015/H&FWD Dated. 19-02-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Oushadhi (The Pharmaceutical Corporation (I.M) Kerala Ltd) - Wage of General Workers - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 105/2015/GAD Dated. 08-04-2015
Minority Welfare Department - Scholarship / Hostel stipend for Muslim Girls - Guidelines modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD .
No. 1/2/2015-E-II (B)
Payment of Dearness Allowance to CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES - Revised Rates effective from 01-01-2015 DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.51/2015/Co-op Dated 31.03.2015.
Co-operation Department - District co-operative Bank - Salary Revised - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 122/2015/Fin Dated. 27-03-2015
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala State Insurance Department - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - Extension of Time limit for deduction and remittance of premium for the year 2015 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.6126/ad3/2015/P & ARD Dated 26.03.2015.
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C.- direction given -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 35/2015/Fin Dated. 25-03-2015
Refund claims in respect of payments received by way of online remittances - Clarifications issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.No.21658/adc2/2014/P&ARD Dated 24.03.2015.
P & ARD- Disciplinary Action taken against the Officials who are going to be Retired- immediate finalization reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.515/Ad 2/2015/P&ARD Dated. 23.03.2015Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- restrictions in using Smoking,drinking during duty time-instructions - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.2085/2015/GAD Dated 23.03.2015
General Administrative Department- chief ministers Janasamparkaparipadi 2015-Including UID Number,Bank Account Number Mobile Number reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 386/2015/LBR Dated 21.03.2015
Labour and Skills Department - Departmental Examination - Revised Syllabus -direction of KPSC- Approved-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.13/2015/P&ARD Dated 21.03.2015.
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C. -May,June 2015-creation of supernumerary post -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.369/2015/LBR Dated 19.03.2015
Labour and Skills department- Unemployment Wage - 2014 April to August -sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 32/2015/Fin Dated. 18-03-2015
Treasury Transactions - Rushing of Bills and Drawal of advance towards the close of the Financial Year - Avoidance of - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 114/2015/(206)/Fin Dated. 17-03-2015
Pay Revision 2009 - Excise Department - Enhancement of Uniform Allowance - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 93/2015/H.Edn Dated. 11-03- 2015
Higher Education - Kerala Technological University - Disaffiliation of Engineering Colleges in the State of Kerala - Affiliated to Kerala Technological University - Orders Issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD .
Updation of SPARK data of Employees - Directions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 31/2015/H&FWD Dated. 19-02-2015
Health & Family Welfare Department - Oushadhi (The Pharmaceutical Corporation (I.M) Kerala Ltd) - Wage of General Workers - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 105/2015/TD Dated. 16-02-2015
Taxes Department - Goods and Service Tax - State preparation for smooth transition to GST - Constitution of State Empowered Committee on GST - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Social Justice Department-Social security pension scheme-Annual income limit unified-Amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Taxes Department - Goods and Service Tax - State preparation for smooth transition to GST - Constitution of State Empowered Committee on GST - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.08/2015/SJD Dated 12.02.2015.Social Justice Department-Social security pension scheme-Annual income limit unified-Amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 72/2015/Fin Dated. 07-02-2015
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-07-2014 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.28/2015/G.Edn Dated 30.01.2015.Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-07-2014 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
General Education - Printing department - withdrawal of milk /milk allowance - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 05/2015/P & ARD Dated. 29-01-2015
Public Services - Persons in Service belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes - Temporary Exemption from Passing Special or Departmental Tests - Period of Exemption - Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 20/2015/GAD Dated. 17-01-2015G.O (P) No. 05/2015/P & ARD Dated. 29-01-2015
Public Services - Persons in Service belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes - Temporary Exemption from Passing Special or Departmental Tests - Period of Exemption - Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 178/2015/H.Edn Dated. 29-01-2015
Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education - Timing of College Teachers - Implementation of Punching System - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education - Timing of College Teachers - Implementation of Punching System - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Kerala Right to Information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Amendment Rules 2015 DOWNLOAD
G.O(P)NO.3/2015/BCDD Dated, 23.01.2015
Backward Communities Development Department - Scheme for excluding the creamy layer from the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes for admission to Professional Degree Courses - Authority for Issuing Non - Creamy Layer Certificate- Amended- Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Backward Communities Development Department - Scheme for excluding the creamy layer from the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes for admission to Professional Degree Courses - Authority for Issuing Non - Creamy Layer Certificate- Amended- Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.85976/HKA1/2014/GAD Dated 21.01.2015.Government Secretariat-General administration(house keeping cell) Dept-Secretariat Security measures, Parking facility reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 13/2015/Fin Dated. 20-01-2015Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to Disabled and Physically Handicapped Employees - Clarifications issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 11/2015/G.Edn Dated. 14-01-2015
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Higher Secondary Examination - Concession to the students with special needs - Extending the benefits enjoyed by the students appearing for SSLC Examination to the students appearing for Higher Secondary Examination permanently - Sanction accorded - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 11/2015/G.Edn Dated. 14-01-2015
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Higher Secondary Examination - Concession to the students with special needs - Extending the benefits enjoyed by the students appearing for SSLC Examination to the students appearing for Higher Secondary Examination permanently - Sanction accorded - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
Pension - National Pension System for All India Service (Kerala Cadre) Officer and State Employees - Realization of backlog contributions - Guidelines and accounting procedure - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 22/2015/GAD Dated. 19-01-2015
Public Services - Threatened Strike by a Section of Government Employees & Teachers on 22nd January 2015 - Measures for dealing with Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 9/2015/GAD Dated. 08-01-2015
Constitution of Kerala Administrative Service - Amendment to the report of the Committee set up to study the feasibility of creating Kerala Administrative Service - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 26/2015/H.Edn Dated. 06-01-2015
Higher Education Department - Government Law Colleges - Establishment - Sanction to Introduce Uniform to Students in Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 02/2015 (203)/Fin Dated. 05-01-2015
Pay Revision 2009 - Enhancement of Uniform Allowance - Police Department - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 4/2015/H.Edn Dated. 05-01-2015
Higher Education Department - Technical - Prospectus for Admission to Professional Degree Course - 2015, Kerala - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.04/2015/H&FWD Dated, 05.01.2015.FWD - H.I.V Patient-Monthly pension - Rs.1000/- increased -Orders issued.
..................................................................................................................................... G.O (P) G.O (P) No.1/2015/BCDD Dated. 01-01-2015
Backward Communities Development Department - Scheme for excluding the Creamy Layer from the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes for Reservation in admission to professional Degree Courses - Report of Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes - Accepted - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 02/2015 (203)/Fin Dated. 05-01-2015
Pay Revision 2009 - Enhancement of Uniform Allowance - Police Department - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 4/2015/H.Edn Dated. 05-01-2015
Higher Education Department - Technical - Prospectus for Admission to Professional Degree Course - 2015, Kerala - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms)No.04/2015/H&FWD Dated, 05.01.2015.FWD - H.I.V Patient-Monthly pension - Rs.1000/- increased -Orders issued.
..................................................................................................................................... G.O (P) G.O (P) No.1/2015/BCDD Dated. 01-01-2015
Backward Communities Development Department - Scheme for excluding the Creamy Layer from the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes for Reservation in admission to professional Degree Courses - Report of Kerala State Commission for Backward Classes - Accepted - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of retired teachers of Government / Aided Ayurveda Medical College under AICTE / UGC / Medical Education Scale of Pay - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 43/2014/P & ARD Dated. 27-12-2014
Personnel and Administrative Department - IMG - Ratification of the Enhancement of the Retirement Age of IMG Staff to 60 Years - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (P) No.575/2014/Fin Dated 23/12/2014
Government have introduced "Baalasanthwanam-2014" for providing treatment assistance to the Cancer affected Children undergoing treatment in Regional Cancer Centre.- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Government have introduced "Baalasanthwanam-2014" for providing treatment assistance to the Cancer affected Children undergoing treatment in Regional Cancer Centre.- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No.278/2014/G.Edn Dated. 23/12/2014
General Education Department - Teachers Bank and Staff Fixation - Guidelines - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 956/2014/H.Edn Dated. 20-12-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Conducting Examination of Computer related Certificate Course Entrusting the, Centre for Continuing Education, Kerala - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No.278/2014/G.Edn Dated. 23/12/2014
General Education Department - Teachers Bank and Staff Fixation - Guidelines - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 207/2014/TD Dated. 22-12-2014
Taxes Department -Formulation of Rubber Price Stabilization Scheme - Procedure for the implementation of the Scheme - Prescribed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
.....................................................................................................................................Taxes Department -Formulation of Rubber Price Stabilization Scheme - Procedure for the implementation of the Scheme - Prescribed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 956/2014/H.Edn Dated. 20-12-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Conducting Examination of Computer related Certificate Course Entrusting the, Centre for Continuing Education, Kerala - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 566/2014/Fin Dated. 19-12-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala State Insurance Department - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - Extension of Time for Deduction and Remittance of Premium for the Year 2015 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) NO. 9745/CDN/2014/GAD Dated 19.12.2014.
General Administration Department - Diary and Daily Remembrance in 2015-Selling Price Fixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 566/2014/Fin Dated. 19-12-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala State Insurance Department - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - Extension of Time for Deduction and Remittance of Premium for the Year 2015 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) NO. 9745/CDN/2014/GAD Dated 19.12.2014.
General Administration Department - Diary and Daily Remembrance in 2015-Selling Price Fixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 107/2014/Fin Dated. 18-12-2014Medical Reimbursement Verification of Essentiality Certificate by Competent Authority - Specification of Admissible amount - Instruction to Heads of Department - Reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR NO.1001/SC1/2014/GAD Dated, 17.12.2014.
General Administration Department - Instruction to File Annual property Statement Online for Employees reg- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 106/2014/Fin Dated. 16-12-2014
Implementation of National Pension System - Applicability of the Scheme - Clarifications - Issued DOWNLOAD
No.92697/H.K.A2/2014/GAD Dated 16.12.2014.
General Administration Department- Govt Secretariat (house keeping cell) - to conduct Seva Camp for Passport Employees reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No. 25085/adv .c3/2014/P & ARD Dated 15.12.2014.
P&ARD- Reporting of Anticipatory Vacancies for L.D.C. , June 2015 - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 551/2014/Fin Dated. 15-12-2014
Securitisation of Principal and Interest portion of existing House Loan Portfolio - Repayment to State Bank of India and Canara Bank - Monthly instalments - Payment for the month of December, 2014 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No. 25085/adv .c3/2014/P & ARD Dated 15.12.2014.
P&ARD- Reporting of Anticipatory Vacancies for L.D.C. , June 2015 - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 551/2014/Fin Dated. 15-12-2014
Securitisation of Principal and Interest portion of existing House Loan Portfolio - Repayment to State Bank of India and Canara Bank - Monthly instalments - Payment for the month of December, 2014 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (Ms) No.42/2014/P&ARD Dated 12.12.2014.
P & ARD- Malayalam, Official Language - formation of new Samithi- orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) NO.57583/CDN/2014/GAD Dated 10.12.2014.P & ARD- Malayalam, Official Language - formation of new Samithi- orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 549/2014/Fin Dated. 12-12-2014
Finance Department - Extension of House Building Advance Scheme to Teaching / Non Teaching Staff working in Panchayat / Municipality Schools which have been taken over by Government - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 549/2014/Fin Dated. 12-12-2014
Finance Department - Extension of House Building Advance Scheme to Teaching / Non Teaching Staff working in Panchayat / Municipality Schools which have been taken over by Government - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
General Administration Department-Govt calender, Dairy and Daily Remembrance in 2015- Guideline for the Submission of Indent reg.DOWNLOAD
Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial Year 2014-15 under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act 1961 DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 149/2014/Co-op Dated. 10-12-2014
Co-Operation Department - Revision of Pension and Allowances under Co-Operative Employees Self Financing Pension Scheme 1995 and State Co-Operative Bank and District Co-Operative Bank Pension Scheme 2005 - Amended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 295/14/AD Dated. 09-12-2014
Agriculture (AH) Department - Kerala Livestock Development Board - Abolition of Vacant Posts of Worker Category - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No 52/2014/Plg. Dated 09.12.2014.
planning &Economic Affairs Department -Moratorium on revenue recovery for education loans-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 939/14/H Edn Dated. 09-12-2014
Higher Education - IHRD - Pay Revision - Extending the benefit of 9th Pay Revision to the Employees of IHRD and the Institutions under it - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 533/2014/Fin Dated. 08-12-2014
Finance Department - Opening of Dedicated Non-Interest bearing Special Treasury Savings Bank Account for streamlining the flow of Funds under Centrally Sponsored Schemes - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 265/2014/G Edn Dated. 06-12-2014
General Education Department - Estt -Promotion - Exemption from Departmental Test Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Higher Education-Printing Press Department - Case.No.O.A.787/14 dated 29/05/2014- Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal's order -Finalized (Transfer on the basis of Outstation Service) -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.99/2014/SJD Dated 27.11.2014
Social Justice Department - Endosulphan victims - Financial assistant increased - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD.
G O (P) No 519/2014/Fin Dated 27/11/2014
Finance Department - Social Security Pensions / Labour Welfare Pension - Adhar - Time limit extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.9128/2014/GAD Dated 26.11.2014.
General Administration department- Govt offices & Edn institution in Thriruvananthapuram, Palakkad ,Pathanamthitta ,Idukki, Wayanad - Thaipongal- HOLIDAY on 15-01-2015-Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Interest Free Medical Advance - Inclusion of Date of Birth and Permanent Employee Number (PEN) in the sanction order - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 497/2014/(201)/Fin Dated. 12-11-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Insurance Medical Services Department and Health Services Department - Dental Surgeons - Pay and Allowances - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 493/2014/Fin Dated. 12-11-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala Insurance Department - Amendment in G.O (P) No. 530/13/Fin Dated. 22-10-2013 (SLI Rules) Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
..................................................................................................................................... G.O (P) No. 489/2014/Fin Dated. 11-11-2014
Preparation of database in respect of State Service Pensioners - PRISM (Pensioner Information System) - Entry of data of pensioners in PRISM - Holding the original Pension Payment Orders in treasuries -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 232/14/Gl. Edn Dated. 06-11-2014
Vocational Higher Secondary Education - Approving of Practical Paper of Vocational Higher Secondary Course as Equivalent / Alternate Qualification to KGTE Typewriting English (Lower) and Computer Word Processing (Lower) - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 533/2014/Fin Dated. 08-12-2014
Finance Department - Opening of Dedicated Non-Interest bearing Special Treasury Savings Bank Account for streamlining the flow of Funds under Centrally Sponsored Schemes - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 265/2014/G Edn Dated. 06-12-2014
General Education Department - Estt -Promotion - Exemption from Departmental Test Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 24741/adv .c3/2014/P&ARD Dated 05.12.2014.
P & ARD - Reporting of Anticipatory Vacancies through E-mail to K.P.S.C - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 40/2014/P & ARD Dated. 05-12-2014
P & ARD - Appointment to the Last Grade Service - Police Verification and P S C Verification made mandatory for Regularization of Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 24741/adv .c3/2014/P&ARD Dated 05.12.2014.
P & ARD - Reporting of Anticipatory Vacancies through E-mail to K.P.S.C - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 5435/2014/G.Edn Dated. 05-12-2014
General Education Department - Kerala State Open School - Registration System for the Secondary Course of National Institute of Open School and Plus One Course of Kerala State Open School during 2014-15 - Relaxation extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD.....................................................................................................................................
G.O (P) No. 40/2014/P & ARD Dated. 05-12-2014
P & ARD - Appointment to the Last Grade Service - Police Verification and P S C Verification made mandatory for Regularization of Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.25085/adv .c3/2014/P&ARD Dated 03.12.2014.
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C. -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C. -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No.3187/2014/LSGD Dated 03.12.2014.
Local Self Government Department-corporations & Municipalities-Online application for the building construction permit-guideline -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 104/2014/Fin Dated. 02-12-2014
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Extension of date encashment - HBA 4th Batch allotment 2013-14 from Budget Provision 2014-15 - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
Local Self Government Department-corporations & Municipalities-Online application for the building construction permit-guideline -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 104/2014/Fin Dated. 02-12-2014
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Extension of date encashment - HBA 4th Batch allotment 2013-14 from Budget Provision 2014-15 - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 523/2014/Fin Dated. 01-12-2014
Economy in Expenditure - Printing of Diaries - Restricted - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
....................................................................................................................................G.O (P) No. 523/2014/Fin Dated. 01-12-2014
Economy in Expenditure - Printing of Diaries - Restricted - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.( Ms) No.916/2014/H.Edn Dated 29.11.2014.
Higher Education- Printing Department-Government Press Establishment Transformed Government Department fully Governed by KERALA SERVICE RULES - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 521/2014/Fin Dated. 29-11-2014
Tenth Pay Revision Commission for Revision of Pay and Allowances of Government Employees, Staff of Educational Institutions, Local bodies etc - Tenure Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 5946/2014/RD Dated 29.11.2014
Revenue Department- Inspecting Assistant Post in Legal Metrology (6 Nos.)-Class IV Employees - Temporary Promotion - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Health & Family Welfare Department - Stipend of P G Homeo Students - Enhanced - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 103/2014/Fin Dated. 29-11-2014
Implementation of E-Office in Kerala Government Secretariat - Instruction for sending files to Finance Department from Administrative Department - Further Guidelines - Issued DOWNLOAD
Higher Education- Printing Department-Government Press Establishment Transformed Government Department fully Governed by KERALA SERVICE RULES - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 521/2014/Fin Dated. 29-11-2014
Tenth Pay Revision Commission for Revision of Pay and Allowances of Government Employees, Staff of Educational Institutions, Local bodies etc - Tenure Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Revenue Department- Inspecting Assistant Post in Legal Metrology (6 Nos.)-Class IV Employees - Temporary Promotion - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 339/2014/H & FWD Dated 29-11-2014Health & Family Welfare Department - Stipend of P G Homeo Students - Enhanced - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 103/2014/Fin Dated. 29-11-2014
Implementation of E-Office in Kerala Government Secretariat - Instruction for sending files to Finance Department from Administrative Department - Further Guidelines - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 2831/2014/H.Edn Dated 29.11.2014.Higher Education-Printing Press Department - Case.No.O.A.787/14 dated 29/05/2014- Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal's order -Finalized (Transfer on the basis of Outstation Service) -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.99/2014/SJD Dated 27.11.2014
Social Justice Department - Endosulphan victims - Financial assistant increased - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD.
G O (P) No 519/2014/Fin Dated 27/11/2014
Finance Department - Social Security Pensions / Labour Welfare Pension - Adhar - Time limit extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.9128/2014/GAD Dated 26.11.2014.
General Administration department- Govt offices & Edn institution in Thriruvananthapuram, Palakkad ,Pathanamthitta ,Idukki, Wayanad - Thaipongal- HOLIDAY on 15-01-2015-Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.247/2014/Gl.Edn Dated 24.11.2014.
General Education Department-2015-16 academic year- Sanctioning of additional Higher Secondary Schools and batches- Revised -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
General administration - Election on December 2nd 2014 in local self institution-Restriction in transfer of officials - orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 494/2014/P & ARD Dated. 22-11-2014
P & ARD - WP (C) No. 36233/09 Filed by the IMG Staff Association and WA 866/10 filed by the State of Kerala - Judgment complying of - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
General Education Department-2015-16 academic year- Sanctioning of additional Higher Secondary Schools and batches- Revised -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt)No.9027/2014/GAD Dated. 22/11/2014General administration - Election on December 2nd 2014 in local self institution-Restriction in transfer of officials - orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 494/2014/P & ARD Dated. 22-11-2014
P & ARD - WP (C) No. 36233/09 Filed by the IMG Staff Association and WA 866/10 filed by the State of Kerala - Judgment complying of - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.3742/2014/H&FWD Dated 18.11.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department-Homeopathy Medical Edn- M.D Homeo admission - formation of medical board-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 96/2014/F & WLD Dated. 17-11-2014
Forest & Wild Life Department - The Kerala Rules for Compensation to Victims of attack by Wild Animals 1980 - Amended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 507/2014/Fin Dated. 17-11-2014
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme Renewal of the Scheme for the Year 2015 - Order Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.3742/2014/H&FWD Dated 18.11.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department-Homeopathy Medical Edn- M.D Homeo admission - formation of medical board-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 96/2014/F & WLD Dated. 17-11-2014
Forest & Wild Life Department - The Kerala Rules for Compensation to Victims of attack by Wild Animals 1980 - Amended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 507/2014/Fin Dated. 17-11-2014
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme Renewal of the Scheme for the Year 2015 - Order Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.16203/A R12(1)/2013/P&ARD Dated 15.11.2014.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Kerala State Right to Service Act 2012- No Separate Application for the Service of Various Government Department -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Notification - G.O (P) No. 188/2014/TD Dated 14-11-2014
SRO No. 698/2014 - Government of Kerala - Increase the existing Fair Value of Land in Kerala as per Sub Section 1 of Section 28A by Fifty percent . DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 38/2014/P & ARD Dated. 14-11-2014
P & ARD - Mutual or Inter Departmental Transfer from one unit to another in the same Department or from one Department to another within the same subordinate service - Conditions for granting transfer to Government Servants other than Last Grade Servants - Reckoning of Seniority - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
The Kerala Motor Vehicle Tax Taxation Amendment) Ordinance, 2014
(Ordinance No. 30 of 2014) DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.16203/A R12(1)/2013/P&ARD Dated 15.11.2014.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Kerala State Right to Service Act 2012- No Separate Application for the Service of Various Government Department -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Notification - G.O (P) No. 188/2014/TD Dated 14-11-2014
SRO No. 698/2014 - Government of Kerala - Increase the existing Fair Value of Land in Kerala as per Sub Section 1 of Section 28A by Fifty percent . DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 38/2014/P & ARD Dated. 14-11-2014
P & ARD - Mutual or Inter Departmental Transfer from one unit to another in the same Department or from one Department to another within the same subordinate service - Conditions for granting transfer to Government Servants other than Last Grade Servants - Reckoning of Seniority - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
The Kerala Motor Vehicle Tax Taxation Amendment) Ordinance, 2014
(Ordinance No. 30 of 2014) DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 98/2014/Fin Dated. 13-11-2014Interest Free Medical Advance - Inclusion of Date of Birth and Permanent Employee Number (PEN) in the sanction order - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 497/2014/(201)/Fin Dated. 12-11-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Insurance Medical Services Department and Health Services Department - Dental Surgeons - Pay and Allowances - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 493/2014/Fin Dated. 12-11-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala Insurance Department - Amendment in G.O (P) No. 530/13/Fin Dated. 22-10-2013 (SLI Rules) Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
..................................................................................................................................... G.O (P) No. 489/2014/Fin Dated. 11-11-2014
Preparation of database in respect of State Service Pensioners - PRISM (Pensioner Information System) - Entry of data of pensioners in PRISM - Holding the original Pension Payment Orders in treasuries -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 232/14/Gl. Edn Dated. 06-11-2014
Vocational Higher Secondary Education - Approving of Practical Paper of Vocational Higher Secondary Course as Equivalent / Alternate Qualification to KGTE Typewriting English (Lower) and Computer Word Processing (Lower) - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(Rt)No.2924/2014/Home Dated 06.11.2014.
Home Department-Sabarimala Makaravilakku festival 2014-15- special
police selection-sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O(Rt)No.2924/2014/Home Dated 06.11.2014.
Home Department-Sabarimala Makaravilakku festival 2014-15- special
police selection-sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 25/2014/BCDD Dated 01.11.2014.
Backward Communities Development Department - providing Caste Certificate to the Nadar Christians (S.I.U.C)- guideline -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2610/2014/H.Edn Dated. 01-11-2014
Higher Education Department - Government / Self Financing Law Colleges - Admission to LLM Course 2014-15 - Prospectus approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 25/2014/BCDD Dated 01.11.2014.
Backward Communities Development Department - providing Caste Certificate to the Nadar Christians (S.I.U.C)- guideline -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2610/2014/H.Edn Dated. 01-11-2014
Higher Education Department - Government / Self Financing Law Colleges - Admission to LLM Course 2014-15 - Prospectus approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Social Justice Department- Differently - abled persons who were working temporarily from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange - Re-appointment of orders- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Health & Family Welfare Department - Time Bound settling of Medical Reimbursement Claims in respect of Government Servants / Teachers suffering from Cancer and Kidney Diseases - Instruction issued - Regarding DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 74/2014/Trans Dated. 17.10.14
G.O (Rt) No. 3530/2014/H&FWD Dated. 29-10-2014
G.O (Rt) No. 8433/2014/GAD Dated. 01-11-2014
General Administration Department - Sports & Games - All India Civil Services Basketball Tournament 2014-15 - Participation of Kerala State Civil Services Team - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 8434/2014/GAD Dated. 01-11-2014
General Administration Department - Sports & Games - All India Civil Services Power Lifting, Weight Lifting & Best Physique Tournament 2014-15 - Participation of Kerala State Civil Services Team - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
General Administration Department - Sports & Games - All India Civil Services Basketball Tournament 2014-15 - Participation of Kerala State Civil Services Team - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 8434/2014/GAD Dated. 01-11-2014
General Administration Department - Sports & Games - All India Civil Services Power Lifting, Weight Lifting & Best Physique Tournament 2014-15 - Participation of Kerala State Civil Services Team - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (Ms) No. 945/SC I/2014/GAD Dated 31.10.2014
General Administration Department - pension for retired employees -guideline for pension - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 3537/2014/H&FWD Dated. 30-10-2014
Health and Family Welfare Department - Estt - Order in TA 2052/2012 of the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal, Thiruvananthapuram - Complied - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (Ms) No. 945/SC I/2014/GAD Dated 31.10.2014
General Administration Department - pension for retired employees -guideline for pension - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 3537/2014/H&FWD Dated. 30-10-2014
Health and Family Welfare Department - Estt - Order in TA 2052/2012 of the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal, Thiruvananthapuram - Complied - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.89/2014/SJD Dated, 30.10.2014Social Justice Department- Differently - abled persons who were working temporarily from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange - Re-appointment of orders- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 49329/G2/14/H&FWD Dated. 29-10-2014Health & Family Welfare Department - Time Bound settling of Medical Reimbursement Claims in respect of Government Servants / Teachers suffering from Cancer and Kidney Diseases - Instruction issued - Regarding DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 74/2014/Trans Dated. 17.10.14
Health & Family Welfare Department - 'Sukrutham' anti Cancer treatment scheme - Inclusion of additional directions for implementation of the scheme - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.12163/OL.3/2014/P&ARD Dated 08.10.2014.
Official Language Department- Displaying of name boards of official vehicles in Malayalam-Regarding. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 75188/Cdn.4/2014/GAD Dated. 28-10-2014
General Administration Department - Inclusion of PIN Code in the name boards
of Government Offices and the Contact Telephone Numbers & E mail addresses
of the senders in all Government Communications - Strict compliance - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.12163/OL.3/2014/P&ARD Dated 08.10.2014.
Official Language Department- Displaying of name boards of official vehicles in Malayalam-Regarding. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 75188/Cdn.4/2014/GAD Dated. 28-10-2014
General Administration Department - Inclusion of PIN Code in the name boards
of Government Offices and the Contact Telephone Numbers & E mail addresses
of the senders in all Government Communications - Strict compliance - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 466/2014/Fin Dated. 28-10-2014
Public Services - Appointment of Employees on DAILY WAGES - Enhancement
of Daily Wages in Respect of Various Categories - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 466/2014/Fin Dated. 28-10-2014
Public Services - Appointment of Employees on DAILY WAGES - Enhancement
of Daily Wages in Respect of Various Categories - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.1823/2014/SCSTDD Dated, 27.10.2014.SC/ST Development Department-Financial assistance for funeral ceremonies - amount increased - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 465/2014/Fin Dated. 27-10-2014
National Pension System - Deployment of Personnel from Treasury Department to Finance NPS Cell - Extension for a further period of three months - Sanctioned accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.642/2014/SJD Dated, 24.10.2014.
Social Justice Department-Project Thalolam -Free treatment to children upto 18 years -included Institute for communicative and cognitive neuroscience- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 465/2014/Fin Dated. 27-10-2014
National Pension System - Deployment of Personnel from Treasury Department to Finance NPS Cell - Extension for a further period of three months - Sanctioned accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.642/2014/SJD Dated, 24.10.2014.
Social Justice Department-Project Thalolam -Free treatment to children upto 18 years -included Institute for communicative and cognitive neuroscience- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.87/2014/SJD Dated 20.10.2014
Social Justice Department- Monthly financial assistance for who affected
hemophilia-guideline amended- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.87/2014/SJD Dated 20.10.2014
Social Justice Department- Monthly financial assistance for who affected
hemophilia-guideline amended- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 3415/2014/H & FWD Dated. 20-10-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - 'Sukrutham' Anti Cancer Treatment Scheme - Guidelines for implementation of the Scheme - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.305/2014/H&FWD Dated 20.10.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department -Additional Resource procurement-Health,
Health education, Indian system of medicine ,Homeo are exempted from non
taxation revenue -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.4992/2014/RD Dated 17/10/2014
Revenue Department - overcome the crisis faced by state treasury - Restriction
of using display advertisement - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 3415/2014/H & FWD Dated. 20-10-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - 'Sukrutham' Anti Cancer Treatment Scheme - Guidelines for implementation of the Scheme - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.305/2014/H&FWD Dated 20.10.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department -Additional Resource procurement-Health,
Health education, Indian system of medicine ,Homeo are exempted from non
taxation revenue -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.4992/2014/RD Dated 17/10/2014
Revenue Department - overcome the crisis faced by state treasury - Restriction
of using display advertisement - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 175/2014/TD Dated. 16-10-2014
Taxes Department - Rate of Increase of Tax on Cigarettes - Share of 3%
of Tax on Cigarettes set aside for Cancer Care - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 92/Admin C2/2014/Fin Dated. 14-10-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Referring files to the Chief Technical
Examiner - Revised - Reg. DOWNLOAD
Taxes Department - Rate of Increase of Tax on Cigarettes - Share of 3%
of Tax on Cigarettes set aside for Cancer Care - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 92/Admin C2/2014/Fin Dated. 14-10-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Referring files to the Chief Technical
Examiner - Revised - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 91/2014/Fin Dated. 13-10-2014
National Pension System - Delay in registration of Employees coming under
National Pension Scheme (NPS) - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 91/2014/Fin Dated. 13-10-2014
National Pension System - Delay in registration of Employees coming under
National Pension Scheme (NPS) - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 440/2014/Fin Dated. 13-10-2014
Pension - National Pension System - Crediting of Arrears of Pay and Dearness Allowances in respect of State Government Employees to General Provident Fund - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 440/2014/Fin Dated. 13-10-2014
Pension - National Pension System - Crediting of Arrears of Pay and Dearness Allowances in respect of State Government Employees to General Provident Fund - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 441/2014/Fin Dated. 13-10-2014Pension - Revision of Pension in respect of those coming under UGC / AICTE /
M.Edn Scheme Scale of Pay - Protection of drop in emoluments of post 01-01-2006 Pensioners - Sanctioned Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 9481/R1/2011/P & ARD Dated. 10-10-2014
P & ARD - Equivalency of Qualification for Posts included in the Special Rules - Issuance of Timely Modification DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 9481/R1/2011/P & ARD Dated. 10-10-2014
P & ARD - Equivalency of Qualification for Posts included in the Special Rules - Issuance of Timely Modification DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.619/2014/SJD Dated 10.10.2014
Social Justice Department- Cancer suraksha scheme-Included Ernakulam Government Medical College Hospital - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4078/2014/G.Edn Dated. 09-10-2014
General Education - Unaided Schools - Granting of recognition to unrecognized School following State Syllabus - Time extended for submitting application - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No.619/2014/SJD Dated 10.10.2014
Social Justice Department- Cancer suraksha scheme-Included Ernakulam Government Medical College Hospital - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4078/2014/G.Edn Dated. 09-10-2014
General Education - Unaided Schools - Granting of recognition to unrecognized School following State Syllabus - Time extended for submitting application - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. H2/35637/14 Dated 09-10-2014
General Education - Government / Aided Schools - Bogus Admission - Time allowed for rectification - DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 90/2014/Fin Dated. 08-10-2014
Payment of Pensionary Benefits - Form of LC / NLC issued in Circular No. 5/83/Fin - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.82/2014/SJD Dated 08.10.2014
Social Justice Department - Differently - abled persons who were working temporarily from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange- Re-appointment of orders- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. H2/35637/14 Dated 09-10-2014
General Education - Government / Aided Schools - Bogus Admission - Time allowed for rectification - DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 90/2014/Fin Dated. 08-10-2014
Payment of Pensionary Benefits - Form of LC / NLC issued in Circular No. 5/83/Fin - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.82/2014/SJD Dated 08.10.2014
Social Justice Department - Differently - abled persons who were working temporarily from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange- Re-appointment of orders- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 89/2014/Fin Dated. 08-10-2014Foreign Tours of Government Officers, Executives, Directors and Employees of PSUs, Corporations and Autonomous Bodies - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 88/2014/Fin Dated. 08-10-2014
Bringing Establishment Claims of Cheque Drawing Departments under Bill System - Assigning Drawing and Disbursing Officer Power to the Assistant Engineers of PWD Electricals and Electronic Wing - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 427/2014/Fin Dated. 30-09-2014
Pension - Two Family Pension for Military and / or Civil Employments - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 88/2014/Fin Dated. 08-10-2014
Bringing Establishment Claims of Cheque Drawing Departments under Bill System - Assigning Drawing and Disbursing Officer Power to the Assistant Engineers of PWD Electricals and Electronic Wing - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 427/2014/Fin Dated. 30-09-2014
Pension - Two Family Pension for Military and / or Civil Employments - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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D O. No.81272/RMC1/2014/Fin Dated 30/ 09/2014.
Government have issued further instructions to all Heads of Departments to be complied while revising the rate of items of Non-tax revenue. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.73640/C.D.N.4/2014/GAD Dated 27.09.2014
Swatchatha Bharath Mission-Pledge- (Swatchatha Sapadh) on 2nd October in Government institutions-reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 601/2014/SJD Dated. 27-09-2014
Social Justice Department - Wages of School Counselor Enhanced - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 167/2014/LSGD Dated. 27-09-2014
Local Self Government Department - Completed Construction - Occupancy - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
D O. No.81272/RMC1/2014/Fin Dated 30/ 09/2014.
Government have issued further instructions to all Heads of Departments to be complied while revising the rate of items of Non-tax revenue. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.73640/C.D.N.4/2014/GAD Dated 27.09.2014
Swatchatha Bharath Mission-Pledge- (Swatchatha Sapadh) on 2nd October in Government institutions-reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 601/2014/SJD Dated. 27-09-2014
Social Justice Department - Wages of School Counselor Enhanced - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 167/2014/LSGD Dated. 27-09-2014
Local Self Government Department - Completed Construction - Occupancy - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No.33/2014/ P&ARD Dated 26.09.2014. Establishment - Compassionate Employment Scheme - Seniority Guidelines rectified - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 287/2014/H & FWD Dated. 26-09-2014
G.O (Ms) No. 287/2014/H & FWD Dated. 26-09-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Implementation of Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 in the State - Qualification and method of appointment of Food Safety Officers - Fixing of - Revised Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 1479/Adv.C2/2014/P & ARD Dated 25-09-2014Promotion during the currency of Penalty of withholding of Increment with or without cumulative effect under KCS (CC & A) Rules - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms)No.812/2014/H.Edn Dated 25.09.2014.
Higher Education -Printing Department-Pension sanctioned for S.L.V. Employees-considering the prior to 1.3.2006- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 409/2014/Fin Dated. 23-09-2014Mobilisation of Additional Resources for the State - Revision of Non Tax Revenue items - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 264/14/GAD Dated 23-09-2014
General Administration (Sainik Welfare) Department - Sainik Welfare Department - Class IV and Low paid Employees (Included in the Subordinate Services) - Recruitment to the post of Lower Division Clerks and Lower Division Typists through Kerala Public Service Commission - Reservation of Vacancies - Enhanced - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.193/2014/G.Edn Dated. 22.09.2014.
General Education Department- Higher Secondary Education- General Transfer of Higher Secondary School Teachers-amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No. H2/35637/14 Dated. 19-09-2014Staff Fixation : Teachers Bank - Collection of Employee details from Corporate Management Schools for the Year 2014-15 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 400/2014/Fin Dated. 19-09-2014
Ways and Means Position of the State - Enforcement of Additional Economy Measures and Measures for Revenue Realization - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.17482/PR.C3/2014/I&PRD Dated 19.09.2014.
P&ARD-Reporting of Vaccancies at Company/Board/ L.G.S of Corporations/Junior Assistant Grade II, Clerk,Cashier -reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 82/2014 Dated. 18-09-2014
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees 2014-15 - Combined Seniority List - Published - Reg. DOWNLOAD
The Combined Seniority List DOWNLOADG.O (P) No. 400/2014/Fin Dated. 19-09-2014
Ways and Means Position of the State - Enforcement of Additional Economy Measures and Measures for Revenue Realization - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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P&ARD-Reporting of Vaccancies at Company/Board/ L.G.S of Corporations/Junior Assistant Grade II, Clerk,Cashier -reg. DOWNLOAD
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House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees 2014-15 - Combined Seniority List - Published - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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No. H2/35637/14 Dated 17-09-2014
General Education - Staff Fixation -Teachers Bank - Employee details collection
2014-15 - Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.189/2014/G.Edn Dated. 16/09/2014
Higher Secondary - Five days a week time schedule - Revised orders issued - DOWNLOAD
No. H2/35637/14 Dated 17-09-2014
General Education - Staff Fixation -Teachers Bank - Employee details collection
2014-15 - Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.189/2014/G.Edn Dated. 16/09/2014
Higher Secondary - Five days a week time schedule - Revised orders issued - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 388/2014/Fin Dated. 11-09-2014
Kerala State Information Commission - Pension to State Chief Information Commissioner / State Information Commissioners - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (RT) No. 571/2014/SJD Dated 10.09.2014.
Social Justice Department- Social Pension/ Financial Assistance increased-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.19493/PR.C3/2014/P&ARD Dated 10.09.2014.
P&ARD - Reporting existing vaccancies to P S C- reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No 384/2014/Fin Dated. 05-09-2014
Disbursement of Social Security Pensions - Proceedings Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 271/2014/H & FWD Dated. 04-09-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Exemption of Peanut Safe Syringe from mutilation processes prescribed for ordinary Syringes - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 3011/2014/H&FWD Dated. 04-09-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Hospital Development Societies / Hospital Management Committees - Adhoc Bonus / Festival Allowance to the Employees engaged by HDS / HMC of Government Hospitals / Medical College Hospitals etc - Sanctioned accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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The Kerala Value Added Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 2014
(Ordinance No. 21 of 2014) DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 383/2014/Fin Dated. 03-09-2014
Finance Department - Special Deposit Scheme for Public Sector Undertakings etc - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 2127/2014/H.Edn Dated. 03-09-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Implementation of Public Entrance Examinations Coaching Shceme (PEECS) - Students appearing for Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) - Humanities and Social Science Entrance Examination (HSEE) and Integrated BA LL.B (Kerala) etc - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 782/2014/H.Edn Dated. 16-09-2014
Higher Education Department - Implementation of Community College Scheme - Further Guidelines fixed - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 388/2014/Fin Dated. 11-09-2014
Kerala State Information Commission - Pension to State Chief Information Commissioner / State Information Commissioners - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (RT) No. 571/2014/SJD Dated 10.09.2014.
Social Justice Department- Social Pension/ Financial Assistance increased-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.19493/PR.C3/2014/P&ARD Dated 10.09.2014.
P&ARD - Reporting existing vaccancies to P S C- reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No 384/2014/Fin Dated. 05-09-2014
Disbursement of Social Security Pensions - Proceedings Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 271/2014/H & FWD Dated. 04-09-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Exemption of Peanut Safe Syringe from mutilation processes prescribed for ordinary Syringes - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 3011/2014/H&FWD Dated. 04-09-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Hospital Development Societies / Hospital Management Committees - Adhoc Bonus / Festival Allowance to the Employees engaged by HDS / HMC of Government Hospitals / Medical College Hospitals etc - Sanctioned accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 108/2014/Co-op Dated. 03-09-2014
Co-operation Department - Revision of Pension and Allowances under Co-operative Employees Self Financing Pension Scheme 1995 and State Co-operative Bank and District Co-operative Bank Pension Scheme 2005 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Kerala Value Added Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 2014
(Ordinance No. 21 of 2014) DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 383/2014/Fin Dated. 03-09-2014
Finance Department - Special Deposit Scheme for Public Sector Undertakings etc - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 2127/2014/H.Edn Dated. 03-09-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Implementation of Public Entrance Examinations Coaching Shceme (PEECS) - Students appearing for Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) - Humanities and Social Science Entrance Examination (HSEE) and Integrated BA LL.B (Kerala) etc - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 268/2014/F & CSD Dated. 01-09-2014
Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd - Payment of BONUS, FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE, EX-GRATIA etc to the Employees of the Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd for the year 2013-14 - Sanction accorded Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.74/2014/OBDD Dated 01.09.2014.
O.B.C Post Matric Scholarship (100% central Govt. Aided Project)-disbursement of amount-renewel of guidelines-reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 81/2014/Fin Dated. 01-09-2014
Revision of Pension / Family Pension in respect of those coming under UGC /
AICTE / Medical Education Scheme - Arrears on DCRG and Commuted value of Pension on account of revision - Clarifications Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 268/2014/F & CSD Dated. 01-09-2014
Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd - Payment of BONUS, FESTIVAL ALLOWANCE, EX-GRATIA etc to the Employees of the Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd for the year 2013-14 - Sanction accorded Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.74/2014/OBDD Dated 01.09.2014.
O.B.C Post Matric Scholarship (100% central Govt. Aided Project)-disbursement of amount-renewel of guidelines-reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 81/2014/Fin Dated. 01-09-2014
Revision of Pension / Family Pension in respect of those coming under UGC /
AICTE / Medical Education Scheme - Arrears on DCRG and Commuted value of Pension on account of revision - Clarifications Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4248/14/RD Dated. 30-08-2014
Revenue Department - Continuance of Special Land Acquisition Unit upto 31-03-2015 - Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 4248/14/RD Dated. 30-08-2014
Revenue Department - Continuance of Special Land Acquisition Unit upto 31-03-2015 - Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 58970/Spl.C2/2014/GAD Dated. 29-08-2014
Instructions regarding Official Foreign trips of AIS Officers - Reg. DOWNLOAD
Taxes Department-Kerala Traders Welfare Board- Pay revision of employees - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 58970/Spl.C2/2014/GAD Dated. 29-08-2014
Instructions regarding Official Foreign trips of AIS Officers - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.142/2014/TD Dated 29.08.2014.Taxes Department-Kerala Traders Welfare Board- Pay revision of employees - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 375/2014/Fin Dated. 28-08-2014
Public Sector Undertakings - Special Festival Allowance to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings for 2013-14 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 375/2014/Fin Dated. 28-08-2014
Public Sector Undertakings - Special Festival Allowance to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings for 2013-14 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 79/2014 Dated. 28-08-2014
Bringing Establishment Claims of Cheque drawing Departments under Bill System of Treasuries - Further directions issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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Notification G.O (P) No. 141/2014/TD Dated 27-08-2014
FOREIGN LIQUOR (Third Amendment) Rules, 2014 DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 78/2014/Fin Dated. 27-08-2014
Finance Department - Special Team from Treasury for the Verification of SPARK DATA with details in SERVICE BOOK - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 79/2014 Dated. 28-08-2014
Bringing Establishment Claims of Cheque drawing Departments under Bill System of Treasuries - Further directions issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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Notification G.O (P) No. 141/2014/TD Dated 27-08-2014
FOREIGN LIQUOR (Third Amendment) Rules, 2014 DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 78/2014/Fin Dated. 27-08-2014
Finance Department - Special Team from Treasury for the Verification of SPARK DATA with details in SERVICE BOOK - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O(Rt)No.398/2014/F&WLD Dated 26.08.2014
Forest & Wildlife Department - Wildlife Week Celebration at October 2 to 8-Pledge by government officials and students on 6/10/2014- reg.DOWNLOAD
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G.O(Rt)No.398/2014/F&WLD Dated 26.08.2014
Forest & Wildlife Department - Wildlife Week Celebration at October 2 to 8-Pledge by government officials and students on 6/10/2014- reg.DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 173/2014/Home Dated. 26-08-2014
Home Department - Uniform Allowance of Kerala Police - increased from Rs.2750 to Rs.5000/-) - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Home Department - Uniform Allowance of Kerala Police - increased from Rs.2750 to Rs.5000/-) - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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No.37657/CDN2/2014/GAD Dated 26.08.2014.
Government Diary 2015-Reg. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 367/2014/Fin Dated 25/08/2014
Government have sanctioned Adhoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance to State Government Employees and Pensioners for 2013-14. DOWNLOAD
No.37657/CDN2/2014/GAD Dated 26.08.2014.
Government Diary 2015-Reg. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 367/2014/Fin Dated 25/08/2014
Government have sanctioned Adhoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance to State Government Employees and Pensioners for 2013-14. DOWNLOAD
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G O(P) No.368/2014/Fin Dated 25/08 /2014
Government have sanctioned Rs.10,000/- as Onam Advance to all employees which will be recovered in five equal monthly installments. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 2019/2014/H.Edn Dated. 25-08-2014
Higher Education Department - Prospectus of Integrated 5 Year LLB Course
and 3 Year LLB Course 2014 - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. H 2/35637/14 DATED. 23-08-2014
General Education - Staff fixation 2014-15 - Re arrangement of Excess Employees- Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No. 1992/2014/H.Edn Dated. 21-08-2014
Higher Education Department - Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Admission to the LLB 3 Year Unitary (Evening) Degree Course for the year 2014-15 - Prospectus Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt)No.6608/2014/GAD Dated . 20.08.2014.
Minority Welfare Department- Civil Service Examination Training Course Fees / Hostel fees - reimbursement scheme-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O No. 149/2014/LSGD Dtd 19-08-2014
LSGD - Deployment of Ministerial Staff from Various Departments to LSGD - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 341/2014/Fin Dated. 18-08-2014
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to Officers having Children undergoing Chemotherapy for Treatment of Cancer and Dialysis for Treatment of Kidney and Affected HIV - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 69/2014/BCDD Dated. 18-08-2014
Overseas Scholarship to OBC Students seeking admission in rated Foreign Universities - drawing & disbursing of Scholarship amount - sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 228/2014/GAD Dated. 16-08-2014
Constitution of KERALA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE - Report of the Committee
set up to study the feasibility of creating Kerala Administrative Service - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2019/2014/H.Edn Dated. 25-08-2014
Higher Education Department - Prospectus of Integrated 5 Year LLB Course
and 3 Year LLB Course 2014 - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. H 2/35637/14 DATED. 23-08-2014
General Education - Staff fixation 2014-15 - Re arrangement of Excess Employees- Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.711/2014/HED Dated 23.08.2014.
Higher Education-College Education-Age limitation at 40 years - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.139/2014/TD Dated. 22.08.2014.
Taxes Department - Excise - Abkari Policy,2014-2015-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 352/2014/(199)/Fin Dated. 21-08-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Technical Education - Extension of Conveyance and Special Allowance - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Higher Education Department - Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram - Admission to the LLB 3 Year Unitary (Evening) Degree Course for the year 2014-15 - Prospectus Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.6608/2014/GAD Dated . 20.08.2014.
Minority Welfare Department- Civil Service Examination Training Course Fees / Hostel fees - reimbursement scheme-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O No. 149/2014/LSGD Dtd 19-08-2014
LSGD - Deployment of Ministerial Staff from Various Departments to LSGD - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.531/2014/SJD Dated 19.08.2014.
Social Justice Department- Thalolam- Free Medical Treatment Scheme - Included Aluva District Hospital - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Social Justice Department- Thalolam- Free Medical Treatment Scheme - Included Aluva District Hospital - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 341/2014/Fin Dated. 18-08-2014
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to Officers having Children undergoing Chemotherapy for Treatment of Cancer and Dialysis for Treatment of Kidney and Affected HIV - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 69/2014/BCDD Dated. 18-08-2014
Overseas Scholarship to OBC Students seeking admission in rated Foreign Universities - drawing & disbursing of Scholarship amount - sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 228/2014/GAD Dated. 16-08-2014
Constitution of KERALA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE - Report of the Committee
set up to study the feasibility of creating Kerala Administrative Service - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 5977/E3/14/Vig Dated. 14-08-2014
Vigilance Department - Orders of Suspension issued by Administrative Departments / Head of Departments - Communicating a copy to the Director, Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Bureau - Instruction Issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 145/2014/LSGD Dated 13.08.2014.
Local Self Government Department- RTI 2005- Panchayath Secretaries designated for issuance of affidavits to BPL - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 11961/FW2/2014/H & FWD Dated. 13-08-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Mandatory reporting of Child abuse cases to Child Welfare Committiee, Childline or Police Station - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 513/2014/SJD Dated. 12-08-2014
Social Justice Department - Minimum Standards of Care for Child Care
Institutions - Guidelines Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 5977/E3/14/Vig Dated. 14-08-2014
Vigilance Department - Orders of Suspension issued by Administrative Departments / Head of Departments - Communicating a copy to the Director, Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Bureau - Instruction Issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.2787/2014/H&FWD Dated. 14.08.2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Homoeopathy Education Department-Fundamental Documents Sanctioned - Right to Service Act - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Health & Family Welfare Department - Homoeopathy Education Department-Fundamental Documents Sanctioned - Right to Service Act - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No. 145/2014/LSGD Dated 13.08.2014.
Local Self Government Department- RTI 2005- Panchayath Secretaries designated for issuance of affidavits to BPL - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 11961/FW2/2014/H & FWD Dated. 13-08-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Mandatory reporting of Child abuse cases to Child Welfare Committiee, Childline or Police Station - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 513/2014/SJD Dated. 12-08-2014
Social Justice Department - Minimum Standards of Care for Child Care
Institutions - Guidelines Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.251/2014/H&FWD Dated. 12.08.2014
Health & Family Welfare Department-DA and Monthly financial assistance Sanctioned at Aides patients-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.154/2014/G. Edn Dt. 11/08/2014
Kerala Education (Amendment) Rules - 2014 - a new Chapter (XXI) inserted " Recruitment of Teaching and Non teaching staff in Aided Schools" - DOWNLOAD
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Proceedings of the Director, Higher Secondary Education Dt. 08/08/2014
New Higher Secondary Schools / Batches - Subject combinations sanctioned -
Orders Issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No.251/2014/H&FWD Dated. 12.08.2014
Health & Family Welfare Department-DA and Monthly financial assistance Sanctioned at Aides patients-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.154/2014/G. Edn Dt. 11/08/2014
Kerala Education (Amendment) Rules - 2014 - a new Chapter (XXI) inserted " Recruitment of Teaching and Non teaching staff in Aided Schools" - DOWNLOAD
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Proceedings of the Director, Higher Secondary Education Dt. 08/08/2014
New Higher Secondary Schools / Batches - Subject combinations sanctioned -
Orders Issued - DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt)No.505/2014/SJD Dated 08.08.2014.
Social Justice Department- Self employment of dependents of criminal -Financial assistance sanctioned Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 76/2014/Fin Dated. 08-08-2014
National Pension System - All Service Officers working on Deputation basis -
Revised Instructions for submission of application for allotting PRAN Issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt)No.505/2014/SJD Dated 08.08.2014.
Social Justice Department- Self employment of dependents of criminal -Financial assistance sanctioned Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 76/2014/Fin Dated. 08-08-2014
National Pension System - All Service Officers working on Deputation basis -
Revised Instructions for submission of application for allotting PRAN Issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 3670/D2/14/SJD Dated. 08-08-2014
Social Justice Department - IDENTITY CARD for Physically Challenged - Approved as authorised document for Government Concession - Reg. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 3670/D2/14/SJD Dated. 08-08-2014
Social Justice Department - IDENTITY CARD for Physically Challenged - Approved as authorised document for Government Concession - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No. 15/2014/BCDD Dated 08.08.14
Backward Community Development Department- Various Professional Colleges, Higher Secondary, Vocational Higher Secondary Schools admission of Other Backward Classes- at Kumarapillai Commission Report Education Benefits sanctioned - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 16/2014/BCDD Dated. 08.08.2014
Backward Communities Development Department - Muslim Caste 'Revuthar'
including State O.B.C corrected- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 27/2014/P & ARD Dated. 07-08-2014
Kerala Government Servants' Conduct (Amendment) Rules 2014 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 243/2014/H & FWD Dated. 06-08-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Medical Education Services - Academic - Admission to Graduate and Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses under NRI Quota in Self Financing institutions - Conditions - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No. 15/2014/BCDD Dated 08.08.14
Backward Community Development Department- Various Professional Colleges, Higher Secondary, Vocational Higher Secondary Schools admission of Other Backward Classes- at Kumarapillai Commission Report Education Benefits sanctioned - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 16/2014/BCDD Dated. 08.08.2014
Backward Communities Development Department - Muslim Caste 'Revuthar'
including State O.B.C corrected- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 27/2014/P & ARD Dated. 07-08-2014
Kerala Government Servants' Conduct (Amendment) Rules 2014 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 243/2014/H & FWD Dated. 06-08-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Medical Education Services - Academic - Admission to Graduate and Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses under NRI Quota in Self Financing institutions - Conditions - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Pay Revision Commission Questionnaire
Pay Revision Commission Questionnaire
The Tenth Pay Revision Commission has released a questionnaire to elicit the views from public and others concerned.The responses to the questionnaire should reach the Commission latest by 31st August 2014. DOWNLOAD > MALAYALAM & ENGLISH
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G.O (Rt) No. 2627/2014/H & FWD Dated. 04-08-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Establishment - Order dated. 09-06-2014 of the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal, Thiruvananthapuram in the Transferred application No. 6363/2012 (in W P (C) No. 17626/2010) Filed by ............. - Complied with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2627/2014/H & FWD Dated. 04-08-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Establishment - Order dated. 09-06-2014 of the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal, Thiruvananthapuram in the Transferred application No. 6363/2012 (in W P (C) No. 17626/2010) Filed by ............. - Complied with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.55/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 04.08.2014
Kerala State Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation- Agriculture land loan for land less- Amount enhanced administrative sanction amended- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No.55/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 04.08.2014
Kerala State Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation- Agriculture land loan for land less- Amount enhanced administrative sanction amended- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Rt) No.134/2014 / Vigilance. Dated. 02.08.2014.
Vigilance Department-Vigilance & Anti Corruption Bureau - Publicity of toll free number - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No.134/2014 / Vigilance. Dated. 02.08.2014.
Vigilance Department-Vigilance & Anti Corruption Bureau - Publicity of toll free number - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.66/2014/SJD Dated 01.08.2014.
Social Justice Department- monthly pension increased Rs. 900 to Rs. 1100 at Kidney Patients-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No.66/2014/SJD Dated 01.08.2014.
Social Justice Department- monthly pension increased Rs. 900 to Rs. 1100 at Kidney Patients-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No.24/2014/P&ARD Dated. 31.07.2014.Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- 12th report of Second Administrative Reforms Commission of India- Affidavit and self attestation of documents- reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.143/2014 Gen Edn Dated. 31.07.2014
General Education - Higher Secondary - New Plus two Schools and Batches - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
General Education - Higher Secondary - New Plus two Schools and Batches - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No.310/2014/Fin Dated. 30-07-2014
Treasuries - Setting up of Online Receipt Accounting System (E-Treasury) - Process flow - Approved- Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 306/2014/Fin Dated. 23-07-2014
Finance Department - New Common Bill Form for Drawing Non-Salary Claims - Renamed as Form TR 59 (C) - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD &
G.O (P) No.310/2014/Fin Dated. 30-07-2014
Treasuries - Setting up of Online Receipt Accounting System (E-Treasury) - Process flow - Approved- Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 49663/CDN5/12/GAD Dated 25.07.2013.
RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT (R.I.Act ) Handbook in English / Malayalam - Distribution reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 49663/CDN5/12/GAD Dated 25.07.2013.
RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT (R.I.Act ) Handbook in English / Malayalam - Distribution reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.15342/P&AR.C3/2014/P&ARD Dated 24.07.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department -Reporting Vacancies to Kerala Public Service Commission- through e-mail-Amended-Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 306/2014/Fin Dated. 23-07-2014
Finance Department - New Common Bill Form for Drawing Non-Salary Claims - Renamed as Form TR 59 (C) - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD &
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CIRCULAR No. 10336/Adv. C3/2014/P & ARD Dated. 23-07-2014
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Recruitment to Public Service - Advance Intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 305/14/Fin Dated. 23-07-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Treasuries - Pay and Allowances of July 2014 to Muslim Employees - Early Disbursement in connection with RAMZAN Festival - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O.(MS) No. 22/2014/P & ARD Dated. 21-07-2014
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Compassionate Employment Scheme - Fixing of norms regarding service conditions of appointees recruited against supernumerary posts - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 303/2014/Fin Dated. 21-07-2014
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No.21/2014/ P& ARD Dated 19-07-2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Establishment- 03.01.2014
G.O.(P)1/14 P&ARD-Justification- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 5717/2014/GAD Dated. 19-07-2014
General Administration - Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd - Merit Scholarship Schemes to the Students belonging to the Economically backward sections among the Forward Communities of Kerala to pursue Higher Education - Implementation of Schemes - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- Palakkad Medical College (Institute of Integrated Medical Science,Palakkad)-seat reservation regarding-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.55166/A.G3/2014/GAD Dated. 19.07.2014.
Government Secretariat- General administration (Accounts) Department-2014-15 Income tax-deduction from Salary-reg. DOWNLOAD
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No. 63701/SL-3/2014/Fin Dated. 19-07-2014
Finance Department - "non co-operation strike" from 21/07/2014 announced by KGMOA - Instructions - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 302/2014/Fin Dated. 19-07-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension in respect of Part Time Teachers - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 10336/Adv. C3/2014/P & ARD Dated. 23-07-2014
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Recruitment to Public Service - Advance Intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 305/14/Fin Dated. 23-07-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Treasuries - Pay and Allowances of July 2014 to Muslim Employees - Early Disbursement in connection with RAMZAN Festival - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O.(MS) No. 22/2014/P & ARD Dated. 21-07-2014
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Compassionate Employment Scheme - Fixing of norms regarding service conditions of appointees recruited against supernumerary posts - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 303/2014/Fin Dated. 21-07-2014
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No.21/2014/ P& ARD Dated 19-07-2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Establishment- 03.01.2014
G.O.(P)1/14 P&ARD-Justification- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.60/2014/SJD Dated. 19.07.2014.
Social Justice Department - Retirement age of Anganwadi workers restricted to
age of 62 - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Social Justice Department - Retirement age of Anganwadi workers restricted to
age of 62 - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 5717/2014/GAD Dated. 19-07-2014
General Administration - Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd - Merit Scholarship Schemes to the Students belonging to the Economically backward sections among the Forward Communities of Kerala to pursue Higher Education - Implementation of Schemes - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.45/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 19.07.2014Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- Palakkad Medical College (Institute of Integrated Medical Science,Palakkad)-seat reservation regarding-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.55166/A.G3/2014/GAD Dated. 19.07.2014.
Government Secretariat- General administration (Accounts) Department-2014-15 Income tax-deduction from Salary-reg. DOWNLOAD
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No. 63701/SL-3/2014/Fin Dated. 19-07-2014
Finance Department - "non co-operation strike" from 21/07/2014 announced by KGMOA - Instructions - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 302/2014/Fin Dated. 19-07-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension in respect of Part Time Teachers - Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G O.(MS)No.44/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 18.07.2014
Scheduled Caste Development-Maintenance of Houses- Construction of Additional Room-10% beneficiaries can be selected by the District Scheduled Castes Development Officer-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
G O.(MS)No.44/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 18.07.2014
Scheduled Caste Development-Maintenance of Houses- Construction of Additional Room-10% beneficiaries can be selected by the District Scheduled Castes Development Officer-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (MS) No. 144/2014/Home Dated. 16-07-2014
Home Department - Judiciary - Amendments to the Code of Civl Procedure 1908 - Draft Notification Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Pay Revision 2009 - Panchayat Department - Junior Bill Collector - Scale of Pay - Corrected - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 279/2014/Fin Dated. 14-07-2014
Pension - National Pension System - Mobility to State Employees appointed into the Service on or before 31-03-2013 and Reappointed in various institutions on or after 01-04-2013 - Retained in Kerala Service Rules Part II Pension Scheme - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Ms) No. 128/2014/G.Edn Dated. 14-07-2014
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Plus One Admission of the Academic Year 2014-15 - Marginal increase in Seats allowed - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 20/2014/P & ARD Dated. 10-07-2014
P & ARD - Mutual or Inter Departmental Transfer from one unit to another in the same Department or from one Department to another within the same Subordinate Service - Conditions for granting Transfers to Government Servants other than Last Grade Servants - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (MS) No. 144/2014/Home Dated. 16-07-2014
Home Department - Judiciary - Amendments to the Code of Civl Procedure 1908 - Draft Notification Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 283/2014/(196)/Fin Dated. 15-07-2014Pay Revision 2009 - Panchayat Department - Junior Bill Collector - Scale of Pay - Corrected - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Pension - National Pension System - Mobility to State Employees appointed into the Service on or before 31-03-2013 and Reappointed in various institutions on or after 01-04-2013 - Retained in Kerala Service Rules Part II Pension Scheme - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Ms) No. 128/2014/G.Edn Dated. 14-07-2014
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Plus One Admission of the Academic Year 2014-15 - Marginal increase in Seats allowed - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 20/2014/P & ARD Dated. 10-07-2014
P & ARD - Mutual or Inter Departmental Transfer from one unit to another in the same Department or from one Department to another within the same Subordinate Service - Conditions for granting Transfers to Government Servants other than Last Grade Servants - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(RT) No.2352/2014/H&FWD Dated. 10.07.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department- Cancer,Leprosy, Tuberculosis - Monthly Pension increased - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 188/2014/GAD Dated. 09-07-2014
Administrative Secretariat - Establishment - Post of Typist in Universities - Re-designation - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(RT) No.2352/2014/H&FWD Dated. 10.07.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department- Cancer,Leprosy, Tuberculosis - Monthly Pension increased - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 188/2014/GAD Dated. 09-07-2014
Administrative Secretariat - Establishment - Post of Typist in Universities - Re-designation - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1537/2014/H.Edn Dated. 08-07-2014
Higher Education Department - Government / Self Financing Law Colleges - Admission to Three Year LLB Course 2014-15 - Prospectus approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 271/2014/Fin Dated. 08-07-2014
Pension – Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of Kerala State Library Council Employees consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1537/2014/H.Edn Dated. 08-07-2014
Higher Education Department - Government / Self Financing Law Colleges - Admission to Three Year LLB Course 2014-15 - Prospectus approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 271/2014/Fin Dated. 08-07-2014
Pension – Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of Kerala State Library Council Employees consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 265/2014/Fin Dated. 07-07-2014
Finance Department – Bringing Establishment Claims of Cheque Drawing Departments such as PWD, Forest Department, etc under Bill System – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1521/2014/H.Edn Dated. 05-07-2014
Higher Eduction - Lateral Entry B. Tech Admission 2014 - Permission to issue copy of Rank List to Self Financing Engineering Colleges - Granted - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.58/2014/SJD Dated. 04.07.2014.
Social Justice Department-Monthly allowance for Haemophilia patients - Guidelines approved. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 265/2014/Fin Dated. 07-07-2014
Finance Department – Bringing Establishment Claims of Cheque Drawing Departments such as PWD, Forest Department, etc under Bill System – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1521/2014/H.Edn Dated. 05-07-2014
Higher Eduction - Lateral Entry B. Tech Admission 2014 - Permission to issue copy of Rank List to Self Financing Engineering Colleges - Granted - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.58/2014/SJD Dated. 04.07.2014.
Social Justice Department-Monthly allowance for Haemophilia patients - Guidelines approved. DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Ms) No. 123/2014/Gen Dated. 04-07-2014
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Nomination of Government Representative in the Selection Committees for the Appointment of Higher Secondary School Teachers in aided Higher Secondary Schools - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 123/2014/Gen Dated. 04-07-2014
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Nomination of Government Representative in the Selection Committees for the Appointment of Higher Secondary School Teachers in aided Higher Secondary Schools - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 124/2014/G.Edn Dated. 04-07-2014
Staff Fixation - 2013-14, 2014-15 - Amendment Order Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 259/2014/(195)/Fin Dated. 03-07-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Classification of Government Employees - Modification -
Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No.121/2014/G.Edn Dated. 03-07-2014
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Aided - Additional batches sanctioned in the academic Year 2011-12 - Anomalies in the post creation order for 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 Academic years - rectified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 124/2014/G.Edn Dated. 04-07-2014
Staff Fixation - 2013-14, 2014-15 - Amendment Order Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 259/2014/(195)/Fin Dated. 03-07-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Classification of Government Employees - Modification -
Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No.121/2014/G.Edn Dated. 03-07-2014
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Aided - Additional batches sanctioned in the academic Year 2011-12 - Anomalies in the post creation order for 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 Academic years - rectified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (RT) No. 1838/14/Home Dated. 30-06-2014
Home Department - Campaign aimed at arresting the rising prevalence of substance abuse and other inappropriate social behavior among students - " Clean Campus Safe Campus " - Monitoring Committees constituted - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1396/2014/H.Edn Dated. 27-06-2014
Higher Education Department - Private Aided Colleges - Validity of Rank List for
the Selection of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Colleges and mode
of Recruitment from Rank List - Clarification issued - Cancelled - Modified Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.25/2014/Plg Dated. 27/06/2014
Planning & Economic Affairs Department- Morotorium on Education Loan taken during 2004-09 for those with annual income limits upto Rs.3 lakhs- Cancelled-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 242/2014/(194)/Fin Dated. 27-06-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Secretariat Service - PA / CA - Conversion of Special Allowance
as Special Pay - Further Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Home Department - Campaign aimed at arresting the rising prevalence of substance abuse and other inappropriate social behavior among students - " Clean Campus Safe Campus " - Monitoring Committees constituted - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.74/2014/L&BR Dated 27.06.2014.
Labour & Rehabilitation Department- Retirement of Aloppathy Doctors 60 years-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Higher Education Department - Private Aided Colleges - Validity of Rank List for
the Selection of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Colleges and mode
of Recruitment from Rank List - Clarification issued - Cancelled - Modified Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.25/2014/Plg Dated. 27/06/2014
Planning & Economic Affairs Department- Morotorium on Education Loan taken during 2004-09 for those with annual income limits upto Rs.3 lakhs- Cancelled-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 242/2014/(194)/Fin Dated. 27-06-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Secretariat Service - PA / CA - Conversion of Special Allowance
as Special Pay - Further Clarification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1366/2014/H.Edn Dated. 26-06-2014
Higher Education Department - Private Aided Colleges - Validity of Rank Lists for the Selection of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff in Aided Colleges and mode of Recruitment from Rank List - Clarification Issued - Cancelled - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1366/2014/H.Edn Dated. 26-06-2014
Higher Education Department - Private Aided Colleges - Validity of Rank Lists for the Selection of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff in Aided Colleges and mode of Recruitment from Rank List - Clarification Issued - Cancelled - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (MS)No.192/2014/H&FWD Dated. 25.06.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department-Pension Sanctioned for Cancer Patients-Sanction amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.60/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 25.08.2014
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- ( Institute of Integrated Medical Science, Palakkad,) Palakkad Medical College- 5 seat Sanctioned for All India Quota-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (MS)No.192/2014/H&FWD Dated. 25.06.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department-Pension Sanctioned for Cancer Patients-Sanction amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.60/2014/SCSTDD Dated. 25.08.2014
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- ( Institute of Integrated Medical Science, Palakkad,) Palakkad Medical College- 5 seat Sanctioned for All India Quota-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.117/2014/G.Edn Dated. 24.06.2014.
General Education-Higher Secondary Education- Academic- Prof. P.O.J.Lebba Committee Report- Five-day working days in Higher Secondary Schools - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.54/2014/SJD Dated. 23.06.2014.
Social Justice Department-7.8.2013 G.O.(P).63/13/SJD amended-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
General Education-Higher Secondary Education- Academic- Prof. P.O.J.Lebba Committee Report- Five-day working days in Higher Secondary Schools - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.54/2014/SJD Dated. 23.06.2014.
Social Justice Department-7.8.2013 G.O.(P).63/13/SJD amended-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(RT) No.831/2014/LBR Dated 21.06.2014.
Labour and Rehabilitation Department- Employment exchange- Renewal extended to 31-08-2014- Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
Revision of Pay Scales of Employees of Kerala Water Authority - Time Bound Higher Grade Scheme - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 236/2014/Fin Dated. 21-06-2014
Kerala Service Rules – Sanctioning Pension long after the date of retirement – Time period specified -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(RT) No.831/2014/LBR Dated 21.06.2014.
Labour and Rehabilitation Department- Employment exchange- Renewal extended to 31-08-2014- Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 234/2014/Fin Dated. 21-06-2014Revision of Pay Scales of Employees of Kerala Water Authority - Time Bound Higher Grade Scheme - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 236/2014/Fin Dated. 21-06-2014
Kerala Service Rules – Sanctioning Pension long after the date of retirement – Time period specified -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 64/2014/Fin Dated. 21/06/2014
Sanctioning of Pensionary benefits - Instructions issued with proforma DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 64/2014/Fin Dated. 21/06/2014
Sanctioning of Pensionary benefits - Instructions issued with proforma DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1275/H.Edn Dated. 21-06-2014
Higher Education - Technical - B.Tech (Evening) Course 2014-15 - Prospectus Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.52/2014/SJD Dated. 20.06.2014.
Social Justice Department-Social Security Pension Scheme- Annual income Rs,1.00.000/- amendment-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1265/2014/H.Edn Dated. 20-06-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Supernumerary Seats at Government and aided Engineering Colleges for the Students from Jammu and Kashmir - Created - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1275/H.Edn Dated. 21-06-2014
Higher Education - Technical - B.Tech (Evening) Course 2014-15 - Prospectus Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.52/2014/SJD Dated. 20.06.2014.
Social Justice Department-Social Security Pension Scheme- Annual income Rs,1.00.000/- amendment-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Notification No. 54827/SS1/2014/Fin Dated. 20-06-2014
Government of Kerala notifies the sale of Kerala Govt. Stock (Securities) of 10 Year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 500-00 Crore (Nominal) DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Notification No. 54827/SS1/2014/Fin Dated. 20-06-2014
Government of Kerala notifies the sale of Kerala Govt. Stock (Securities) of 10 Year tenure for an aggregate amount of Rs. 500-00 Crore (Nominal) DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1265/2014/H.Edn Dated. 20-06-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Supernumerary Seats at Government and aided Engineering Colleges for the Students from Jammu and Kashmir - Created - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.2011/2014/H & FWD Dated. 19.06.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department- Homoeopathy Department- Citizen's chart sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 24151/Admn.A2/14/Fin Dated. 19-06-2014
Report of Transfer of Charge - Clarification issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1250/2014/H.Edn Dated. 19-06-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Implementation of Public Entrance Examination Coaching Scheme (PEECS) to the Students of recognized CBSE / CISCE Schools - Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4863/14/Fin Dated. 19-06-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Treasuries - Write Off un reconciled - Differences under RBD (S) - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 61/2014/Fin Dated . 19-06-2014
Economy - Proposals for Creation of Posts - Approval of Finance Department - Instructions - reg. DOWNLOAD
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General Administration - Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd - Coaching programmes to the students belonging to the economically backward sections among the forward communities of Kerala in Medical / Engineering examinations and in Civil Service / Government /
Banking sector - Implementation of Schemes - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 221/2014/Fin Dated. 16-06-2014
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-01-2014 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 218/2014/Fin Dated. 12-06-2014
TENTH PAY REVISION COMMISSION for revision of Pay and Allowances of Government Employees, Staff of Educational Institutions, Local Bodies etc - Tenure Extended - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.38/2014/SC STDD Dated. 11.06.2014
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- Allowance increased 25%-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 216/14/(192)/Fin Dated. 11-06-2014
Pay Revision 2004 & 2009 - L D Clerks in Aided Schools - Third Time Bound Higher Grade in the Scale of Pay of Junior Superintendent - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1895/2014/H & FWD Dated. 09-06-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Rational prescription practices for drugs - Guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS))No.106/2014/LSGD Dated. 09.06.2014.
Local Self Government Department-In the financial Year 2013-14- building tax pending- 30.06.2014 - one - time - settlement-Administrative sanction- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.2011/2014/H & FWD Dated. 19.06.2014.
Health & Family Welfare Department- Homoeopathy Department- Citizen's chart sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 24151/Admn.A2/14/Fin Dated. 19-06-2014
Report of Transfer of Charge - Clarification issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1250/2014/H.Edn Dated. 19-06-2014
Higher Education - Technical - Implementation of Public Entrance Examination Coaching Scheme (PEECS) to the Students of recognized CBSE / CISCE Schools - Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4863/14/Fin Dated. 19-06-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Treasuries - Write Off un reconciled - Differences under RBD (S) - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 61/2014/Fin Dated . 19-06-2014
Economy - Proposals for Creation of Posts - Approval of Finance Department - Instructions - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 113/14/G.Edn Dated. 19-06-2014
General Education - Qualification to the Post of High School Assistant (Natural Science) - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 4741/2014/GAD Dated. 17-06-2014General Education - Qualification to the Post of High School Assistant (Natural Science) - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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General Administration - Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd - Coaching programmes to the students belonging to the economically backward sections among the forward communities of Kerala in Medical / Engineering examinations and in Civil Service / Government /
Banking sector - Implementation of Schemes - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 221/2014/Fin Dated. 16-06-2014
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-01-2014 - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 218/2014/Fin Dated. 12-06-2014
TENTH PAY REVISION COMMISSION for revision of Pay and Allowances of Government Employees, Staff of Educational Institutions, Local Bodies etc - Tenure Extended - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.38/2014/SC STDD Dated. 11.06.2014
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- Allowance increased 25%-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 216/14/(192)/Fin Dated. 11-06-2014
Pay Revision 2004 & 2009 - L D Clerks in Aided Schools - Third Time Bound Higher Grade in the Scale of Pay of Junior Superintendent - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1895/2014/H & FWD Dated. 09-06-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Rational prescription practices for drugs - Guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS))No.106/2014/LSGD Dated. 09.06.2014.
Local Self Government Department-In the financial Year 2013-14- building tax pending- 30.06.2014 - one - time - settlement-Administrative sanction- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1106/2014/H.Edn Dated. 08-06-2014
Higher Education Department - NCC - Enhancement of Messing allowance of Cadets / ANOs during NCC Camps including Sailing / Cycling Expeditions - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1106/2014/H.Edn Dated. 08-06-2014
Higher Education Department - NCC - Enhancement of Messing allowance of Cadets / ANOs during NCC Camps including Sailing / Cycling Expeditions - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 8564/B3/2013/F&PD Dated. 07.06.2014.
Fisheries & Ports Department- Fisheries families financial administration sanctioned-reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 8564/B3/2013/F&PD Dated. 07.06.2014.
Fisheries & Ports Department- Fisheries families financial administration sanctioned-reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 212/14/Fin Dated. 07-06-2014
Public Sector Undertakings - Casual Sweepers - Remuneration - Enhancement of Rates - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 212/14/Fin Dated. 07-06-2014
Public Sector Undertakings - Casual Sweepers - Remuneration - Enhancement of Rates - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 173/2014/H & FWD Dated. 07-06-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Establishment - Post of Pharmacist in Health Services Department - Revision of Basic Qualification - Further Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 173/2014/H & FWD Dated. 07-06-2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Establishment - Post of Pharmacist in Health Services Department - Revision of Basic Qualification - Further Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 56/2014 Dated. 06-06-2014
Reckoning of Prior Service for Pensionary Benefits - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 56/2014 Dated. 06-06-2014
Reckoning of Prior Service for Pensionary Benefits - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4446/2014/GAD Dated. 06-06-2014
IAS - Transfer, Posting and Additional Charge to IAS Officers - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 4446/2014/GAD Dated. 06-06-2014
IAS - Transfer, Posting and Additional Charge to IAS Officers - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 251/2014/HED Dated, 06-06-2014
Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education -2014-15 Year Sanctioned Government Arts & Science College on Various Subjects -Lecturer post created- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO (P) No 211/2014/Fin Dated. 06/06/2014
Public Sector Undertakings - Enhancing number of days of Special Casual Leave for employees undergoing radiation treatment/chemo therapy - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.11244/AR 12(1)/2012/P&ARD Dated, 05-06-2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- vacancy reported- reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 251/2014/HED Dated, 06-06-2014
Higher Education Department - Collegiate Education -2014-15 Year Sanctioned Government Arts & Science College on Various Subjects -Lecturer post created- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO (P) No 211/2014/Fin Dated. 06/06/2014
Public Sector Undertakings - Enhancing number of days of Special Casual Leave for employees undergoing radiation treatment/chemo therapy - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.11244/AR 12(1)/2012/P&ARD Dated, 05-06-2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- vacancy reported- reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 210/2014/Fin Dated. 05-06-2014
Pension - National Pension System - Personnel appointed into the Service on or before 31-03-2013 and who are granted extension of joining time - Retained in Kerala Service Rules Part III Pension Scheme - Orders issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No 206/2014/Fin Dated. 04/06/2014
Kerala State Institute for Children's Literature - Pay Revision Order - ModificationDOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 210/2014/Fin Dated. 05-06-2014
Pension - National Pension System - Personnel appointed into the Service on or before 31-03-2013 and who are granted extension of joining time - Retained in Kerala Service Rules Part III Pension Scheme - Orders issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No 206/2014/Fin Dated. 04/06/2014
Kerala State Institute for Children's Literature - Pay Revision Order - ModificationDOWNLOAD
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G.O. (MS) No. 133/14/GAD Dated. 03-06-2014
General Administration (Sainik Welfare) Department - Enhancement of One time lump sum grant to the Shourya Chakra recipients - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.92/2014/DPI Dated. 02.06.2014
Exemption for primary HM whose age over 50 years from KE Act & Rules examination test - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (MS) No. 133/14/GAD Dated. 03-06-2014
General Administration (Sainik Welfare) Department - Enhancement of One time lump sum grant to the Shourya Chakra recipients - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.92/2014/DPI Dated. 02.06.2014
Exemption for primary HM whose age over 50 years from KE Act & Rules examination test - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 202/2014/Fin Dated. 31-05-2014
Allowance - Enhancing Travelling Allowance of Office Attenders performing Treasury duty-Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 202/2014/Fin Dated. 31-05-2014
Allowance - Enhancing Travelling Allowance of Office Attenders performing Treasury duty-Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1057/2014/H.Edn Dated. 31-05-2014
Higher Education Department - Technical - Admission to M.Tech Course - Academic Year 2014-15 - Prospectus Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1057/2014/H.Edn Dated. 31-05-2014
Higher Education Department - Technical - Admission to M.Tech Course - Academic Year 2014-15 - Prospectus Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 200/2014/(190)/Fin Dated. 30-05-2014
PAY REVISION 2004 & 2009 - Promotion from Time Bound Higher Grade to Regular Promotion Posts - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 200/2014/(190)/Fin Dated. 30-05-2014
PAY REVISION 2004 & 2009 - Promotion from Time Bound Higher Grade to Regular Promotion Posts - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 314/2012/Fin Dated. 30-05-2014
General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules – Enhancement of age of retirement of Government Employees and Teachers – Closure of General Provident Fund Accounts – Allowed – Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.07/14/Environment Dated. 30-05-2014
Environmental department-Banning of illegal quarrying at ecologically sensitive area in the state-Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 51/2014/Fin Dated. 29-05-2014
National Pension System - Submission of PRAN applications to NSDL - Revised procedure - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 199/2014/Fin Dated. 29-05-2014
Kerala State Information Commission - Pension to State Chief Information Commissioners / State Information Commissioners - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules – Enhancement of age of retirement of Government Employees and Teachers – Closure of General Provident Fund Accounts – Allowed – Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.07/14/Environment Dated. 30-05-2014
Environmental department-Banning of illegal quarrying at ecologically sensitive area in the state-Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 51/2014/Fin Dated. 29-05-2014
National Pension System - Submission of PRAN applications to NSDL - Revised procedure - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 199/2014/Fin Dated. 29-05-2014
Kerala State Information Commission - Pension to State Chief Information Commissioners / State Information Commissioners - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 198/2014 (189)/Fin Dated. 28-05-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Police Department - 4th Time Bound Higher Grade - Extension of the Benefit - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.45/2014/SJD Dated. 28.5.2014.
Social Justice Department- Regular/ Re - appointment of disabled-amendment of orders-issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 198/2014 (189)/Fin Dated. 28-05-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Police Department - 4th Time Bound Higher Grade - Extension of the Benefit - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.45/2014/SJD Dated. 28.5.2014.
Social Justice Department- Regular/ Re - appointment of disabled-amendment of orders-issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 5057/E3/2014/Vig Dated. 28-05-2014
Vigilance Department - Retaining Files / Disposals bearing Vigilance Enquiry
Reports - Instructions Issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 49/2014/Fin Dated. 27-05-2014
National Pension System - Delay in registration of employees coming under NPS - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.41/2014/SJD Dated. 26.05.2014.
Social Justice Department- I.C.D.S - Honorarium increased on Anganwadi Worker / Helper-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No. 218/6/2014/EPS Dated. 25-04-2014
Payment of Ex-gratia Compensation to Family of Polling Personnel who die or sustain injuries while on Election duty - regarding DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 86/2014/G. Edn Dated. 24.05.2014
General Education- Higher Secondary Education- State Higher Secondary Batches sanctioning-application are invited and Gazette published-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 190/2014/Fin Dated. 24-05-2014
State Service Delivery Gateway Project - Permission to open Bank Accounts for the participating Departments - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 189/2014/Fin Dated. 24-05-2014
Arrears of Dearness Relief Sanctioned to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners with effect from 01-07-2013 - Payment of arrears - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G,O,(MS)No. 10/2014/BCDD Dated. 23.05.14.
Backward Community Development Department- Various Professional Colleges, Higher Secondary, Vocational Higher Secondary Schools admission of Other Backward Classes- on reservation-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No.6474/R2/2014/P & ARD Dated 23.05.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department -Department base Committee including General Service Organisation-Regarding. DOWNLOAD
Higher Education Department - Government / Self Financing LAW COLLEGES - Admission to integrated Five Year LLB Course 2014 - Prospectus approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 44/2014/Fin Dated. 23-05-2014
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Online registration of HBA applications by Heads of Departments and Sanctioning Authorities 2014-15 - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 184/2014/(188)/Fin Dated. 21-05-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Classification of Government Employees - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 3903/2014/GAD Dated. 20-05-2014
Minority Welfare Department - Career Guidance Programme (2014-15) for students belonging to minority communities - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 179/2014 Dated. 19-05-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Treasuries - Implementation of e-office in the Treasury Department - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Higher Education Department - Government Law Colleges - Norms for Transfer & Postings of Principal, Assistant Professor & Associate Professor in Law in Government Law Colleges - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No. 13/2014/P&ARD Dated. 17-05-2014
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Appointment of Gazetted Employees-Regularised-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(RT)No.3667/2014/GAD. Dated. 09.05.2014.
Administrative Secretariat- Local Self Government Departments-2014 May 22 bi-election-Officers transfer-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 5057/E3/2014/Vig Dated. 28-05-2014
Vigilance Department - Retaining Files / Disposals bearing Vigilance Enquiry
Reports - Instructions Issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 49/2014/Fin Dated. 27-05-2014
National Pension System - Delay in registration of employees coming under NPS - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.41/2014/SJD Dated. 26.05.2014.
Social Justice Department- I.C.D.S - Honorarium increased on Anganwadi Worker / Helper-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No. 218/6/2014/EPS Dated. 25-04-2014
Payment of Ex-gratia Compensation to Family of Polling Personnel who die or sustain injuries while on Election duty - regarding DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 86/2014/G. Edn Dated. 24.05.2014
General Education- Higher Secondary Education- State Higher Secondary Batches sanctioning-application are invited and Gazette published-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 190/2014/Fin Dated. 24-05-2014
State Service Delivery Gateway Project - Permission to open Bank Accounts for the participating Departments - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 189/2014/Fin Dated. 24-05-2014
Arrears of Dearness Relief Sanctioned to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners with effect from 01-07-2013 - Payment of arrears - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G,O,(MS)No. 10/2014/BCDD Dated. 23.05.14.
Backward Community Development Department- Various Professional Colleges, Higher Secondary, Vocational Higher Secondary Schools admission of Other Backward Classes- on reservation-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No.6474/R2/2014/P & ARD Dated 23.05.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department -Department base Committee including General Service Organisation-Regarding. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 996/2014/H.Edn Dated. 23-05-2014Higher Education Department - Government / Self Financing LAW COLLEGES - Admission to integrated Five Year LLB Course 2014 - Prospectus approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 44/2014/Fin Dated. 23-05-2014
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Online registration of HBA applications by Heads of Departments and Sanctioning Authorities 2014-15 - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 184/2014/(188)/Fin Dated. 21-05-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Classification of Government Employees - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 3903/2014/GAD Dated. 20-05-2014
Minority Welfare Department - Career Guidance Programme (2014-15) for students belonging to minority communities - Administrative Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 179/2014 Dated. 19-05-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Treasuries - Implementation of e-office in the Treasury Department - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 194/2014/H. Edn Dated. 19-05-2014Higher Education Department - Government Law Colleges - Norms for Transfer & Postings of Principal, Assistant Professor & Associate Professor in Law in Government Law Colleges - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No. 13/2014/P&ARD Dated. 17-05-2014
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Appointment of Gazetted Employees-Regularised-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(RT)No.3667/2014/GAD. Dated. 09.05.2014.
Administrative Secretariat- Local Self Government Departments-2014 May 22 bi-election-Officers transfer-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 160/2014/Fin Dated. 08-05-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of Kerala State Housing Board Employees consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 160/2014/Fin Dated. 08-05-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of Kerala State Housing Board Employees consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 106/2014/GAD Dated. 05-05-2014
IAS - Guidelines for Nomination of Officers for inclusion in the zone of consideration for selection to the IAS from Non State Civil Service Officers - Revised guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 39-2014-Fin dated 30-04-2014
KSR - Cancellation of unavailed portion of Leave Without Allowance - Instructions DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 152/2014/Fin Dated. 29-04-2014
Pension Implementation of National Pension System in Local Self Government Institutions - National Pension System architecture Role of Central Record Keeping Agency, Pension Fund Managers, Trustee Bank, Accounting Procedure and allocation of PRAN - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.69/14/G.Edn Dated 28.04.2014
General Education Department-Aided Status for Buds School-Special Schools and Allotment of Honorarium for teaching non-teaching staff of authorised special schools-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
IAS - Guidelines for Nomination of Officers for inclusion in the zone of consideration for selection to the IAS from Non State Civil Service Officers - Revised guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 39-2014-Fin dated 30-04-2014
KSR - Cancellation of unavailed portion of Leave Without Allowance - Instructions DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 152/2014/Fin Dated. 29-04-2014
Pension Implementation of National Pension System in Local Self Government Institutions - National Pension System architecture Role of Central Record Keeping Agency, Pension Fund Managers, Trustee Bank, Accounting Procedure and allocation of PRAN - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.69/14/G.Edn Dated 28.04.2014
General Education Department-Aided Status for Buds School-Special Schools and Allotment of Honorarium for teaching non-teaching staff of authorised special schools-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 66/2014/G.Edn Dated. 28-03-2014
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Manual for Career Guidance and Adolescent Counseling Programmes in Higher Secondary Education Department - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 149/2014/Fin Dated. 26-04-2014
Finance Department - Introduction of New Common Bill Form TR 59(A) for drawing Non - Salary claims from the Treasuries - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 66/2014/G.Edn Dated. 28-03-2014
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Manual for Career Guidance and Adolescent Counseling Programmes in Higher Secondary Education Department - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 151/2014/Fin Dated. 28-04-2014
Finance Department - Mobilization of Additional Resources - Constitution of a Committee to suggest measures revenue augmentation - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 149/2014/Fin Dated. 26-04-2014
Finance Department - Introduction of New Common Bill Form TR 59(A) for drawing Non - Salary claims from the Treasuries - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.10/2014/P&ARD Dated 25.04.2014
P&ARD Department- 100 days Programme-dismersal of files - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD

G.O.(MS)No.10/2014/P&ARD Dated 25.04.2014
P&ARD Department- 100 days Programme-dismersal of files - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No. 49204/P3/2013/Gen Edn Dated. 25-04-2014
General Education - Special Allowance to Clerks or Peons for handling Cash drawal through ATM - Clarification DOWNLOAD
No. 49204/P3/2013/Gen Edn Dated. 25-04-2014
General Education - Special Allowance to Clerks or Peons for handling Cash drawal through ATM - Clarification DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 146/2014/Fin Dated. 22-04-2014
Implementation of e-Office in Government Secretariat - Processing of Administrative Department files in Finance Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 146/2014/Fin Dated. 22-04-2014
Implementation of e-Office in Government Secretariat - Processing of Administrative Department files in Finance Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 14/2013/P & ARD Dated. 20-04-2013
Kerala State Right to Service (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 144/14/Fin Dated. 16-04-2014
Loans and Advances Sanctioned to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2014 - Postponed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 14/2013/P & ARD Dated. 20-04-2013
Kerala State Right to Service (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 144/14/Fin Dated. 16-04-2014
Loans and Advances Sanctioned to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2014 - Postponed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 168/2013/(147)/Fin Dated. 11-04-2013
PAY REVISION 2009 - Education Department - Scale of Pay - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (Rt) No. 997/14/LGSD Dated. 11-04-2014
Change of Parent's Name as per Gazette Notification - Correction in Birth Certificate - Clarification - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 89/2014/GAD Dated. 08-04-2014
General Administration Department - Public Holiday to all Public
Sector Undertakings on 14-04-2014 in connection with the Birthday of Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.16203/A.R.12(1)/2013 / P&ARD Dated .08.04.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Implementation of Right to service Act in government offices and other institutions- reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 168/2013/(147)/Fin Dated. 11-04-2013
PAY REVISION 2009 - Education Department - Scale of Pay - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (Rt) No. 997/14/LGSD Dated. 11-04-2014
Change of Parent's Name as per Gazette Notification - Correction in Birth Certificate - Clarification - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 89/2014/GAD Dated. 08-04-2014
General Administration Department - Public Holiday to all Public
Sector Undertakings on 14-04-2014 in connection with the Birthday of Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.16203/A.R.12(1)/2013 / P&ARD Dated .08.04.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Implementation of Right to service Act in government offices and other institutions- reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 87/2014/GAD Dated. 05-04-2014
General Administration Department - General Election to Lok Sabha 2014 - Day of Poll - Declaration of HOLIDAY on 10th APRIL 2014 to the institutions under the Negotiable Instruments ACT 1881 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 83/2014/GAD Dated. 31-03-2014
General Administration Department - GENERAL ELECTION TO LOK SABHA 2014 - Day of Poll - Declaration of HOLIDAY ON 10 th APRIL 2014 to the PUBLIC OFFICES and other Institutions - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 57/2014/Envt Dated. 27-03-2014
Report of High Level Working Group on Western Ghats (Kasthurirangan Committee) Demarcation of exact boundaries of ESAs as refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 31/2014 Dated 27-03-2014
Measures to streamline liquidity position - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1633/14/RD Dated. 26-03-2014
Revenue Department - Formation of SMART Village Offices - Cost of conversion of VILLAGE OFFICE as SMART VILLAGE - modified - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.110/2014/H&FWD Dated 26.03.2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Doctors Retirement period extended on 6 months-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 87/2014/GAD Dated. 05-04-2014
General Administration Department - General Election to Lok Sabha 2014 - Day of Poll - Declaration of HOLIDAY on 10th APRIL 2014 to the institutions under the Negotiable Instruments ACT 1881 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 83/2014/GAD Dated. 31-03-2014
General Administration Department - GENERAL ELECTION TO LOK SABHA 2014 - Day of Poll - Declaration of HOLIDAY ON 10 th APRIL 2014 to the PUBLIC OFFICES and other Institutions - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 57/2014/Envt Dated. 27-03-2014
Report of High Level Working Group on Western Ghats (Kasthurirangan Committee) Demarcation of exact boundaries of ESAs as refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 31/2014 Dated 27-03-2014
Measures to streamline liquidity position - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1633/14/RD Dated. 26-03-2014
Revenue Department - Formation of SMART Village Offices - Cost of conversion of VILLAGE OFFICE as SMART VILLAGE - modified - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.110/2014/H&FWD Dated 26.03.2014
Health & Family Welfare Department - Doctors Retirement period extended on 6 months-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 30/2014/Fin Dated 26/03/2014
TR 46(a) Salary Bill Form; Instructions to Cheque Drawing Departments Government have issued instructions to all cheque drawing departments to send consolidated details of deductions to the stakeholder agencies on a monthly basis. DOWNLOAD
Circular No 30/2014/Fin Dated 26/03/2014
TR 46(a) Salary Bill Form; Instructions to Cheque Drawing Departments Government have issued instructions to all cheque drawing departments to send consolidated details of deductions to the stakeholder agencies on a monthly basis. DOWNLOAD
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No. 7837 /PS/14/TD. Dated. 25-03-2014
Taxes Department - Refunding of Government money kept unauthorisedly in cash chest - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR NO. 28/2014/Fin Dated. 24-03-2014
Treasury Transactions - Rushing of Bills and Drawal of Advance towards the close of the Financial Year - Avoidance of - Modified instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
No. 7837 /PS/14/TD. Dated. 25-03-2014
Taxes Department - Refunding of Government money kept unauthorisedly in cash chest - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR NO. 28/2014/Fin Dated. 24-03-2014
Treasury Transactions - Rushing of Bills and Drawal of Advance towards the close of the Financial Year - Avoidance of - Modified instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
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Government have notified the sale of Kerala Government Stock (securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of 600.00 Crore (Nominal). DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 49/2013/H.Edn Dated. 22-02-2013
Higher Education Department – Payment of 6th U G C Pay revision arrears – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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NOTIFICATION No. 28886/SSI/2014/Fin Dated. 21-03-2014Higher Education Department – Payment of 6th U G C Pay revision arrears – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Government have notified the sale of Kerala Government Stock (securities) of 10-year tenure for an aggregate amount of 600.00 Crore (Nominal). DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 08/2014 / BCDD Dated. 09.03.14
Backward Community Development Department- Post Graduate/Professional/Polytechnic Course/ Other Backward Classes- Creamy Layer Income limit raised to Rs. 1,00,000 lakh - Orders issued.
G.O (MS) No. 08/2014 / BCDD Dated. 09.03.14
Backward Community Development Department- Post Graduate/Professional/Polytechnic Course/ Other Backward Classes- Creamy Layer Income limit raised to Rs. 1,00,000 lakh - Orders issued.
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No. AA & VW(2) 31744/11/GW (1)-107 Dated. 19-03-2014
Sending documents for SERVICE VERIFICATION - reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 106/14/Fin Dated. 17-03-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Enhancement of Ceiling for Pension payments from District Treasuries - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
No. AA & VW(2) 31744/11/GW (1)-107 Dated. 19-03-2014
Sending documents for SERVICE VERIFICATION - reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 106/14/Fin Dated. 17-03-2014
Finance Department - Establishment - Enhancement of Ceiling for Pension payments from District Treasuries - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 25/2014/Fin Dated. 17-03-2014
Finance Department - Updation of Data of Employees in SPARK application DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 25/2014/Fin Dated. 17-03-2014
Finance Department - Updation of Data of Employees in SPARK application DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 23/14/Fin Dated. 13-03-2014
Finance Department - SPARK - Online submission of Salary Bills - Southern District of Kerala - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.5734/H1/14/H&FWD Dated 10.03.2014
Health & Family Welfare Department-Maintaining T R 5 receipt books-regarding.
Health & Family Welfare Department-Maintaining T R 5 receipt books-regarding.
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CIRCULAR No. 524/R1/2014/P & ARD Dated. 10-03-2014
Public Services - Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958 - Applicability of Rule 28 (bbb) - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 524/R1/2014/P & ARD Dated. 10-03-2014
Public Services - Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958 - Applicability of Rule 28 (bbb) - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
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.............The Eco-Sensitive Are in the State of Kerala is spread over of an area
of 9993.7 Sq KM, which includes 9107 Sq KM of Forest area and 886.7 Sq KM
of non-forest area and the boundary and description of Eco-Sensitive Area
and the Village-wise details of ..............................DOWNLOAD
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NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM - Guidelines for NPS Deduction in SPARK
(Western Ghats).............The Eco-Sensitive Are in the State of Kerala is spread over of an area
of 9993.7 Sq KM, which includes 9107 Sq KM of Forest area and 886.7 Sq KM
of non-forest area and the boundary and description of Eco-Sensitive Area
and the Village-wise details of ..............................DOWNLOAD
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NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM - Guidelines for NPS Deduction in SPARK
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Circular No. 21/14/Fin Dated. 07-03-2014
General Election to Lok Sabha 2014 - Model Code of Conduct - Instructions for strict observance - reg. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 21/14/Fin Dated. 07-03-2014
General Election to Lok Sabha 2014 - Model Code of Conduct - Instructions for strict observance - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Ms) No. 93/2014/(187)/Fin Dated. 05-03-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Medical Education Department - Lab Technical (Pharmacy) Incorporation of post and Ratio Promotion - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 93/2014/(187)/Fin Dated. 05-03-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Medical Education Department - Lab Technical (Pharmacy) Incorporation of post and Ratio Promotion - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.23/2014/SJD Dated 06.03.2014
Social Justice Department- CANCER SURAKSHA SCHEME- Free treatmentfor children up to 18 years- Guidelines amended- Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.23/2014/SJD Dated 06.03.2014
Social Justice Department- CANCER SURAKSHA SCHEME- Free treatmentfor children up to 18 years- Guidelines amended- Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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General Elections to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim DOWNLOAD
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Due date for filing TDS, TCS extended till March 31, 2014
The due date for filing 'Tax Deducted at Source' (TDS) and tax collected at source (TCS) for 2012-13 has been extended till March-31 in case of Government Deductors DOWNLOAD
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Office Memorandum No. 1-4/2012-RE(Pt.) Dated. 04-03-2014
High Level Working Group Report on Western Ghats - Reg.
..........Considering that Kerala is only State among the Western Ghats States which has undertaken
the exercise of demarcating ESA by physical verification post HLWG report,......................
General Elections to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim DOWNLOAD
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Due date for filing TDS, TCS extended till March 31, 2014
The due date for filing 'Tax Deducted at Source' (TDS) and tax collected at source (TCS) for 2012-13 has been extended till March-31 in case of Government Deductors DOWNLOAD
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Office Memorandum No. 1-4/2012-RE(Pt.) Dated. 04-03-2014
High Level Working Group Report on Western Ghats - Reg.
..........Considering that Kerala is only State among the Western Ghats States which has undertaken
the exercise of demarcating ESA by physical verification post HLWG report,......................
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G.O (P) No. 46/14/Gen. Edn Dated. 03-03-2014
Exemption of Malayalam Language to Non Malayalam Medium Schools for the year 2013-14 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 46/14/Gen. Edn Dated. 03-03-2014
Exemption of Malayalam Language to Non Malayalam Medium Schools for the year 2013-14 DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 89/2014/Fin Dated. 28-02-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension in respect of PART TIME TEACHERS - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 89/2014/Fin Dated. 28-02-2014
Pension - Revision of Pension in respect of PART TIME TEACHERS - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 423/2014/H.Edn Dated. 28-02-2014
Higher Education - Private Aided Colleges - Validity of Rank Lists for the selection of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff in Aided Colleges and mode of Recruitment from Rank List - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 85/2014/Fin Dated. 26-02-2014
Government and Aided Homoeopathic Medical Colleges - Revision of Scales of Pay and allied matters of Teachers under AICTE Scales of Pay in terms of UGC Scheme - Extending Time Limit for Option - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 423/2014/H.Edn Dated. 28-02-2014
Higher Education - Private Aided Colleges - Validity of Rank Lists for the selection of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff in Aided Colleges and mode of Recruitment from Rank List - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 85/2014/Fin Dated. 26-02-2014
Government and Aided Homoeopathic Medical Colleges - Revision of Scales of Pay and allied matters of Teachers under AICTE Scales of Pay in terms of UGC Scheme - Extending Time Limit for Option - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 411/2014/H.Edn Dated. 26-02-2014
Higher Education Department - Prospectus for Admission to LLM Course 2013-14 - Further Modified - Orders - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 411/2014/H.Edn Dated. 26-02-2014
Higher Education Department - Prospectus for Admission to LLM Course 2013-14 - Further Modified - Orders - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.16/2014/SJD Dated. 25.02.2014.
Social Justice Department- Kerala State Social Development Board - Pension for employees-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.16/2014/SJD Dated. 25.02.2014.
Social Justice Department- Kerala State Social Development Board - Pension for employees-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 81/2014/Fin Dated. 24-02-2014
Pension - Implementation of National Pension System - Applicability of General Provident Fund Rules to the Employees under National Pension System - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 81/2014/Fin Dated. 24-02-2014
Pension - Implementation of National Pension System - Applicability of General Provident Fund Rules to the Employees under National Pension System - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 92/2014/H.Edn Dated. 22-02-2014
Higher Education Department - Self Financing Law Colleges - Fee structure
for LLM Course for the Academic Year 2013-14 - Approved - Orders - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 77/2014/Fin Dated. 22-02-2014
Treasury Fixed Deposits - Revision of Rates of Interests - Sanctioned - Orders Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 92/2014/H.Edn Dated. 22-02-2014
Higher Education Department - Self Financing Law Colleges - Fee structure
for LLM Course for the Academic Year 2013-14 - Approved - Orders - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 77/2014/Fin Dated. 22-02-2014
Treasury Fixed Deposits - Revision of Rates of Interests - Sanctioned - Orders Issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No 79/2014/Fin Dated 22/02 /2014
Government have issued Terms of Reference of the Pay Revision Commission constituted for the revision of pay of Government Employees,staff of educational institutions etc. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 76/2014/Fin Dated. 21-02-2014
Kerala Treasury Code - Introduction of New T R 46 BILL FORM for drawing Salary Claims of SELF DRAWING OFFICERS under State Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.6/2014/SCSTDD. Dated 21.02.2014
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- PG / Professional/Polytechnic courses for SEBC/ Other community students - For availing KPCR educational benefits annual income limit raised to Rs. 1,00,000- DOWNLOAD
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LETTER No. 56431/DA3/13/LSG Dated 20-02-2014
Govt Principal Secretary issued clarification regarding the appointment of school teachers as Gramasabha Coordinators by Local Self Govt Institutions. As per Kerala Panchayth Raj Act Section 181 (4) all transferred officers should do the duties assigned by LSGIs. So Gramapanchayaths can depute Govt School Teachers transferred to them as Gramasabha Co Ordinators. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No 79/2014/Fin Dated 22/02 /2014
Government have issued Terms of Reference of the Pay Revision Commission constituted for the revision of pay of Government Employees,staff of educational institutions etc. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 76/2014/Fin Dated. 21-02-2014
Kerala Treasury Code - Introduction of New T R 46 BILL FORM for drawing Salary Claims of SELF DRAWING OFFICERS under State Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 16/14/Fin Dated. 21-02-2014
Finance Department - Placing the Entire General Insurance Business of Public Sector Undertakings, Universities and Co-operative institutions with Kerala State Insurance Department - Reg. DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -G.O.(MS) No.6/2014/SCSTDD. Dated 21.02.2014
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- PG / Professional/Polytechnic courses for SEBC/ Other community students - For availing KPCR educational benefits annual income limit raised to Rs. 1,00,000- DOWNLOAD
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LETTER No. 56431/DA3/13/LSG Dated 20-02-2014
Govt Principal Secretary issued clarification regarding the appointment of school teachers as Gramasabha Coordinators by Local Self Govt Institutions. As per Kerala Panchayth Raj Act Section 181 (4) all transferred officers should do the duties assigned by LSGIs. So Gramapanchayaths can depute Govt School Teachers transferred to them as Gramasabha Co Ordinators. DOWNLOAD
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G O (P) No 74/2014/Fin Dated. 20/02/2014
Enhancing the wages of Casual Sweepers - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1310/2014/Fin Dated. 19-02-2014
Finance Department - Opening of Bank Account in the Designation of 213 Treasury Officers in the Agency banks attached to the Treasuries - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 72/2014(186)/Fin Dated. 19-02-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - General Education Department - DIET - Modification of Scale of Pay - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G O (P) No 74/2014/Fin Dated. 20/02/2014
Enhancing the wages of Casual Sweepers - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1310/2014/Fin Dated. 19-02-2014
Finance Department - Opening of Bank Account in the Designation of 213 Treasury Officers in the Agency banks attached to the Treasuries - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 72/2014(186)/Fin Dated. 19-02-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - General Education Department - DIET - Modification of Scale of Pay - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 45/2014 / LSGD Dated. 19-02-2014
Local Self Government Department - Head Clerk/Head Accountant - Duties and responsibilities reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 45/2014 / LSGD Dated. 19-02-2014
Local Self Government Department - Head Clerk/Head Accountant - Duties and responsibilities reg DOWNLOAD
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GO(MS)No.807/14/GEdn 18.02.2014
General Education-Private Study of Unaided students. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 69/14/Fin Dated. 17-02-2014
Kerala Financial Code Volume I - Amendment to Article 249, 254 and 265 A - Issued
.....Advance for Medical Purpose...... When a patient is referred to another institution outside collegiate hospital / Government hospital it should be with the permission of the Unit Chief or Head of the Department of the Institution .............100% of the estimated cost for undergoing the treatment /procedure ..........List of Diseases / List of Hospital Centres where the Treatment Facilities are available and the Treatment Charges of the Procedures .... DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.15/2014/Fin Dated 15/02 /2014
Government have issued strict instructions to avoid rushing of bills and drawal of advance at the close of the financial year. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 3900/Adv.C2/2014/P & ARD Dated. 15-02-2014
Recording of the Annual Confidential Report by the Reporting Authorities - Instructions Issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
Kerala Municipality Building (Regularisation of Unauthorised Construction)
Rules 2014 DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.24735/O.L.3/13/P&AR Dated. 14.02.2014.
Official language dept- Malayalam as official language-Minutes of all meeting (in Secretariat and District wise) in Malayalam. DOWNLOAD

GO(MS)No.807/14/GEdn 18.02.2014
General Education-Private Study of Unaided students. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 69/14/Fin Dated. 17-02-2014
Kerala Financial Code Volume I - Amendment to Article 249, 254 and 265 A - Issued
.....Advance for Medical Purpose...... When a patient is referred to another institution outside collegiate hospital / Government hospital it should be with the permission of the Unit Chief or Head of the Department of the Institution .............100% of the estimated cost for undergoing the treatment /procedure ..........List of Diseases / List of Hospital Centres where the Treatment Facilities are available and the Treatment Charges of the Procedures .... DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.15/2014/Fin Dated 15/02 /2014
Government have issued strict instructions to avoid rushing of bills and drawal of advance at the close of the financial year. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 3900/Adv.C2/2014/P & ARD Dated. 15-02-2014
Recording of the Annual Confidential Report by the Reporting Authorities - Instructions Issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 39/2014/LSGD Dated. 14-02-2014Kerala Municipality Building (Regularisation of Unauthorised Construction)
Rules 2014 DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.24735/O.L.3/13/P&AR Dated. 14.02.2014.
Official language dept- Malayalam as official language-Minutes of all meeting (in Secretariat and District wise) in Malayalam. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.3943/AdvC3/2014/P&ARD Dated 13.02.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Reporting anticipated vacancies to Kerala Public Service Commission- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.3943/AdvC3/2014/P&ARD Dated 13.02.2014.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Reporting anticipated vacancies to Kerala Public Service Commission- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 09/14/Fin dated. 11-02-2014
> E - Submission of Salary Bills Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO's) DOWNLOAD
> E - Submission of Salary Bills Self Drawing Officers (SDO's) DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 09/14/Fin dated. 11-02-2014
> E - Submission of Salary Bills Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO's) DOWNLOAD
> E - Submission of Salary Bills Self Drawing Officers (SDO's) DOWNLOAD
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No. J-11011/07/2012-RE I Dated 11-02-2014
Direction under Section 27(1) of MGNREGA 2005 regarding provision of work Directive on BANK accounts and AADHAAR numbers DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Rt) No. 828/2014/RD Dated. 10-02-2014
Revenue - Survey and Land Records Department - Establishment - Continuance of Temporary posts - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
No. J-11011/07/2012-RE I Dated 11-02-2014
Direction under Section 27(1) of MGNREGA 2005 regarding provision of work Directive on BANK accounts and AADHAAR numbers DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Rt) No. 828/2014/RD Dated. 10-02-2014
Revenue - Survey and Land Records Department - Establishment - Continuance of Temporary posts - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 5/2014/P&ARD Dated 05-02-2014
Official Languages Annual celebration- Extended to 31 October 2014- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 5/2014/P&ARD Dated 05-02-2014
Official Languages Annual celebration- Extended to 31 October 2014- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O,(MS) No. 05/2014/BCDD Dated. 31.01.2014.
Backward Community Development Department- Other Backward Classes - Creamy Layer Income limit raised to Rs. 6 lakh - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O,(MS) No. 05/2014/BCDD Dated. 31.01.2014.
Backward Community Development Department- Other Backward Classes - Creamy Layer Income limit raised to Rs. 6 lakh - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O(MS)No.410/2014/G.Edn. Dated. 27.01.2014.
General Education Department- Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) Issue of Duplicate Pass Certificate to candidates - Rate of Fee and application Form-approved- DOWNLOAD
G.O(MS)No.410/2014/G.Edn. Dated. 27.01.2014.
General Education Department- Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) Issue of Duplicate Pass Certificate to candidates - Rate of Fee and application Form-approved- DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 03/2014 Dated. 24-01-2014
Finance Act 2013 - Explanatory Notes to the Provisions of the Finance Act 2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.5/2014/SJD Dated 23-01-2014
Social Justice Department-Differently abled persons who were working temporary from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange and could not complete 179 days-re-employment amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 03/2014 Dated. 24-01-2014
Finance Act 2013 - Explanatory Notes to the Provisions of the Finance Act 2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.5/2014/SJD Dated 23-01-2014
Social Justice Department-Differently abled persons who were working temporary from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange and could not complete 179 days-re-employment amended-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms)No. 32/2014(184)/Fin Dated. 21-01-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Health Services Department - Correction of Scale of Pay - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O.(P) No. 04/2014/P&ARD Dated. 21-01-2014
Public Services - Persons in Service belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes - Temporary Exemption from Passing Special or Departmental Tests - Period of Exemption -Extended - Orders passed. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms)No. 32/2014(184)/Fin Dated. 21-01-2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Health Services Department - Correction of Scale of Pay - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O.(P) No. 04/2014/P&ARD Dated. 21-01-2014
Public Services - Persons in Service belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes - Temporary Exemption from Passing Special or Departmental Tests - Period of Exemption -Extended - Orders passed. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No.207/2014/ H&FWD Dated 20-01-2014
Health &Family Welfare Department- Health Services-Establishment-Request for Correction of Date of Birth in Service Book-Sanction accorded-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.3/2014/SJD Dated 17.01.2014.
Social Justice Department-Differently abled persons who were working temporary from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange and could not complete 179 days-re-employment-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 14/2014/ Gl.Edn Dated 15-01-2014
General Education -Higher Secondary Education- Kerala State Bharath Scout and Guides including activities Higher Secondary -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 03/2014/Fin Dated. 10/01/2014
Voluntary Retirement - Issuing sanction prior to the date of request in deserving cases - DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 61872/DD3/2013/LSGD DATED. 10-01-2014
G.O (Rt) No.207/2014/ H&FWD Dated 20-01-2014
Health &Family Welfare Department- Health Services-Establishment-Request for Correction of Date of Birth in Service Book-Sanction accorded-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.3/2014/SJD Dated 17.01.2014.
Social Justice Department-Differently abled persons who were working temporary from 16.08.1999 to 31.12.2003 through Employment Exchange and could not complete 179 days-re-employment-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 14/2014/ Gl.Edn Dated 15-01-2014
General Education -Higher Secondary Education- Kerala State Bharath Scout and Guides including activities Higher Secondary -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 03/2014/Fin Dated. 10/01/2014
Voluntary Retirement - Issuing sanction prior to the date of request in deserving cases - DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 61872/DD3/2013/LSGD DATED. 10-01-2014
LSGD issued Circular clarifying the Earned Leave surrender for Teachers and Officials engaged in Socio Economic Caste Census conducted during the Summer Vacation 2012. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 3469/Cdn. 4/2014/GAD Dated. 10-01-2014
Celebration of National Voters' Day on 25th January 2014 - Duty Leave to Booth Level Officers for attending the public functions - Instructions issued - Regarding DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 16/2014/Fin Dated. 10-01-2014
Revision of Pension and Family Pension in respect of those coming under UGC / AICTE / MES - Arrears on account of revision sanctioned with effect from 01-07-2009 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 3469/Cdn. 4/2014/GAD Dated. 10-01-2014
Celebration of National Voters' Day on 25th January 2014 - Duty Leave to Booth Level Officers for attending the public functions - Instructions issued - Regarding DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 16/2014/Fin Dated. 10-01-2014
Revision of Pension and Family Pension in respect of those coming under UGC / AICTE / MES - Arrears on account of revision sanctioned with effect from 01-07-2009 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 03/2014/BCDD Dated. 09.01.2014.
Backward Communities Development Department - 2014-15 Professional Degree Courses - Income limit for SEBC reservation enhanced to Rs.6 lakhs- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O No. 85/2014/LSGD Dated. 08-01-2014
LSGD - Availing allowance to family members who included in Ration Card - On expiry of Card Holder - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 03/2014/BCDD Dated. 09.01.2014.
Backward Communities Development Department - 2014-15 Professional Degree Courses - Income limit for SEBC reservation enhanced to Rs.6 lakhs- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O No. 85/2014/LSGD Dated. 08-01-2014
LSGD - Availing allowance to family members who included in Ration Card - On expiry of Card Holder - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 08/14/GAD Dated. 08-01-2014
General Administration - Sports and Games - Increasement of cash award, diet allowance for Government servants who were participated in National Service Games - Orders issued DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O.(MS) No. 08/14/Gl.Edn Dated 06-01-2014.
General Education Department-Vocational Higher Secondary Education (VHSE) - Special Examination benefits for Children with learning disabilities - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No. 08/14/Gl.Edn Dated 06-01-2014.
General Education Department-Vocational Higher Secondary Education (VHSE) - Special Examination benefits for Children with learning disabilities - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 2/2014/F & WLD Dated. 04-01-2014
Forest & Wild Life Department - Pay Revision to the Employees of Kerala Forest Development Corporation - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 2/2014/F & WLD Dated. 04-01-2014
Forest & Wild Life Department - Pay Revision to the Employees of Kerala Forest Development Corporation - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 1/2014/P & ARD Dated. 03-01-2014
Posting Last Grade Servants and Low Paid Employees (Included in the Subordinate Services) to LD Clerk / LD Typist - 10 % vacancies - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 1/2014/P & ARD Dated. 03-01-2014
Posting Last Grade Servants and Low Paid Employees (Included in the Subordinate Services) to LD Clerk / LD Typist - 10 % vacancies - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 75667/RC2/2013/LSGD Dated. 02-01-2014
LSGD Setting up of Hoardings on Trees for advertisements - Instructions issued to Local Self Government Institutions - Circular revised - Reg. DOWNLOAD
LSGD Setting up of Hoardings on Trees for advertisements - Instructions issued to Local Self Government Institutions - Circular revised - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.75419/A1/2013/LSGD Dated 30.12.2013.
Local Self Government Department-Officials- Name and Designation in the Certificates Provided by Local Self Institution-reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. Ad. C 2/61002/13/HSE Dated. 24-12-2013
Higher Secondary Education HSE - Estt - Availing Maternity Leave in different Spells -
Clarification - Reg. & Government Circular No. 6/11/Fin Dated. 14-01-2011 DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 950/SC/13/PAD Dated. 24-12-2013
Government Employees - Landed property statement - Movable / Immovable etc - Online Filing of Property returns -Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 629/2013/Fin Dated. 23-12-2013
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - General Guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.75419/A1/2013/LSGD Dated 30.12.2013.
Local Self Government Department-Officials- Name and Designation in the Certificates Provided by Local Self Institution-reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. Ad. C 2/61002/13/HSE Dated. 24-12-2013
Higher Secondary Education HSE - Estt - Availing Maternity Leave in different Spells -
Clarification - Reg. & Government Circular No. 6/11/Fin Dated. 14-01-2011 DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 950/SC/13/PAD Dated. 24-12-2013
Government Employees - Landed property statement - Movable / Immovable etc - Online Filing of Property returns -Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 629/2013/Fin Dated. 23-12-2013
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - General Guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (P) No. 630/2013/Fin Dated. 23-12-2013
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt)No.6729/2013/RD Dated 21.12.2013
Revenue Department - Transfer of Thahasildar - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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No.17714/Adv.3/13/2013/P&ARD Dated 20.12.2013.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Reporting of Anticipated vacancies of entry cadres in District level-Clarification- DOWNLOAD
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OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. 1-4/2012-RE (Pt) Dated. 20-12-2013.
High Level Working Group Report on Western Ghats - (on Kasturirangan Report) Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 626/2013/Fin Dated. 20-12-2013
Pension Revision 2009 – Special Pay in lieu of Higher Time Scale of Pay – Modified – Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 621/2013/Fin Dated. 19-12-2013
Pension – Family Pension to Parents of Deceased Government Employee – Liberalizing existing norms – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 630/2013/Fin Dated. 23-12-2013
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt)No.6729/2013/RD Dated 21.12.2013
Revenue Department - Transfer of Thahasildar - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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No.17714/Adv.3/13/2013/P&ARD Dated 20.12.2013.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Reporting of Anticipated vacancies of entry cadres in District level-Clarification- DOWNLOAD
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Notification No.17714/Adv.3/13/2013/P&ARD Dated 20.12.2013
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Reporting of Anticipated vacancies of entry cadres in District level - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
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High Level Working Group Report on Western Ghats - (on Kasturirangan Report) Reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 626/2013/Fin Dated. 20-12-2013
Pension Revision 2009 – Special Pay in lieu of Higher Time Scale of Pay – Modified – Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Pension – Family Pension to Parents of Deceased Government Employee – Liberalizing existing norms – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.111/2013/Tran. Dated 11-12- 2013.
Transport Department - Motor Vehicles Department-Appointment to the post of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector-Method of appointment by transfer - Revised -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 602/13/Fin Dated. 11-12-213
Finance Department - Establishment - Early disbursement of 25% of Pay and Allowances for December 2013 and Pension / Family Pension / KFFP for January 2014 in connection with Christmas - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 586/2013/Fin Dated. 03-12-2013
Interest Free MEDICAL ADVANCE to Government Employees- Modification to APPLICATION FORM - DOWNLOAD
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G.O.( MS) No.106/2013/SJD Dated 03. 12. 2013.
Social Justice Department- I.C.D.S. Honorarium for Anganwadi Wokers /Helpers Enhanced - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Pay Revision Commission- Constituted
GO(MS)No 583/2013/Fin Dated 30/11/2013
Government have constituted Pay Revision Commission to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government Employees,staff of educational institutions, local bodies etc. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.111/2013/Tran. Dated 11-12- 2013.
Transport Department - Motor Vehicles Department-Appointment to the post of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector-Method of appointment by transfer - Revised -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 602/13/Fin Dated. 11-12-213
Finance Department - Establishment - Early disbursement of 25% of Pay and Allowances for December 2013 and Pension / Family Pension / KFFP for January 2014 in connection with Christmas - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 586/2013/Fin Dated. 03-12-2013
Interest Free MEDICAL ADVANCE to Government Employees- Modification to APPLICATION FORM - DOWNLOAD
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G.O.( MS) No.106/2013/SJD Dated 03. 12. 2013.
Social Justice Department- I.C.D.S. Honorarium for Anganwadi Wokers /Helpers Enhanced - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Pay Revision Commission- Constituted
GO(MS)No 583/2013/Fin Dated 30/11/2013
Government have constituted Pay Revision Commission to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government Employees,staff of educational institutions, local bodies etc. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 313/2013/G.Edn Dated. 29-11-2013
General Education Department - Fixation of Staff on the basis of UID - Guidelines - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 580/2013/Fin Dated. 28-11-2013
Economy - Economy in Expenditure - Enforcement of Additional Economy Measures - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 308/2013/G.Edn Dated. 27-11-2013
Computer Education has been made compulsory for Declaration of Probation of Teachers – KER – Kerala Education Rules Amendment DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 313/2013/G.Edn Dated. 29-11-2013
General Education Department - Fixation of Staff on the basis of UID - Guidelines - Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 580/2013/Fin Dated. 28-11-2013
Economy - Economy in Expenditure - Enforcement of Additional Economy Measures - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 308/2013/G.Edn Dated. 27-11-2013
Computer Education has been made compulsory for Declaration of Probation of Teachers – KER – Kerala Education Rules Amendment DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 569/2013/Fin Dated. 19-11-2013Revision of Pay Scales of Employees of Kerala Water Authority - Modification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. 1-4/2012-RE (Pt) dated. 16-11-2013
High Level Working Group Report on WESTERN GHATS - Reg. DOWNLOAD.
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G.O. (P) No. 198/2013/TD Dated. 16-11-2013
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G.O (P) No. 555/2013/Fin Dated. 13-11-2013
Finance Department - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) Renewal of the Scheme for the year 2014 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 66666/DA1/2013/LSGD Dated. 12-11-2013
LSGD - Permission on priority to BSNL for road cutting and reinstatement for their service requirement - giving instructions - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No.96/2013/SJD Dated, 08.11.2013
Social Justice Department- Regularisation of differently abled person through Employment Exchange amendment of-Orders issued . DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 545/2013/Fin Dated. 06-11-2013
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 93/2013/SJD Dated. 4-11-2013
Social Justice Department - Indira Gandhi Oldage Pension- Age bar reduced to 60 Years from 65 Years - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 198/2013/TD Dated. 16-11-2013
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G.O (P) No. 555/2013/Fin Dated. 13-11-2013
Finance Department - Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) Renewal of the Scheme for the year 2014 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 66666/DA1/2013/LSGD Dated. 12-11-2013
LSGD - Permission on priority to BSNL for road cutting and reinstatement for their service requirement - giving instructions - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No.96/2013/SJD Dated, 08.11.2013
Social Justice Department- Regularisation of differently abled person through Employment Exchange amendment of-Orders issued . DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 545/2013/Fin Dated. 06-11-2013
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 93/2013/SJD Dated. 4-11-2013
Social Justice Department - Indira Gandhi Oldage Pension- Age bar reduced to 60 Years from 65 Years - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Ms) No. 677/2013/H.Edn Dated. 01-11-2013
Higher Education Department - Private Aided Colleges - Guidelines issued for Selection and approval of appointments in Private Aided Colleges - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 91/2013/SJD Dated. 31-10-2013
Social Justice Department - Certificate for students completing Anganwadi education -Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 677/2013/H.Edn Dated. 01-11-2013
Higher Education Department - Private Aided Colleges - Guidelines issued for Selection and approval of appointments in Private Aided Colleges - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 91/2013/SJD Dated. 31-10-2013
Social Justice Department - Certificate for students completing Anganwadi education -Sanctioned-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 14572/C1/2013/SJD Dated. 30-10-2013
Social Justice Department- Legal heirs for the pension arrears of Un-married women above 50 years- Reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 14572/C1/2013/SJD Dated. 30-10-2013
Social Justice Department- Legal heirs for the pension arrears of Un-married women above 50 years- Reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 85/2013/Fin Dated. 30-10-2013
Deduction of TAX at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial Year 2013-14 under Section 192 of the INCOME TAX ACT 1961 & CIRCULAR No. 08/2013 [F.No. 275/192/2013- IT (B)] Dated. 10-10-2013 of the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1525/2013/SCSTDD. Dated 29.10.2013
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- Financial assistance for Youth for Work abroad-Administrative sanction accorded - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 85/2013/Fin Dated. 30-10-2013
Deduction of TAX at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial Year 2013-14 under Section 192 of the INCOME TAX ACT 1961 & CIRCULAR No. 08/2013 [F.No. 275/192/2013- IT (B)] Dated. 10-10-2013 of the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1525/2013/SCSTDD. Dated 29.10.2013
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Development Department- Financial assistance for Youth for Work abroad-Administrative sanction accorded - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 316/2013/Agri. Dated 29-10-2013
Agriculture Department - Farmer's welfare Enrolment to Pension Scheme - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 316/2013/Agri. Dated 29-10-2013
Agriculture Department - Farmer's welfare Enrolment to Pension Scheme - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 533/13/Fin Dated. 25-10-2013
Finance Department - GIS - Enhancement of Rate of Interest - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 82-2013-Fin dated 25-10-2013.
Irregular Fixation of Pay and Allowances-Refund of Excess Amount Drawn - Time Limit Extended. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 533/13/Fin Dated. 25-10-2013
Finance Department - GIS - Enhancement of Rate of Interest - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 82-2013-Fin dated 25-10-2013.
Irregular Fixation of Pay and Allowances-Refund of Excess Amount Drawn - Time Limit Extended. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 71806/RC2/2012/LSGD Dated. 25-10-2013
LSGD - Implementation of direction of the High Court - Removing unauthorized hoardings / advertisement boards etc in the roads and road margins - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 71806/RC2/2012/LSGD Dated. 25-10-2013
LSGD - Implementation of direction of the High Court - Removing unauthorized hoardings / advertisement boards etc in the roads and road margins - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 81357/Cdn.1/2013/GAD Dated. 25-10-2013
Observance of 31st October, 2013 as Rashtriya Sankalp Diwas (National Re-dedication Day - Regarding DOWNLOAD
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G.O(P) No. 284/13/G.Edn Dated. 24-10-2013
General Education - Kerala - Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) - Exemption - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.53/2013/P&EAD Dated 24.10.2013.
Planning &Economic Affairs Department- Interest waiver for Educational loan taken during 2004-09 - Guidelines renewed. DOWNLOAD
Taxes Department - E-payment of Commercial Taxes - Inclusion of eight banks also in the list of Banks authorized for collecting Commercial Taxes through E-payment - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 659/2013/H.Edn Dated. 23-10-2013
Higher Education - Student Entrepreneurship Scheme - Detailed procedure for availing the benefit of the Scheme - Prescribed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 283/13/G Edn Dated. 23-10-2013
General Education - Leave Benefits to Part time Teachers - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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EA4/1056/13/DTE Dated. 23-10-2013
Education - Technical - Government Engineering Colleges - Placement of Lecturers in Senior / Selection Grade - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 81357/Cdn.1/2013/GAD Dated. 25-10-2013
Observance of 31st October, 2013 as Rashtriya Sankalp Diwas (National Re-dedication Day - Regarding DOWNLOAD
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G.O(P) No. 284/13/G.Edn Dated. 24-10-2013
General Education - Kerala - Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) - Exemption - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.53/2013/P&EAD Dated 24.10.2013.
Planning &Economic Affairs Department- Interest waiver for Educational loan taken during 2004-09 - Guidelines renewed. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 180/2013/TD Dated. 24-10-2013Taxes Department - E-payment of Commercial Taxes - Inclusion of eight banks also in the list of Banks authorized for collecting Commercial Taxes through E-payment - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 659/2013/H.Edn Dated. 23-10-2013
Higher Education - Student Entrepreneurship Scheme - Detailed procedure for availing the benefit of the Scheme - Prescribed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 283/13/G Edn Dated. 23-10-2013
General Education - Leave Benefits to Part time Teachers - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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EA4/1056/13/DTE Dated. 23-10-2013
Education - Technical - Government Engineering Colleges - Placement of Lecturers in Senior / Selection Grade - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 530/2013/Fin Dated. 22-10-2013
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala State Insurance Department - Sum Assured Table and Surrender Value factor on SLI - Revised Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 530/2013/Fin Dated. 22-10-2013
Finance Department - Establishment - Kerala State Insurance Department - Sum Assured Table and Surrender Value factor on SLI - Revised Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 529/2013/Fin Dated. 22-10-2013
Kerala Service Rules - Grant of Leave Without Allowance under Appendix XII A & XII C, Part I, Kerala Service Rules - Restrictions relaxed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 2055/2013/H.Edn. Dated. 19-10-2013
Higher Education Department - Prospectus for admission to LLM Course, 2013-14- Approved -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 529/2013/Fin Dated. 22-10-2013
Kerala Service Rules - Grant of Leave Without Allowance under Appendix XII A & XII C, Part I, Kerala Service Rules - Restrictions relaxed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.13660/C1/13/SJD Dated 22.10.2013.
Social JUstice Department.Financial Assistance for the marriage of daughter of widows-clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 70495/SW1/13/GAD Dated. 21-10-2013
Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen - Submission of placement data - reg.DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Social JUstice Department.Financial Assistance for the marriage of daughter of widows-clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 70495/SW1/13/GAD Dated. 21-10-2013
Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen - Submission of placement data - reg.DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2055/2013/H.Edn. Dated. 19-10-2013
Higher Education Department - Prospectus for admission to LLM Course, 2013-14- Approved -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS)No.29/13/2013/P&ARD Dated 19.10.2013.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Pass in Malayalam Examination made mandatory for declaration of probation in Government Service. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS)No.29/13/2013/P&ARD Dated 19.10.2013.
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Pass in Malayalam Examination made mandatory for declaration of probation in Government Service. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 278/2013/G.Edn Dated. 18-10-2013
General Education Department - Inter District Transfer of Junior Language Teachers and Part-time Junior Language Teachers - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 52/2013/P & EAD Dated 17.10.2013.
Planning & Economic Affairs Department- Moratorium for Education Loan - Extended for Six Months -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No. 278/2013/G.Edn Dated. 18-10-2013
General Education Department - Inter District Transfer of Junior Language Teachers and Part-time Junior Language Teachers - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 52/2013/P & EAD Dated 17.10.2013.
Planning & Economic Affairs Department- Moratorium for Education Loan - Extended for Six Months -Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.2030/2013/H.Edn Dated 15.10.2013.
Higher Education Department - Kerala State Library Council 9th Pay Revision Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Economy - Economy in Expenditure - Enforcement of additional Economy Measures and Measures for Revenue Realization - Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
Higher Education Department - Kerala State Library Council 9th Pay Revision Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 515/2013/Fin Dated. 11-10-2013Economy - Economy in Expenditure - Enforcement of additional Economy Measures and Measures for Revenue Realization - Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
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No. 576/3/2013/SDR Dated. 11-10-2013
ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA - Provision for “None of the above” option on the Electronic Voting Machine / Ballot Paper- Instructions. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 82/2013/SJD Dated, 08/10/2013.
Social Justice Department- Leave Without Allowance to work abroad for Anganwadi Workers & Helpers- Extended to 10 years -Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 18157/OL4/P & ARD Dated. 08-10-2013
Malayalam Day and Classical Language Week Celebrations- Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
No. 576/3/2013/SDR Dated. 11-10-2013
ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA - Provision for “None of the above” option on the Electronic Voting Machine / Ballot Paper- Instructions. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 82/2013/SJD Dated, 08/10/2013.
Social Justice Department- Leave Without Allowance to work abroad for Anganwadi Workers & Helpers- Extended to 10 years -Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 18157/OL4/P & ARD Dated. 08-10-2013
Malayalam Day and Classical Language Week Celebrations- Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) 80/13/SJD Dated 07-10-2013
Social Justice- Regularizing differently abled persons who were working temporarily from 16-08-99 to 31-12-2003 through employment exchange- Revised list Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) 80/13/SJD Dated 07-10-2013
Social Justice- Regularizing differently abled persons who were working temporarily from 16-08-99 to 31-12-2003 through employment exchange- Revised list Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 504/2013/Fin Dated. 04-10-2013Pension - Family Pension at higher rate to the Families of Part Time Contingent Employees / Pensioners - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O(Rt) No. 2693/2013/Home Dated. 03-10-2013
Home Department - Police Establishment - Training Period of Police Personnel - Sanction of benefits - Extended to the directly recruited Police Officers thorough Special Recruitment in Armed Battalion - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No.48/2013/PD. Dated 01-10-2013.
Planning and Economic Affairs Department - Moratorium for revenue recoveries on education loans - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 49/2013/PD Dated 01-10-2013
Planning and Economic Affairs Department - Interest waiver for education loan taken during 2004-2009-Date for submission of application extended Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 72/2013/Fin Dated. 01-10-2013
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Extension of date of encashment - HBA allotments 2013-14 - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 72/2013/Fin Dated. 01-10-2013
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees - Extension of date of encashment - HBA allotments 2013-14 - Instructions issued - reg. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 7540/2013/P & ARD Dated. 28-09-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Departmental Examination - Identification Certificate / Admission Ticket - Attestation - reg. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 7540/2013/P & ARD Dated. 28-09-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Departmental Examination - Identification Certificate / Admission Ticket - Attestation - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 27/2013/P & ARD Dated 28.09.2013.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Inter- district transfer of last grade servants cancelled - Renewed guidelines issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 27/2013/P & ARD Dated 28.09.2013.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Inter- district transfer of last grade servants cancelled - Renewed guidelines issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 496/2013/Fin Dated. 28-09-2013Pension - Implementation of National Pension System - Execution of Agreement between Government of Kerala and National Pension System intermediaries - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 495/2013/Fin Dated. 28-09-2013
Pension - Implementation of National Pension System - Personnel who availed Leave Without Allowance under Appendix XIII A/B/C, Part I, Kerala Service Rules - Retained in Kerala Service Rules Part III Pension Scheme - Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 630/2013/H.Edn Dated. 28-09-2013
Higher Education Department - Self Financing Law Colleges - Fee structure for integrated Five Year LLB & Three year LLB Course for the academic year 2013-04 Approved - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 495/2013/Fin Dated. 28-09-2013
Pension - Implementation of National Pension System - Personnel who availed Leave Without Allowance under Appendix XIII A/B/C, Part I, Kerala Service Rules - Retained in Kerala Service Rules Part III Pension Scheme - Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 630/2013/H.Edn Dated. 28-09-2013
Higher Education Department - Self Financing Law Colleges - Fee structure for integrated Five Year LLB & Three year LLB Course for the academic year 2013-04 Approved - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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No. 1-8/2013-E-II (B) Dated. 25-09-2013
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees - Revised Rates effective from 01-07-2013 DOWNLOAD
No. 1-8/2013-E-II (B) Dated. 25-09-2013
Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government Employees - Revised Rates effective from 01-07-2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 1921/2013/H.Edn. Dated 25.09.2013
Higher Education Department - Prospectus for admission to 3 Year LLB Course 2013 - Modified - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
General Education- Higher Secondary Education - Establishment- Post Creation in Government Higher Secondary Schools- DOWNLOAD
Government have enhanced the limit of advance of pay and allowances that can be drawn in the context of ONAM festival to 50%. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 1921/2013/H.Edn. Dated 25.09.2013
Higher Education Department - Prospectus for admission to 3 Year LLB Course 2013 - Modified - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P)No.475/2013/Fin. Dated 13.09.2013
Social welfare pensions / labour welfare pensions - Aadhaar identification card made mandatory - time period extended - DOWNLOAD
Pension - Issuance of Orders relating to Revision of Pensionary Benefits
in respect of various categories from Finance Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Social Justice Department - Declaration of more posts in Class I and II as suitable for appointment of Physically disabled persons - Eligibility criteria modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 447/2013/Fin. Dated 09/09/2013
Enhancement of Special Casual Leave to employees undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiation - Sanctioned DOWNLOAD
Home Department - Kerala Fire & Rescue Services - Issue of No Objection Certificate in respect of multistoried and other categories of buildings revision of existing time limit- Modified DOWNLOAD
Government have sanctioned Adhoc Bonus/ Special Festival Allowance to Government employees and pensioners and Onam Advance to employees.
Onam Advance to Part time Contingent Employees NMR workers and other categories of employees for 2013 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No. 249/2013/GAD. Dated 02.09.2013.
General Administration- Compassionate Employment Scheme- Creation of 356 additional supernumerary posts to clear the backlog in appointments-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Social welfare pensions / labour welfare pensions - Aadhaar identification card made mandatory - time period extended - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 476/2013/Fin Dated. 13-09-2013
Proper and Timely Reconciliation of Departmental Figures of both Receipts and Expenditure - Guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Proper and Timely Reconciliation of Departmental Figures of both Receipts and Expenditure - Guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 468/2013/Fin Dated. 12-09-2013Pension - Issuance of Orders relating to Revision of Pensionary Benefits
in respect of various categories from Finance Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 74/2013/SJD Dated 09-09-2013 Social Justice Department - Declaration of more posts in Class I and II as suitable for appointment of Physically disabled persons - Eligibility criteria modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Enhancement of Special Casual Leave to employees undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiation - Sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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G.O(Ms) No. 224/2013/Home Dated. 07-09-2013Home Department - Kerala Fire & Rescue Services - Issue of No Objection Certificate in respect of multistoried and other categories of buildings revision of existing time limit- Modified DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.430/2013/Fin Dated05/09/2013 DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No.431 /2013 /Fin Dated 05/09/2013 DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No.432/2013/Fin Dated 05/09 /2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 4919-2013/Rev Dated. 06-09-2013
Revenue recovery collection empowered Programme 2013-14 - Orders issued
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G.O.(P) No. 421/2013/Fin Dated. 05/09/2013
Pension - Kerala Service Rules, Part III - Counting of Military Service for Civil Pension - Cases of Personnel Discharged at their own request - Government Decision No. 4 below Rule 8 (c) - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(Ms)No 432/2013/Fin 05/09/2013G.O.(Rt) No. 4919-2013/Rev Dated. 06-09-2013
Revenue recovery collection empowered Programme 2013-14 - Orders issued
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G.O.(P) No. 421/2013/Fin Dated. 05/09/2013
Pension - Kerala Service Rules, Part III - Counting of Military Service for Civil Pension - Cases of Personnel Discharged at their own request - Government Decision No. 4 below Rule 8 (c) - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Onam Advance to Part time Contingent Employees NMR workers and other categories of employees for 2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 597/2013/H.Edn Dated. 03-09-2013
Higher Education Department - Sixth UGC Scheme - Clarifications to the G.O (P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn Dated. 27-03-2010 - Judgment of Hon'ble High Court in WP(C) No. 28682/2012 - Complied with - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 69/2013/SCSTDD Dated. 03-09-2013
SC/ST Department issued detailed guidelines for the beneficiary selection to implement departmental housing scheme during 2013-14. DOWNLOAD
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Higher Education Department - Sixth UGC Scheme - Clarifications to the G.O (P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn Dated. 27-03-2010 - Judgment of Hon'ble High Court in WP(C) No. 28682/2012 - Complied with - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 69/2013/SCSTDD Dated. 03-09-2013
SC/ST Department issued detailed guidelines for the beneficiary selection to implement departmental housing scheme during 2013-14. DOWNLOAD
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General Administration- Compassionate Employment Scheme- Creation of 356 additional supernumerary posts to clear the backlog in appointments-Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O(MS) No. 246/2013/Edn. Dated 31.08.2013.General Education- Higher Secondary Education - Establishment- Post Creation in Government Higher Secondary Schools- DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 412/2013/Fin Dated 30/08/2013Government have enhanced the limit of advance of pay and allowances that can be drawn in the context of ONAM festival to 50%. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No.24/2013/P&ARD, Dated 29.08.2013.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Compassionate employment-Revised criteria of educational qualifications for LDC withheld-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 7015/2013/GAD Dated 27.08.2013
General Administration Department - Qualification prescribed for binder- Amended - DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No 404/2013/Fin Dated 26/08/2013
Government are pleased to disburse 25% of pay and allowances for the month of September 2013 in connection with ONAM. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 7015/2013/GAD Dated 27.08.2013
General Administration Department - Qualification prescribed for binder- Amended - DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No 404/2013/Fin Dated 26/08/2013
Government are pleased to disburse 25% of pay and allowances for the month of September 2013 in connection with ONAM. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No. 23/13/P&ARD Dated. 16-08-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department – Regularising the appointment of Gazetted officers- Proceedings amended- Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No. 23/13/P&ARD Dated. 16-08-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department – Regularising the appointment of Gazetted officers- Proceedings amended- Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 6274/RA1/13/LSGD Dated. 14-08-2013
LSGD - Building Permit - Avoidance of Delay - reg DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 6274/RA1/13/LSGD Dated. 14-08-2013
LSGD - Building Permit - Avoidance of Delay - reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) 63/13/SJD Dated 07-08-2013
Social Justice Department - Regularizing differently abled persons who were working temporarily from 16-08-99 to 31-12-2003 through employment exchange DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 12279/H2/11/RD Dated. 05-08-2013
Revenue Department - Finance Inspection - Verification of RR cases - Pending due to stay orders - Follow up action on the Inspection Reports - Instructions - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.382/2013 /Fin Dated 05/08/2013
Government have ordered enforcement of additional economy measures for the control of non-development expenditure and for enhancing revenue realisation. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) 63/13/SJD Dated 07-08-2013
Social Justice Department - Regularizing differently abled persons who were working temporarily from 16-08-99 to 31-12-2003 through employment exchange DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 12279/H2/11/RD Dated. 05-08-2013
Revenue Department - Finance Inspection - Verification of RR cases - Pending due to stay orders - Follow up action on the Inspection Reports - Instructions - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.382/2013 /Fin Dated 05/08/2013
Government have ordered enforcement of additional economy measures for the control of non-development expenditure and for enhancing revenue realisation. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.276/2013/LSGD Dated. 03.08.2013
Local Self Government Department - Submission of Application for Certificate, with proper documents - On the spot issue of Certificate - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No.276/2013/LSGD Dated. 03.08.2013
Local Self Government Department - Submission of Application for Certificate, with proper documents - On the spot issue of Certificate - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.374/2013 /Fin Dated 01/08/2013
Pension - Family Pension to Parents of deceased Government Employees consequent on remarriage / death of Spouse - Sanctioned - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.374/2013 /Fin Dated 01/08/2013
Pension - Family Pension to Parents of deceased Government Employees consequent on remarriage / death of Spouse - Sanctioned - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 363/2013/Fin Dated 27-07-2013
Government have issued instructions for the direct transfer of Social Security Pensions to the Bank/Post Office accounts of beneficiaries with effect from 01/08/2013. DOWNLOAD
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Part time contingent service- Reporting vacancies to Employment Exchange- reg. DOWNLOAD
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department– Qualifications for LDC revised- Implementation of government order kept in abeyance- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Government have issued instructions for the direct transfer of Social Security Pensions to the Bank/Post Office accounts of beneficiaries with effect from 01/08/2013. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 9272/R(2)/2013/P & ARD Dated. 25-07-2013Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Part time contingent service- Reporting vacancies to Employment Exchange- reg. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 12521/AVC VI (3)/13/P&ARD Dated 26-07-2013
Appointments made other than through the Public Service Commission in Government Service and organizations under Government of Kerala and in Government Aided Institutions / Statutory Bodies/Autonomous Institutions etc - Production of ID Card insisting of reg. DOWNLOAD
Appointments made other than through the Public Service Commission in Government Service and organizations under Government of Kerala and in Government Aided Institutions / Statutory Bodies/Autonomous Institutions etc - Production of ID Card insisting of reg. DOWNLOAD
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GO (MS) No. 21/13/P & ARD Dated. 23-07-2013Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department– Qualifications for LDC revised- Implementation of government order kept in abeyance- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(MS) No. 59/2013/ SJD. Dated 20.07.2013.
Social Justice Department- Widow pension for until remarriage without agebar and oldage/widow pension for APL/BPL families with annual income upto Rs. 3 lakhs- Sanctioned- Orders Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(MS) No. 59/2013/ SJD. Dated 20.07.2013.
Social Justice Department- Widow pension for until remarriage without agebar and oldage/widow pension for APL/BPL families with annual income upto Rs. 3 lakhs- Sanctioned- Orders Issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 215/2013/G.Edn. Dated, 20-07-2013
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Academic-Plus one
admission (2013-14) - Marginal increase in Plus one seats - Allowed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No. 215/2013/G.Edn. Dated, 20-07-2013
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Academic-Plus one
admission (2013-14) - Marginal increase in Plus one seats - Allowed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 520/2013/H.Edn. Dated. 19-07-2013
Higher Education- Academic- B.Ed course curriculum restructured-Instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -G.O.(Ms) No. 520/2013/H.Edn. Dated. 19-07-2013
Higher Education- Academic- B.Ed course curriculum restructured-Instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 3346/D2/12/SJD Dated. 19.07.2013.
Social Justice Department- Separate queue for persons with disabilities at public offices- DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 219/2013/GAD Dated. 19-07-2013
General Administration – Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd – Coaching programmes to the students belonging to the economically backward sections among the forward communities of Kerala in Medical / Engineering examinations and in Government / Banking sector – Implementation of schemes – Administrative Sanction accorded – orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P)No 340/2013/Fin Dated 12-07-2013 G.O.(Ms) No. 219/2013/GAD Dated. 19-07-2013
General Administration – Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd – Coaching programmes to the students belonging to the economically backward sections among the forward communities of Kerala in Medical / Engineering examinations and in Government / Banking sector – Implementation of schemes – Administrative Sanction accorded – orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 58 / 2013/SJD Dated. 15-07-2013
G.O.(Ms) No. 58 / 2013/SJD Dated. 15-07-2013
Disability pension- Persons with 80% disability are eligible for Pension alloted to persons with more than 80% disability- Amendment issued.DOWNLOAD
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Social Security Pensions / Labour Welfare Pensions - Aadhaar made mandatory and Electronic Benefit Transfer scheme introduced DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No 339/2013/Fin Dated. 12-07-2013
Social Security Pensions/ Financial Assistance - rates enhanced DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 55/13/Fin dated 11-07-2013
Treasuries Department - Legal heir ship Certificate Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No 55/13/Fin dated 11-07-2013
Treasuries Department - Legal heir ship Certificate Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No.1434/2013/H.Edn. Dated. 09-07-2013
Higher Education- Kerala Books & Publications Society - Establishment - Leave without Allowance to take up employment abroad/ joining spouse/ study purpose - Benefit of G.O.(p) No. 471/12/ Fin. Dated 23.08.2012- Extended - DOWNLOAD
General Education – Higher Secondary Education – Fees pertaining to the Academic Branch and Examination Branch of Higher Secondary Education Department – Modified – Date of effect – Clarified – Orders Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No. 206/2013/G.Edn. Dated. 06-07-2013
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Plus one admission of the academic year 2013-14- Marginal increase in seats allowed - Modified Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No.318/2013/Fin Dated. 05-07-2013
HBA - House Building Advance to Govt Employees and Services - Counting of Military Service DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No. 204/2013/G.Edn. Dated. 05-07-2013
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Plus One Admission - Marginal increase in seats allowed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Minority Welfare Department -Project for Career Guidance Programme (2013-14) for Minority students- Administrative Sanction accorded- DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.1434/2013/H.Edn. Dated. 09-07-2013
Higher Education- Kerala Books & Publications Society - Establishment - Leave without Allowance to take up employment abroad/ joining spouse/ study purpose - Benefit of G.O.(p) No. 471/12/ Fin. Dated 23.08.2012- Extended - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 207/2013/G.Edn Dated. 08-07-2013General Education – Higher Secondary Education – Fees pertaining to the Academic Branch and Examination Branch of Higher Secondary Education Department – Modified – Date of effect – Clarified – Orders Issued. DOWNLOAD
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General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Plus one admission of the academic year 2013-14- Marginal increase in seats allowed - Modified Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.318/2013/Fin Dated. 05-07-2013
HBA - House Building Advance to Govt Employees and Services - Counting of Military Service DOWNLOAD
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General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Plus One Admission - Marginal increase in seats allowed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 5457/2013/GAD. Dated, 04.07.2013.Minority Welfare Department -Project for Career Guidance Programme (2013-14) for Minority students- Administrative Sanction accorded- DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.51727/SD2/13/GAD Dated 04.07.2013. Observance of 'Sadbhavana Divas' on August 20th, 2013-reg DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.51727/SD2/13/GAD Dated 04.07.2013. Observance of 'Sadbhavana Divas' on August 20th, 2013-reg DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No 317/2013/Fin Dated. 04-07-2013
LTC (Leave Travel Concession) to State Govt. Employees- Guidelines - Head of Account Clarification - DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No 317/2013/Fin Dated. 04-07-2013
LTC (Leave Travel Concession) to State Govt. Employees- Guidelines - Head of Account Clarification - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) 2736/2013/G.Edn Dated. 02-07-2013
General Education – Unaided Schools-Granting of Recognition to unrecognized schools following State Syllabus-Time Frame Prescribed - DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) 2736/2013/G.Edn Dated. 02-07-2013
General Education – Unaided Schools-Granting of Recognition to unrecognized schools following State Syllabus-Time Frame Prescribed - DOWNLOAD
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GO (Ms) No. 242/2013/LSGD Dated. 02-07-2013
Local Self Government Department – Property Tax- Ex Service Men / Wife / Widow / Personnel Handicapped in Encounter / Wife are Exempted from Property Tax -Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
GO (Ms) No. 242/2013/LSGD Dated. 02-07-2013
Local Self Government Department – Property Tax- Ex Service Men / Wife / Widow / Personnel Handicapped in Encounter / Wife are Exempted from Property Tax -Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
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General Administration Department - Establishment – ,Office Attendant, Suspended from Service - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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General Administration Department - IAS- Transfer, Posting and additional charge to IAS Officers - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 5242/2013/GAD Dated. 26-06-2013
General Administration Department - Establishment – Office Attendant, Administrative Secretariat -Instruction for Inter Department Transfer Issued - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 11743/Adv C 3/13/P&ARD Dated. 26-06-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department – Directions regarding Answering Letters/Petitions from MLAs/MPs DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 11743/Adv C 3/13/P&ARD Dated. 26-06-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department – Directions regarding Answering Letters/Petitions from MLAs/MPs DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) 194/2013/G.Edn Dated. 25-06-2013
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Sanctioning of new Higher Secondary batches and additional batches in the existing Higher Secondary Schools - Notifications inviting applications - issued - Constitution of scrutiny committee - DOWNLOAD
General Education - Higher Secondary Education - Sanctioning of new Higher Secondary batches and additional batches in the existing Higher Secondary Schools - Notifications inviting applications - issued - Constitution of scrutiny committee - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1745/2013/Home Dated. 24-06-2013
Home Department - Haj 2013- Temporary Deputation of Khuddam-ul-Hujjaj for Haj 2013-Consulate General of India, Jeddah as Haj volunteeers for Haj 2013-Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1745/2013/Home Dated. 24-06-2013
Home Department - Haj 2013- Temporary Deputation of Khuddam-ul-Hujjaj for Haj 2013-Consulate General of India, Jeddah as Haj volunteeers for Haj 2013-Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 5125/2013/GAD Dated. 24-06-2013
General Administration Department - Establishment – Shri.S.Sreekumaran Nair, Fulltime Menial,GHS,Kalady-Inter Department Transfer Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD

G.O (Rt) No. 5125/2013/GAD Dated. 24-06-2013
General Administration Department - Establishment – Shri.S.Sreekumaran Nair, Fulltime Menial,GHS,Kalady-Inter Department Transfer Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 22194/J3/13/G.Edn Dated. 22-06-2013
General Education Department - Leave Without Allowance - Rejoining at the fag end of an academic year - request for cancellation of unavailed portion - direction to the Departmental Officers - reg DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 22194/J3/13/G.Edn Dated. 22-06-2013
General Education Department - Leave Without Allowance - Rejoining at the fag end of an academic year - request for cancellation of unavailed portion - direction to the Departmental Officers - reg DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 27/2013/PD Dated. 20-06-2013
Power Department - Continuance of exemption of domestic consumers having monthly consumption not exceeding 20 units and connected load not exceeding 500W from payment of electricity charges and compensation of revenue shortfall on account of such exemption by providing the required amount to KSEB through Budget allocation as advance cash subsidy - Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 27/2013/PD Dated. 20-06-2013
Power Department - Continuance of exemption of domestic consumers having monthly consumption not exceeding 20 units and connected load not exceeding 500W from payment of electricity charges and compensation of revenue shortfall on account of such exemption by providing the required amount to KSEB through Budget allocation as advance cash subsidy - Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 181/2013/GAD Dated. 20-06-2013
General Administration Department-Sainik Welfare-Monthly Financial Assistance for Second World War veterans and their widows- Enhanced- DOWNLOAD-
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Circular No 54/2013/Fin 19/06/2013
Monetary Effect of Pensionary benefits consequent to reduction in punishment awarded earlier in a disciplinary proceedings clarifications issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 181/2013/GAD Dated. 20-06-2013
General Administration Department-Sainik Welfare-Monthly Financial Assistance for Second World War veterans and their widows- Enhanced- DOWNLOAD-
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Circular No 54/2013/Fin 19/06/2013
Monetary Effect of Pensionary benefits consequent to reduction in punishment awarded earlier in a disciplinary proceedings clarifications issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1224/2013/H.Edn Dated. 19-06-2013Higher Education Department-Stationery Department-Inter Department Transfer Sanctioned-Smt.C.K Salooja L.D Typist, Stationery Department, Transfer to Revenue Department - DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Rt) No. 5006/2013/GAD. Dated. 18.06.2013
General Administration Department - Chief Minister's Mass Contact Programme 2013- Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
Re designation of post of L D Clerk and U D Clerk GO(Ms) No 120-2013-(138)-Fin dated 04-03-2013 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.19069/AR13(2)/2012/P&ARD Dated. 02-03-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AR-13)Department- Mentioning PIN
code and Adressee's complaint date in all correspondence from government offices - Instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P).N o. 106/2013/Fin.Dated. 27-02-2013
Disbursement of pensionary benefits on the date of retirement - State level committee for monitoring the prompt disbursement of pensionary benefits constituted - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 21145/A.R 12(1)/2012/P & ARD Dated. 19-02-2013
P & ARD - Kerala Service Act - Notice Board showing details - Reg
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G.O.(P) No. 42 / 2013 /GAD. Dated, 18.02.2013
Dies non -Threatened Strike by a section of Government Employees & Teachers on 20th & 21 st February 2013 - Measures for dealing with - Orders Issued. G.O. (P) No. 42 / 2013 / GAD. Dated, 18.02.2013 DOWNLOAD

LTC – Leave Travel Concession to State Government Employees – Rules and Headlines – Orders issued- DOWNLOAD
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Right to Service ACT -Excise Department DOWNLOAD

Circular No. 10553 / Adv. C2 /2001 / P&ARD . 29-07-2001
Government CIRCULAR related to Foreign visit of Government Employees Employees leaving the country for private purpose- Authority competent To give permission-Uniform procedure – DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 4/2001/P&ARD Dated. 17-05-2001
Public Services - Provisional Appointments through the Employment Exchange - Priority for Appointment - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.1213/2000/Fin dated 12/10/2000
Finance (Inspection - NT) Department - Inspection to prevent the misuse of Govt. Vehicles - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.18/2000/P & ARD dated 25-07-2000
Public Services - Reservation for Physically Handicapped Persons - 3% Reservation to Class III and Class IV Posts - Orders issued - Substitution of certain terms in G.O (P) No. 20/98/P & ARD Dated. 14-07-1998 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 1035/2000/Fin 19/07/2000
Temporary Advance - Drawal of Temporary Advance and Delayed Refund of Excess Advance - Levy of Interest - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 5966/Adv. C3/2000/P & ARD Dated. 28-06-2000
Public Services - Recruitment to Public Services - Extension of Joining Time - Reporting of Not Joining Duty to the Public Service Commissioner - Instructions - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 819/2000/Fin 18/04/2000
Insurance - Third Party Insurance for Government Vehicles - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 224/2000/Fin 27/01/2000
Administrative Sanction and Purchase Sanction for the Purchase of Furniture from Government sources - Clarification Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 26/99/P & ARD Dated. 14-12-1999
Public Service - Second Report of the Kerala Administrative Reforms Committee on Attendance Monitoring System Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 24 /99 / P&ARD dated. 18-11-1999
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 24 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 18-11-1999 .(With all related Government Orders)
G.O. (P) No. 12 / 99-P & ARD Dated. 24.05.1999
Pubic Services - Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who in die in harness - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Relaxation of Five Year Rule in the case of Transfers to Idukki, Wayanad and Kasaragod Districts - Further orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 20/98/P & ARD Dated. 11-07-1998
Public Services - Reservation for Physically Handicapped Persons - 3% Reservation to Class III and Class IV Posts - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 19305/Rules-1/96/P&ARD Dated. 09-09-1997
Public Services - Departmental Promotion Committee - Banning of temporary promotions under Rule 31(a) (i) of Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 15/97/P & ARD Dated. 03-09-1997
Public Service - Inter District Transfer of Employees - Conditions modified - Orders Issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No. 5006/2013/GAD. Dated. 18.06.2013
General Administration Department - Chief Minister's Mass Contact Programme 2013- Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
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G O (P) No. 285/13/Fin Dated. 14-06-2013
KSRs, Part III Rule 100 - Re-employment pay of Pensioners coming under
UGC / AICTE / Medical Education Schemes - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G O (P) No. 285/13/Fin Dated. 14-06-2013
KSRs, Part III Rule 100 - Re-employment pay of Pensioners coming under
UGC / AICTE / Medical Education Schemes - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(MS) No. 276/2013/H.Edn Dated 14-06-2013
Higher Education Department - Sri. Benny George- Inter district transfer and change of post- sanctioned- orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Higher Education Department - Sri. Benny George- Inter district transfer and change of post- sanctioned- orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 282/13/Fin Dated. 12-06-2013
Finance Department - Procedure for fixing and enforcing responsibility for losses - Levy of Interest - Revised - orders issued- DOWNLOAD
General Education –Higher Secondary Education –Additional Higher Secondary Courses and Batches –Instructions Given to Notify Application- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 184/2013/G.Edn. Dated. 10-06-2013
General Education- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Rules 2011- Guidelines for granting recognition to unrecognized schools following State Syllabus - Approved- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 51/2013/Fin Dated. 06-06-2013
Qualifying Service for Pensionary benefits - Inclusion of New Service in the
array of qualifying service statutory Pension - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 48/2013/Fin Dated 28/05/2013
HBA - House Building Advance - 2013- 14 - Online Filing of Applications-Instructions - Government have issued instructions for the online filing of applications for House Building Advance.Circular No 48/2013/Fin Dated 28/05/2013 . DOWNLOAD
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No. 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res.) 27-05-2013
Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs)-reg. DOWNLOAD
Government have allotted the World Bank aided Performance Grant under the Kerala Local Government Service Delivery Project (KLGSDP) among the various Grama Panchayats and Municipalities. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 282/13/Fin Dated. 12-06-2013
Finance Department - Procedure for fixing and enforcing responsibility for losses - Levy of Interest - Revised - orders issued- DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 185/2013/G. Edn Dated.11-06-2013General Education –Higher Secondary Education –Additional Higher Secondary Courses and Batches –Instructions Given to Notify Application- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 184/2013/G.Edn. Dated. 10-06-2013
General Education- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Rules 2011- Guidelines for granting recognition to unrecognized schools following State Syllabus - Approved- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No 275-2013-Fin Dated 06-06-2013
Part-time Teachers - Reckoning 50% of Part-time service as qualifying service for pensionary benefits - Clarification - DOWNLOAD
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Qualifying Service for Pensionary benefits - Inclusion of New Service in the
array of qualifying service statutory Pension - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 270/2013/Fin Dated. 04/06/2013
Kerala Service Rules Part III Rule 100 Reemployment pay of pensioners-further clarification DOWNLOAD
Kerala Service Rules Part III Rule 100 Reemployment pay of pensioners-further clarification DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 15/2013/ITD Dated. 03-06-2013
G.O (Ms) No. 15/2013/ITD Dated. 03-06-2013
Information Technology Department - UIDAI- Aadhaar Enrolment Proecedures for bedridden, disabled etc. - Extended to beneficiaries of Janani Suraksha Yojana - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No: No.49/2013/Fin. Dated, 30 / 05 / 2013 Advance for the purchase of Mosquito net Advance / Cycle Advance - Statements of Allotment for 2013-14 - DOWNLOAD
General Education- Pre-primary classes conducted by PTAs in Government Schools- Honorarium for teachers and Ayahs- for those who are appointed without qualification prescribed- Enhanced- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
No. S3/4738/12 Dated. 31-05-2013 Water Transport Department -
Hike on travel fare reg DOWNLOAD.
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Circular No: 49/2013/Fin. Dated 30 / 05 / 2013Circular No: No.49/2013/Fin. Dated, 30 / 05 / 2013 Advance for the purchase of Mosquito net Advance / Cycle Advance - Statements of Allotment for 2013-14 - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 27/2013/CAD Dated. 30-05-2013
Cultural Affairs Department– Kerala State Archaeology, Museum and Zoos-
Ticket fare revised- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 27/2013/CAD Dated. 30-05-2013
Cultural Affairs Department– Kerala State Archaeology, Museum and Zoos-
Ticket fare revised- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 8101/AR 13(2)/13/P & ARD Dated 30-05-2013
Circular No. 8101/AR 13(2)/13/P & ARD Dated 30-05-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department– Applications invited for general transfer from government officials - guidelines DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 146/2013/G.Edn. Dated 25-05-2013General Education- Pre-primary classes conducted by PTAs in Government Schools- Honorarium for teachers and Ayahs- for those who are appointed without qualification prescribed- Enhanced- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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HBA - House Building Advance - 2013- 14 - Online Filing of Applications-Instructions - Government have issued instructions for the online filing of applications for House Building Advance.Circular No 48/2013/Fin Dated 28/05/2013 . DOWNLOAD
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No. 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res.) 27-05-2013
Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs)-reg. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No 220/2013/Fin Dated 14/05/2013 and Circular No 46/ 2013 / Fin Dated 23/05/2013
Government have enhanced the rate of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief to State Government Employees and Pensioners.
GO(P) No 220/2013/Fin Dated 14/05/2013 DOWNLOAD
Government have enhanced the rate of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief to State Government Employees and Pensioners.
GO(P) No 220/2013/Fin Dated 14/05/2013 DOWNLOAD
Circular No 46/ 2013 / Fin Dated 23/05/2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 142/2013/GAD Dated. 21-05-2013
General Administration Department - Establishment – Creation, Qualification and mode of Appointment of of Two Posts of Photocopier cum Computer cum Telephone cleaner Sanctioned- DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No.223/2013/Fin Dated 15/05/ 2013- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

G.O (Ms) No. 142/2013/GAD Dated. 21-05-2013
General Administration Department - Establishment – Creation, Qualification and mode of Appointment of of Two Posts of Photocopier cum Computer cum Telephone cleaner Sanctioned- DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 134/13/Home Dated. 20-05-2013
Home Department - Judiciary Establishment - Implementation of Advance Increment to certain Ministerial Cadres of Subordinate Judiciary with effect from 01-04-2003 as recommended by the Shetty Commission - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 134/13/Home Dated. 20-05-2013
Home Department - Judiciary Establishment - Implementation of Advance Increment to certain Ministerial Cadres of Subordinate Judiciary with effect from 01-04-2003 as recommended by the Shetty Commission - Sanction accorded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 4350/2013/Fin Dated. 18-05-2013
Finance Department - Pay Revision 2009 - Order Dated. 16-01-2013 of The Kerala Administrative Tribunal in O.A. No. 2480/2012 - Compiled with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 40/2013/SJD Dated, 18-05-2013
Social Justice Department- Regular/Re Appointment of Physically Handicapped people-Appointed through Employment Exchange between 16/08/1999 and 31/12/2003 and Completed 179 Days of Service- DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 4350/2013/Fin Dated. 18-05-2013
Finance Department - Pay Revision 2009 - Order Dated. 16-01-2013 of The Kerala Administrative Tribunal in O.A. No. 2480/2012 - Compiled with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 40/2013/SJD Dated, 18-05-2013
Social Justice Department- Regular/Re Appointment of Physically Handicapped people-Appointed through Employment Exchange between 16/08/1999 and 31/12/2003 and Completed 179 Days of Service- DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (MS) No. 221/2013/Fin Dated. 15-05-2013
Government and Aided Homoeopathic Medical Colleges - Revision of Scales of Pay and allied matters of Teachers under AICTE Scales of Pay in terms of UGC Scheme - Modification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (MS) No. 221/2013/Fin Dated. 15-05-2013
Government and Aided Homoeopathic Medical Colleges - Revision of Scales of Pay and allied matters of Teachers under AICTE Scales of Pay in terms of UGC Scheme - Modification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Government have allotted the World Bank aided Performance Grant under the Kerala Local Government Service Delivery Project (KLGSDP) among the various Grama Panchayats and Municipalities. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (M.S) No. 16/2013/Hsg Dated. 10-05-2013
Housing Department - Housing Subsidy Scheme for Working Journalists - extending the benefit to journalists who purchased houses from private parties and to accredited Journalists Working in Audio-Visual media - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
TR-5 bearing Centralised Numbering System - Mandatory . Government have made the use of TR-5 bearing Centralised Numbering System mandatory with effect from 01/07/2013. DOWNLOAD
Government have enhanced the delegation of powers of Departmental Officers,Government Tender Committee and the Committee of Secretaries to sanction tender excess of works. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 209/2013/Fin. Dated. 07 . 05 . 2013.
National Pension System - Exercise of Option - Finance Department - Pension- Implementation of National Pension System for State employees-Mobility of employees in Government service/Autonomous Bodies/Aided Institutions-Continuance of Kerala Service Rules, Part III Pension Scheme -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Validity of INCOME CERTIFICATES from Village Office / Taluk Office extended Order DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 1866-13-G.Edn. dated. 26-04-2013
Govt published the detailed guidelines for the Single Window Admission process to Plus One courses for the academic year 2013-14. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 189/2013/Fin Dated. 26-04-2013
Government have fixed the rate of interest on deposits and balances at the credit of provident funds for the financial year 2013-14 as 8.7 % per annum .For details download GO(P)No 189/2013/Fin . DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 160/2013/LSGD Dated. 24-04-2013
Local Self Government Department - Establishment – Corporation/Municipality Contingent Employee’s Pension Benefits Revised- DOWNLOAD- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (P) No. 144/2013/H & FWD Dated. 22-04-2013
Health & Family Welfare Department - Kerala Government Servants Medical Attendance Rules, 1960 - Empanelment of Private Hospitals for Medical Reimbursement (List of Hospitals)- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S) No. 16/2013/Hsg Dated. 10-05-2013
Housing Department - Housing Subsidy Scheme for Working Journalists - extending the benefit to journalists who purchased houses from private parties and to accredited Journalists Working in Audio-Visual media - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No. 213/2013 / Fin Dated 09/05/2013TR-5 bearing Centralised Numbering System - Mandatory . Government have made the use of TR-5 bearing Centralised Numbering System mandatory with effect from 01/07/2013. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 214/2013/Fin Dated 09/05/2013Government have enhanced the delegation of powers of Departmental Officers,Government Tender Committee and the Committee of Secretaries to sanction tender excess of works. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 209/2013/Fin. Dated. 07 . 05 . 2013.
National Pension System - Exercise of Option - Finance Department - Pension- Implementation of National Pension System for State employees-Mobility of employees in Government service/Autonomous Bodies/Aided Institutions-Continuance of Kerala Service Rules, Part III Pension Scheme -Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 208/2013/Fin Dated. 07-05-2013
G.O.(P) No. 208/2013/Fin Dated. 07-05-2013
Finance Department - Pension - Implementation of National Pension System for State Employees - Erratum Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 37/2013/Social Justice Dated. 06-05-2013
Old Age Policy Kerala -2013 - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 3947/AVC II(2)/2013/P&ARD Dated. 06-05-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AVC) Department - Verification of Departmental Test Certificates and Maintenance of Service Records DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 37/2013/Social Justice Dated. 06-05-2013
Old Age Policy Kerala -2013 - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 3947/AVC II(2)/2013/P&ARD Dated. 06-05-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AVC) Department - Verification of Departmental Test Certificates and Maintenance of Service Records DOWNLOAD
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Instructions for the Speedy/Timely settlement of Audit Objections / Inspection Reports
Government have issued detailed instructions for the speedy settlement of Audit Objections/Inspection Reports, Timely disposal of draft audit paragraphs. For details view handbook.
Page Nos: 1 to 60 -DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No.197/2013/Fin Dated 30/04/2013
Tour Advance - Drawal of Tour Advance and delayed Refund of unutilized portion Levy of Interest - Revised orders issued - Government have issued orders enhancing the penal interest on non presentation of final bill within 3 months of drawal of advance GO(P) No.197/2013/Fin Dated 30/04/2013 - DOWNLOAD
Instructions for the Speedy/Timely settlement of Audit Objections / Inspection Reports
Government have issued detailed instructions for the speedy settlement of Audit Objections/Inspection Reports, Timely disposal of draft audit paragraphs. For details view handbook.
Page Nos: 1 to 60 -DOWNLOAD
Page Nos:61-133 - DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No.197/2013/Fin Dated 30/04/2013
Tour Advance - Drawal of Tour Advance and delayed Refund of unutilized portion Levy of Interest - Revised orders issued - Government have issued orders enhancing the penal interest on non presentation of final bill within 3 months of drawal of advance GO(P) No.197/2013/Fin Dated 30/04/2013 - DOWNLOAD
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Order No: G O (Ms) No: 160/2013/RD Dated 25-04-2013Validity of INCOME CERTIFICATES from Village Office / Taluk Office extended Order DOWNLOAD
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Govt published the detailed guidelines for the Single Window Admission process to Plus One courses for the academic year 2013-14. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 189/2013/Fin Dated. 26-04-2013
Government have fixed the rate of interest on deposits and balances at the credit of provident funds for the financial year 2013-14 as 8.7 % per annum .For details download GO(P)No 189/2013/Fin . DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 160/2013/LSGD Dated. 24-04-2013
Local Self Government Department - Establishment – Corporation/Municipality Contingent Employee’s Pension Benefits Revised- DOWNLOAD- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (P) No. 144/2013/H & FWD Dated. 22-04-2013
Health & Family Welfare Department - Kerala Government Servants Medical Attendance Rules, 1960 - Empanelment of Private Hospitals for Medical Reimbursement (List of Hospitals)- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Notification No. A5/18331/2012/CT Dated 20-04-2013
Kerala State Right to Service Act 2012 (18 of 2012) Motor Vehicles Department Kerala DOWNLOAD
Notification No. A5/18331/2012/CT Dated 20-04-2013
Kerala State Right to Service Act 2012 (18 of 2012) Motor Vehicles Department Kerala DOWNLOAD
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Order No. 142/2013 Gen.Edn dtd 20/04/13
Census Duty 2010 - Surrender of Earned Leave - Directions from DPI Order No. 142/2013 Gen.Edn dtd 20/04/13 DOWNLOAD
Order No. 142/2013 Gen.Edn dtd 20/04/13
Census Duty 2010 - Surrender of Earned Leave - Directions from DPI Order No. 142/2013 Gen.Edn dtd 20/04/13 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 177/13/Fin Dated. 18.04.2013
Loans and advances sanction to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2013 - postponed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 177/13/Fin Dated. 18.04.2013
Loans and advances sanction to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2013 - postponed - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No 176/2013-Fin dated 17-04-2013
GROUP PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE SCHEME GPAI Scheme Renewal of the scheme for 2013 Modified - GO(P) No 176-2013-Fin dated 17-04-2013 DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No 176/2013-Fin dated 17-04-2013
GROUP PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE SCHEME GPAI Scheme Renewal of the scheme for 2013 Modified - GO(P) No 176-2013-Fin dated 17-04-2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 172/13(150) Fin dated. 16-04-2013
Child Care Allowance to female Government Employees having mentally /physically challenged children sanctioned DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 172/13(150) Fin dated. 16-04-2013
Child Care Allowance to female Government Employees having mentally /physically challenged children sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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GO(Ms)No.174/2013/Fin Dated. 16-04-2013
Securitisation of principal and interest portion of existing House Loan portfoilo -payment for April 2013 DOWNLOAD
GO(Ms) No 120-2013-(138)-Fin dated 04-03-2013GO(Ms)No.174/2013/Fin Dated. 16-04-2013
Securitisation of principal and interest portion of existing House Loan portfoilo -payment for April 2013 DOWNLOAD
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GO (P) No.168/2013/(147)Fin dtd 11/4/2013
HIGH SECONDARY - HSS Teachers Pay Revision Anomaly Rectified.
GO (P) No.168/2013/(147)Fin dtd 11/4/2013
HIGH SECONDARY - HSS Teachers Pay Revision Anomaly Rectified.
GO (P) No.168/2013/(147)Fin dtd 11/4/2013 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.37/2013/Fin Dated 08/04/2013.
Government have extended the time limit fixed for the updation and locking of details in SPARK. For details view Circular No.37/2013/Fin Dated 08/04/2013. DOWNLOAD
Circular No.37/2013/Fin Dated 08/04/2013.
Government have extended the time limit fixed for the updation and locking of details in SPARK. For details view Circular No.37/2013/Fin Dated 08/04/2013. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 153(144) 2013 Fin Dated. 06-04-2013
Ex gratia Payment-Death while on duty -rate revised DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 8/2013/P & ARD Dated. 05-04-2013
Public Service - Ministerial Service - Typists and Stenographers - Category Change as Clerks - Stipulation of Total Period of Service - Reduced - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 153(144) 2013 Fin Dated. 06-04-2013
Ex gratia Payment-Death while on duty -rate revised DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 8/2013/P & ARD Dated. 05-04-2013
Public Service - Ministerial Service - Typists and Stenographers - Category Change as Clerks - Stipulation of Total Period of Service - Reduced - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 289-13-TD Dated. 03-04-2013
Higher Grade to Assistant Commissioners- Sanctioned - Orders issued Taxes Department - Commercial Taxes Department DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 289-13-TD Dated. 03-04-2013
Higher Grade to Assistant Commissioners- Sanctioned - Orders issued Taxes Department - Commercial Taxes Department DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P)No. 149/2013/Fin. 03/04/2013
Finance Department - Pension - Implementation of National Pension System for State employees appointed on or after 01.04.2013 - Appointment of State Nodal Officer and instruction for forwarding of Permanent Retirement Account Number Forms - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.5755/Adv.C3/2013/P&ARD Dated, 02-04-2013
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Recruitment to Public Service - Advance intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions - Issued.The Appointing Authorities should report to the Public Service Commission the anticipated vacancies for the calendar. year 2014 (1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2014) in each category of posts separately by the 1st June 2013. If no vacancies are anticipated, a 'Nil' report should invariably be sent. The details of vacancies reported to the Kerala Public Service Commission for the Calendar year 2014 shall be furnished by the Appointing Authorities to the Administrative Department concerned in the Secretariat with copy to Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Advice C) Department by 30th June 2013 without fail........................ DOWNLOAD
Leave Travel Concession - LTC - to the State Government Employees - Rules / guidelines - Head of account clarification- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 149/2013/Fin. 03/04/2013
Finance Department - Pension - Implementation of National Pension System for State employees appointed on or after 01.04.2013 - Appointment of State Nodal Officer and instruction for forwarding of Permanent Retirement Account Number Forms - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.5755/Adv.C3/2013/P&ARD Dated, 02-04-2013
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Recruitment to Public Service - Advance intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions - Issued.The Appointing Authorities should report to the Public Service Commission the anticipated vacancies for the calendar. year 2014 (1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2014) in each category of posts separately by the 1st June 2013. If no vacancies are anticipated, a 'Nil' report should invariably be sent. The details of vacancies reported to the Kerala Public Service Commission for the Calendar year 2014 shall be furnished by the Appointing Authorities to the Administrative Department concerned in the Secretariat with copy to Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Advice C) Department by 30th June 2013 without fail........................ DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 146/13/Fin. Dated, 01.04.2013.Leave Travel Concession - LTC - to the State Government Employees - Rules / guidelines - Head of account clarification- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 145-13 dated. 30-03-2013
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Notification No. G3-12682/2012 Dated. 31-03-2013
Right to Service - In Treasuries - As per Section 2(g) of Kerala Service Act 2012 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 34/2013/Fin Dated 30/03/2013
Budget 2013-14 - Kerala Appropriation (Vote on Account )Act 2013 - All Heads of Departments/ Controlling Officers are informed that the Kerala Appropriation (Vote on Account)Bill 2013 relating to the expenditure during the first four months of the financial year 2013-14 has been passed by the Legislative Assembly.For details view DOWNLOAD

GO (Rt) No 2289/2013/Fin Dated 23/03/2013
SDF for MLAs - Allotment of Fund for 2011-12 & 2012-13 - Government have released 137.50 crore to the District Collectors being the carried forward amount of 2011-12 and a portion of the allotment for the year 2012-13 under the SDF for MLAs.For details view GO (Rt) No 2289/2013/Fin Dated 23/03/2013 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 136/2013/Fin Dated. 16-03-2013
Kerala Service (5th Amendment) Rules 2013 DOWNLOAD -
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G.O No. 661/13/LGSD Dated. 15-03-2013
LSGD - Financial Assistance to Widows (BPL) - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 72/2013/GAD. Dated. 14 /03/2013
GAD- Estt-Introduction of a new category in State Government Service called "Driver-cum-Office Attendant" and fixing of new norms regarding the purchase and use of vehicles in Government and Government agencies - sanction accorded- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Notification No. G3-12682/2012 Dated. 31-03-2013
Right to Service - In Treasuries - As per Section 2(g) of Kerala Service Act 2012 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No 34/2013/Fin Dated 30/03/2013
Budget 2013-14 - Kerala Appropriation (Vote on Account )Act 2013 - All Heads of Departments/ Controlling Officers are informed that the Kerala Appropriation (Vote on Account)Bill 2013 relating to the expenditure during the first four months of the financial year 2013-14 has been passed by the Legislative Assembly.For details view DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 143/2013/Fin Dated 25/03/2013
Treasury Fixed Deposits - Rate of interest -revised DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 143/2013/Fin Dated 25/03/2013
Treasury Fixed Deposits - Rate of interest -revised DOWNLOAD
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GO (Rt) No 2289/2013/Fin Dated 23/03/2013
SDF for MLAs - Allotment of Fund for 2011-12 & 2012-13 - Government have released 137.50 crore to the District Collectors being the carried forward amount of 2011-12 and a portion of the allotment for the year 2012-13 under the SDF for MLAs.For details view GO (Rt) No 2289/2013/Fin Dated 23/03/2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 24/2013-SJD Dated. 21-03-2013
Govt decided to implement Indira Gandi National Widow Pension Scheme and Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme, the two components of National Social Assistance Programme in the state additional to the existing state pension schemes of the same type. DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -G.O (MS) No. 24/2013-SJD Dated. 21-03-2013
Govt decided to implement Indira Gandi National Widow Pension Scheme and Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme, the two components of National Social Assistance Programme in the state additional to the existing state pension schemes of the same type. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 136/2013/Fin Dated. 16-03-2013
Kerala Service (5th Amendment) Rules 2013 DOWNLOAD -
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G.O No. 661/13/LGSD Dated. 15-03-2013
LSGD - Financial Assistance to Widows (BPL) - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 72/2013/GAD. Dated. 14 /03/2013
GAD- Estt-Introduction of a new category in State Government Service called "Driver-cum-Office Attendant" and fixing of new norms regarding the purchase and use of vehicles in Government and Government agencies - sanction accorded- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Re designation of post of L D Clerk and U D Clerk GO(Ms) No 120-2013-(138)-Fin dated 04-03-2013 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.19069/AR13(2)/2012/P&ARD Dated. 02-03-2013
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AR-13)Department- Mentioning PIN
code and Adressee's complaint date in all correspondence from government offices - Instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P).N o. 106/2013/Fin.Dated. 27-02-2013
Disbursement of pensionary benefits on the date of retirement - State level committee for monitoring the prompt disbursement of pensionary benefits constituted - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 21145/A.R 12(1)/2012/P & ARD Dated. 19-02-2013
P & ARD - Kerala Service Act - Notice Board showing details - Reg
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G.O.(P) No. 42 / 2013 /GAD. Dated, 18.02.2013
Dies non -Threatened Strike by a section of Government Employees & Teachers on 20th & 21 st February 2013 - Measures for dealing with - Orders Issued. G.O. (P) No. 42 / 2013 / GAD. Dated, 18.02.2013 DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No 87 / 2013 - Fin Dated 18-02-2013
House Building Advance – HBA - Government Employees -Creation of second mortgage – Enhancement of limit - GO(P)No 87/2013/ Fin Dated 18-02-2013 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.20 / 2013 / Fin. Dated, 15-02-2013
Official journey of Government employees by train - Reimbursement of service tax - clarification - reg. Circular No.20 / 2013 / Fin. Dated, 15th February, 2013. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 2517/R1/2013/P & ARD Dated. 08-02-2013
P & ARD - Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules 1958 - Re-appointment under Rule 8 of Part II KS & SSR's - Clarification - Reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.05/2013/P&ARD Dated, 06.02.2013.
Mutual or Inter departmental transfer from one unit to another in the same Department or from one Department to another within the same subordinate service-Conditions for granting transfers to Government servants other than Last Grade Servants -revised orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 03/2013/ P & ARD Dated. 05-02-2013
Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who Die In Harness – Income Certificate -clarification - orders issued - DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No.15/2013/Fin Dated. 02.02.2013
CIRCULAR - SPARK - implementotion - Modified and further directions issued . CIRCULAR No.15/2013/Fin Dated. 02.02.2013 DOWNLOAD
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Notification: G.O (Ms) No. 46/2013/LSGD Dated. 01-02-2013
Irregular fixation of pay and allowance - Verfication and Refund Guidelines DOWNLOAD
Initiating Disciplinary actions against a section of Government employees resoerted to strike- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 12/2013 Dated. 30/01/2013Irregular fixation of pay and allowance - Verfication and Refund Guidelines DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No 57-13-Fin dated 30-01-2013
Disbursement of salary and other entitlements of Government employees through Treasury Bank Accounts - .....the confirmation of Credit issued by the Treasury to DDO / SDO shall be a legal quittance for the purpose of payment of salary to that Emplyee and no Stamped acquittance need be maintained for this purpose DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.17/2013/GAD Dated: 19.01.2013Disbursement of salary and other entitlements of Government employees through Treasury Bank Accounts - .....the confirmation of Credit issued by the Treasury to DDO / SDO shall be a legal quittance for the purpose of payment of salary to that Emplyee and no Stamped acquittance need be maintained for this purpose DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 08 / 2013 Dated. 28-01-2013
Pension to BPL Kidney Patient Rs. 525 per month – G.O (MS) No. 08/2013 Dated. 28-01-2013 DOWNLOAD
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G. O. (P) No. 02 / 2013 / P & ARD. Dated. 28-01-2013.
Pension to BPL Kidney Patient Rs. 525 per month – G.O (MS) No. 08/2013 Dated. 28-01-2013 DOWNLOAD
G. O. (P) No. 02 / 2013 / P & ARD. Dated. 28-01-2013.
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Notification . G.O (P) No. 3/2013/PD Dated. 25-01-2013KERALA LIFTS AND ESCALATORS RULES 2012 DOWNLOAD
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Kerala Service (4th Amendment) Rules 2013 (The period of deputation to foreign service .............) DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 48/13/Fin Dated. 23-01-2013
Kerala Service Rules, Part III, Rule 100 - Revision of Re-employment Pay - Clarification - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 12/2013/TD Dated. 23-01-2013
Taxes Department - Excise - Constitution of One Man Commission for recommending parameter for formulating future ABKARI POLICY - Justice Sri. M. Ramachandran, Retired, High Court Judge appointed as Commission - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 45/2013/Fin Dated. 22-01-2013
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Taxes Department - Excise - Constitution of One Man Commission for recommending parameter for formulating future ABKARI POLICY - Justice Sri. M. Ramachandran, Retired, High Court Judge appointed as Commission - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Kerala Service (4th Amendment) Rules 2013 (The period of deputation to foreign service .............) DOWNLOAD
Initiating Disciplinary actions against a section of Government employees resoerted to strike- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No. 20 / 2013 Fin Dated 17-01-2013
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Circular No: 504 Dated. 17-01-2013
Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of Committee on the issue related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen - 2012 Grant of dual (Two) family pension from Military as well as Civil employment. [ Circular by Principal Controller of Defence Accounts, Allahabad ] DOWNLOAD
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GO(P) No. 30/2013/Fin Dated 16/01/2013
Guidelines to draw salary bills without Counter Signature - Government have issued guidelines for authorising Headmasters of aided Primary
and High Schools to draw salary bills without counter signature.For details view - GO(P) No. 30/2013/Fin Dated 16/01/2013 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 7/2013/SPD Dated. 11-01-2013
Stores Purchase Department – Direct Purchase of Processed Rubber Wood Furniture from M/s. Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Limited (RUBCO) without tender formalities – Relaxation of para 57(a) (ii) of Stores Purchase Manual – Period of Validity –Extended – Orders issued- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (P) No. 16/13/Fin Dated. 07-01-2013
Finance Department - Rate of Fee / Charges for Services provided by Police Department - Revised - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Finance Department - Rate of Fee / Charges for Services provided by Police Department - Revised - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 5/2013/Fin Dated. 02-01-2013
G.O (P) No. 713 / 2012 / Fin Dated. 31-12-2012
LTC – Leave Travel Concession to State Government Employees – Introduction – Orders issued- G.O (P) No. 713 / 2012/ Fin Dated. 31-12-2012 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 712/2012/Fin Dated. 28-12-2012
Pension - Revision of Pension and Family Pension to those coming under UGC / AICTE / Medical / Education Scheme - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Notification No. C5/84837/2012/PHQ Dated. 28-12-2012
Kerala State Right to Service ACT 2012 - POLICE DEPARTMENT DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.155/2012/Industries dated 27/12/2012
Khadi dress should wear by every Kerala Government Employees and Teachers from 2013 January as per GO(P)No.155/2012/Industries dated 27/12/2012 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 59 / 2012 /Vig. Dated 21-12-2012
Vigilance (E) Department - Action on Anonymous petitions - Revised Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Notification No: A1-28359/2012/CT Dated. 20-12-2012
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G.O(P) No. 606/2012/Fin Dated. 03-11-2012
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) - Renewal of the Scheme for the year 2013 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 55/12/Vig Dated 04-12-2012
Vigilance (E) Department - Set up, working and procedures - revised - orders issued DOWNLOAD
Vigilance (E) Department - Set up, working and procedures - revised - orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 656-2012-Fin dated 01-12-2012
Leave without allowance will be sanctioned under the discretionary power of the Chairperson of the concerned Department –G.O(P) No. 656-2012-Fin dated 01-12-2012 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.6920/AR13(2)/2012/P&ARD Dated 28-11-2012
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (AR-13)Department- Bill/ poster sticking in government office premises- Banned- Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 21145/AR 12(1)/2012/P&ARD Dated, 23-11-2012.
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Right to service Act - Publishing of Gazette notifications- reg. DOWNLOAD
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Right to service Act - Publishing of Gazette notifications- reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 638/2012/Fin Dated. 20-11-2012
Voluntary Blood Donation - Maximum number of Special Casual Leae for Voluntary Blood donation enhanced DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 637/12/Fin Dated. 19-11-2012
Finance Department - Various Allowances to Commandos of India Reserve Battalion Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 54 / 2012 / P&ARD Dated. 12-10-2012
P&ARD- Recruitment to Public Services- Orders of appointment and joining of duty-extension of joining time to persons working in private firms on contract basis within Kerala/India - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 310/2012/Home Dated. 10-12-2012
Home Department W.P.No. 265/2011 filed by Avishek Goenka before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India - Use of black films of any visual light transmission percentage or any other materials up on safety glasses, wind screens (Front and Rear) and side glass of all Vehicles - Prohibited - judgment - complied with - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Notification G.O. No. 503/2012/H.Edn Dated. 12-10-2012
Kerala Technical Education Subordinate Service Special Rules 2012 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.57/2012/Fin dated 03-10-2012
T A claims of Gazetted Officers - strict instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. EX/B.B.3/8912/C.G.E. dated 22/09/2012
Correction of Students details in school records such as Name, Religion, date of birth Etc., has been authorized to the headmasters of the concerned schools (with all proformas) . DOWNLOAD
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Revised CENTRAL MINIMUM WAGE Order with effect from 01-10-2012
Kerala Registration of Marriage (Common) Amendment Rules 2012 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 2930/2012/H&FWD dated. 07-09-2012
Compensation Leave to Para Medical Staff of Health Services Department – Enhancement – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No.273/12/G.Edn Dated, 07.09.2012
General Education (J) Department - Leave benefits to Part - time teachers - Erratum DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 630/2012/TD Dated. 25-08-2012
Excise Department - Off Duty Allowance - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 6839/D1/12/SWD dated 13-08-2012
Guidelines for the regularisation of Physically Handicapped who worked temporarily through Employment Exchange during the period from 15-08-1998 to 15-08-1999: Clarifications DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.253/12/G.Edn Dated, 07.08.2012
General Education (J) Department - Leave benefits to Part - time teachers -modified - DOWNLOAD
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Notification No. 13450/Leg. B1/2012/Law Dated. 06-08-2012
Kerala Right to Service ACT 2012 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No.49/2012/Fin dated 4-08-2012
Family pension for life to disabled sons/daughters of Government servants /pensioners-Issuance of Medical certificate -Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 435/2012/Fin Dated. 01-08-2012
Payment of higher rate of family pension -enhancement of age limit- orders issuedDOWNLOAD
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Circular No.33150/R.A1/2012/LSGD Dated. 25-07-2012
Local Self Government Department - Construction of Multistoried Building - Details publishing.... to public - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (M.S) No.415/2012/Fin. Dated, 25-07-2012
Revision of scale of pay and allowances of the employees of Kerala Dental
Council sanctioned- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 202/2012/LSGD Dated. 25-07-2012
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GO(Ms)No 413/2012/Fin 24/07/2012
Travelling Allowance -Enhancement of TA Ceiling of the Internal Audit Wings of Major Departments in the state -sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 406/2012/(104)/Fin Dated. 19-07-2012
Pay Revision 2009 - Commercial Taxes Department - Scale of Pay - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) 406/2012/(104)/Fin Dated. 19-07-2012
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G.O (Ms) No. 202/2012/LSGD Dated. 25-07-2012LSGD - Online BIRTH / DEATH CERTIFICATE - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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GO(Ms)No 413/2012/Fin 24/07/2012
GO(Ms)No 413/2012/Fin 24/07/2012
Travelling Allowance -Enhancement of TA Ceiling of the Internal Audit Wings of Major Departments in the state -sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) 406/2012/(104)/Fin Dated. 19-07-2012
G.O (Ms) No. 406/2012/(104)/Fin Dated. 19-07-2012
Pay Revision 2009 - Commercial Taxes Department - Scale of Pay - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -G.O (MS) 406/2012/(104)/Fin Dated. 19-07-2012
Pay revision – 2009 Commercial Taxes Department – Scale of pay modified – Assistant Commissioner (HG), Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Taxes Officer (HG),
Commercial Taxes Officer /Intelligence Officer/ Superintendent Taxes/ Additional Law Officer /Additional Secretary (STAT)/ Manager. DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 33/2012/Fin Dated. 12-06-2012
Duplication in the drawal of DA arrears consequent on the issue of LPC – Noting of details of DA Arrears in Last Pay Certificate – instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No 336 / 2012 /(91) / Fin Dated 12-06-2012
Pay Revision 2009 Special Allowance Peons working as Night Watcher Modified G.O.(P) No 336 / 2012 /(91) / Fin Dated 12-06-2012 DOWNLOAD
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Circular No: 41/2012/Fin Dated. 29/06/2012
Avoidance of Delay in Giving Posting Orders – Instructions – Issued –DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 141/2012/GAD Dated. 11-06-2012
GAD (Political) - Protocol - Public Functions Organized by State Departments / Public Undertakings - Courtesies to be extended to MPs / MLAs - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms)No. 32/2012/Trans Dated.05-06-2012
Transport Department - Motor Vehicle Department - Norms for the Transfer and Posting of employees in Motor Vehicle Department - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Notification - G.O (P) No. 94/2012/TD Dated. 04-06-2012
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G.O (P) No. 324/2012/Fin Dated. 04-06-2012
Pension Revision 2009 - Special Pay in lieu of Higher Time Scale of Pay - Reckoning of - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Rt) No. 1043/2012/H.Edn Dated. 02-06-2012
H.Edn - Technical - Placement of Lectures in Senior / Selection Grade - Past industrial experience - reckoned - as qualifying service - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 28/2012/Fin Dated. 30-05-2012
House Building Advance - HBA - Online Registration of HBA application by Heads of Departments and Sanctioning Authority 2012-13 - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No.217/12/RD Dated. 29-5-2012
Revenue Department - Financial limit of District Collectors, Minister (Revenue) and Chief Minister for granting stay on Revenue Recovery Proceedings- enhanced- DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 25/2012/P & ARD Dated. 26-05-2012
Secretariat - P & ARD - Various course conducted by Government / Autonomous Institutions - Equivalent to / Higher Qualification to DCA for selection to the post of Assistant in Government Secretariat, KPSC etc - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 22/12/Fin Dated. 24-04-2012
Pre-Check bills in respect of Retired Gazetted Officers - Clarifications- reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 226/2012/Fin Dated. 18-04-2012
Family Pension - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) No. 226/2012/Fin Dated. 18-04-2012
Family Pension - reg. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 14 / 2012 P & AR (C) D dated. 12-4-2012
Appointment according to the Dying Harness Employment Scheme-Renewal of criteria-Approved-Orders Issued- G.O (P) No. 14 / 2012 P & AR(C)D dated. 12-4-2012 DOWNLOAD
Judgment -WP(C) 23868 of 2012 (G)
Judgment -WP(C) 23868 of 2012 (G) DA Arrear to GPF (General Provident Fund) – after deducting the Income Tax at source, in terms of Section 192 of the Income Tax Act. DOWNLOAD
G.O.No. 43 / 2012 dated. 27-08-2012
PSC – Certificate verification – duty leave –reg -G.O.No. 43/2012 dated. 27-08-2012 DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No.471-2012-Fin dated 23-08-2012
Kerala Service Rules - Grant of Leave Without Allowance ( LWA ) under Appendix XII A and XII C before completion of probation — G.O.(P) No.161/2008/Fin, dated 09.04.2008 - Cancelled - Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
G.O. (MS) No. 50-12 dated 22-08-2012
Increase in various welfare pension rate - G.O. (MS) No. 50-12 dated 22-08-2012- Social Welfare Department DOWNLOAD
NEW PENSION SCHEME GO(P)No 441 / 2012-Fin Dated 08-08-2012
CONTRIBUTION PENSION - New Pension Scheme introduced to State Government Employees wef 01-04-2013 which shall be applicable to all appointments made thereafter- GO(P)No 441 / 2012- Fin Dated 08-08-2012 DOWNLOAD
GO (P) No. 55 / 12 / Vig Dated. 04-12-2012
Vigilance Department – set up – working procedures –Revised Order - GO (P) No. 55/12/Vig Dated. 04-12-2012 DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Notification No. XA1. 22847/12 Dated. 05-12-2012 & 15-02-2013
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Circular No. 12546 / AVC V (3) / 12 / P & ARD dated. 07-09-2012
PSC Appointments -Certificate –Scrutiny - Validity verification by Appointing authority. Circular No. 12546 / AVC V (3) / 12 / P & ARD dated. 07-09-2012 DOWNLOAD
Taxes Department - Excise - The Kerala Abkari (Grant of Rewards) Rules 1975 - Amendments - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Circular No. 12917/ C3/2012/P & ARD dated. 06-09-2012
Personnel & Administrative Reforms (C) Department - Appointing authorities to report Vacancies to K.P.S.C through email. DOWNLOAD
G.O No. 31/2012 dated. 05-07-2012
Verification Certificate of PSC –service regularize – affixing verification certificate to Service Book DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No.22 / 2012/ P&ARD Dated. 04-05-2012.
Public Services - Re designation of the post of 'Peon' included in the Kerala Last Grade Service - Orders issued.G.O. (Ms) No.22/ 2012/P&ARD Dated. 04-05-2012. The post of Peon' included in Category 2 (k) of the Kerala Last Grade Service as 'Office Attendant' DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 25/12/Fin Dated 04-05-2012
Revision of pay and allowances in respect of employees of Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Corporations/Boards, Autonomous Bodies, Development Authorities, Grant- in- Aid Institutions. Welfare Fund Boards. etc- Instructions–Issued. DOWNLOAD
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department—Recruitment to Public Service- Advance intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission ( PSC ) regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions- Circular No. 7049 / Adv. C3 / 2012 / P&AR). Dated 20-04-2012 DOWNLOAD
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 7 / 12 / P&ARD dated. 06-02-2012 (With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 38/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Non Transplant Organ Retrieval Centers (NTORC) - Criteria Non-Transplant Centres to retrieve Organs from Brain Dead Persons - Detailed Instructions - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (MS) No. 37/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Transplantation of Human Organs - Cadaver Organ Transplantation Programme - Procedure to be adopted by the Government and Private Hospitals approved for Organ Transplantation - Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G P F (General Provident Fund) – Non Refundable withdrawal for purchasing Motor CAR / Motor Cycle – Basic pay limit revised. GO(P) No 83 -2012 - Fin Dated 03-02-2012 DOWNLOAD
Public Works Department - PWD - Revision of PWD manual approved - OrderDOWNLOAD
GO (P) No. 74 / 2012 / Fin dated 28-01-2012
Revised TA ceiling of State Government employees revised with effect from 10-07-2007 -GO (P) No. 74 / 2012 - Fin dated 28-01-2012 DOWNLOAD
G.O No. 18-2012-Gen Edn Dated 19-01-2012-
General Education Department – Senior to VHSC Principal – Posting – Reg. DOWNLOAD
Pay Revision 2009 - Health Services Department - Patient Employees - Scale of Pay awarded - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 08/2012/Fin Dated. 05-01-2012
Pay Revision 2004 - Permission to exercise Re-Option in cases of Audit Objections / Retrospective Promotion prior to the date of effect of Option of Employees - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Presented to LOK SABHA on 30 AUGUST 2011
Laid in RAJYA SABHA on 30 AUGUST 2011
G.O No. 326/2011 dated. 27-12-2011
RIT - Right to Information Act - Fee concession to BPL Family members - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 39 / 2011 / P & ARD Dated. 23/12/2011
Public Services -- Revised qualification for the post of Last Gra Servants, Lower Division Clerk, Lower Division Typist, Typist Grade Confidential Assistant Grade II / Steno Typist, Typist-Clerk, Clerk-Typi and Assistant (Government Secretariat, Kerala PUblic Servii Commission, Local Fund Audit Department etc.) — Protection Clause f the employees who entered in service before 1.7.2011 - incorporated-Orders issued. G.O. (P) No. 39 / 2011 / P&ARD Dated. 23 / 12 / 2011 DOWNLOAD
Social Welfare Department - Operational Guidelines for Financial Assistance for Cochlear Implantation in Children with Hearing Impairment-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
PSC Appointments -Certificate –Scrutiny - Validity verification by Appointing authority. Circular No. 12546 / AVC V (3) / 12 / P & ARD dated. 07-09-2012 DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (P) No. 163/2013/TD Dated. 17-09-2012Taxes Department - Excise - The Kerala Abkari (Grant of Rewards) Rules 1975 - Amendments - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Circular No. 12917/ C3/2012/P & ARD dated. 06-09-2012
Personnel & Administrative Reforms (C) Department - Appointing authorities to report Vacancies to K.P.S.C through email. DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (P) No. 420/2012/Fin Dated. 28-07-2012
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. Acad D2/1121/2003 Vol II Dated. K.U Campus P.O Dtd 16-07-2012
Revised Criteria for Admission to Post Graduate Programme - Prescribed - Implemented with effect from 2012 Admission (Norms for Relaxation & Reservation) - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 420/2012/Fin Dated. 28-07-2012
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. Acad D2/1121/2003 Vol II Dated. K.U Campus P.O Dtd 16-07-2012
Revised Criteria for Admission to Post Graduate Programme - Prescribed - Implemented with effect from 2012 Admission (Norms for Relaxation & Reservation) - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CIRCULAR No. 24623/G2/2012/H&FWD dated . 11-07-2012
Medical Reimbursement - Further Instructions - Issued - Regarding
(List of Approved Hospitals) DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 24623/G2/2012/H&FWD dated . 11-07-2012
Medical Reimbursement - Further Instructions - Issued - Regarding
(List of Approved Hospitals) DOWNLOAD
Verification Certificate of PSC –service regularize – affixing verification certificate to Service Book DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 170/2012/H & FWD Dated. 07-06-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Free Generic Medicine to patients - guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (Ms) No. 25/2012/P & ARD Dated. 26-05-2012
Secretariat - P & ARD - Various Courses conducted by Government / autonomous Institutions - Equivalent to / Higher Qualification to DCA for selecdtion to the post of Assistant in Government Secretariat, K P S C Etc - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (MS) No. 170/2012/H & FWD Dated. 07-06-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Free Generic Medicine to patients - guidelines - Orders issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (Ms) No. 25/2012/P & ARD Dated. 26-05-2012
Secretariat - P & ARD - Various Courses conducted by Government / autonomous Institutions - Equivalent to / Higher Qualification to DCA for selecdtion to the post of Assistant in Government Secretariat, K P S C Etc - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (P) No. 297/2012/Fin Dated. 23-05-2012
Pension - Revision of Pension of persons directly recruited to the personal staff of Ministers, Leader of Opposition and Government Chief Whip - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Pension - Revision of Pension of persons directly recruited to the personal staff of Ministers, Leader of Opposition and Government Chief Whip - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Re designation of the post of 'Peon' included in the Kerala Last Grade Service - Orders issued.G.O. (Ms) No.22/ 2012/P&ARD Dated. 04-05-2012. The post of Peon' included in Category 2 (k) of the Kerala Last Grade Service as 'Office Attendant' DOWNLOAD
Revision of pay and allowances in respect of employees of Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Corporations/Boards, Autonomous Bodies, Development Authorities, Grant- in- Aid Institutions. Welfare Fund Boards. etc- Instructions–Issued. DOWNLOAD

Circular No. 7049 / Adv. C3 / 2012 / P&AR). Dated 20-04-2012
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department—Recruitment to Public Service- Advance intimation to the Kerala Public Service Commission ( PSC ) regarding anticipated vacancies - Instructions- Circular No. 7049 / Adv. C3 / 2012 / P&AR). Dated 20-04-2012 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 14-2010 P & AR(C)D dated. 12-4-2010
Appointment according to the Die in Harness Employment Scheme-Renewal of criteria-Approved-Orders Issued-DOWNLOAD
G O (Ms) No 205/2012/(67)/Fin Dated. 31/03/2012
Special Allowance - Modified DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 14-2010 P & AR(C)D dated. 12-4-2010
Appointment according to the Die in Harness Employment Scheme-Renewal of criteria-Approved-Orders Issued-DOWNLOAD
G O (Ms) No 205/2012/(67)/Fin Dated. 31/03/2012
Special Allowance - Modified DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 150/12/Fin Dated. 06-03-2012
Invalid Pension to Part Time Contingent Pensioners - Enhanced - Orders issued
G.O(P) No. 150/12/Fin Dated. 06-03-2012
Invalid Pension to Part Time Contingent Pensioners - Enhanced - Orders issued

G O. (P) No. 14/2012/ P & ARD. Dated. 05-03-2012
G.O.(P) No. 13 / 12- P & ARD Dated. 29-02-2012
Transfer and posting of Government Employees - General Norms and Guidelines- Modification G.O.(P) No. 13 / 12- P & ARD Dated. 29-02-2012 DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 20909-AR 13(2)-11-P&ARD dated. 20-02-2012 - Reg.
Display of Office timings in front of Government Offices CIRCULAR No. 20909-AR 13(2)-11-P&ARD dated. 20-02-2012 - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 7 / 12 / P&ARD dated. 06-02-2012G.O.(P) No. 13 / 12- P & ARD Dated. 29-02-2012
Transfer and posting of Government Employees - General Norms and Guidelines- Modification G.O.(P) No. 13 / 12- P & ARD Dated. 29-02-2012 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 47/2012/GAD Dated. 27-02-2012
Public Services - Threatened Strike by a Section of Government Employees
on 28th February 2012 - Measures for dealing with - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 4617/E1/2012/LBR Dated. 22-02-2012
Labour & Rehabilitation Department - Payment of Wages Act 1936 - Payment of Wages in Private Sector - Payment either by Cheque or crediting in Bank account of the employees concerned - Clarification - issued - Reg. DOWNLOAD
Display of Office timings in front of Government Offices CIRCULAR No. 20909-AR 13(2)-11-P&ARD dated. 20-02-2012 - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 680/12/Gl. Edn Dated. 10-02-2012
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Appointment of Guest Lectures in newly sanctioned batches - Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
General Education Department - Higher Secondary Education - Appointment of Guest Lectures in newly sanctioned batches - Sanction accorded - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 7 / 12 / P&ARD dated. 06-02-2012 (With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 14409/R2/2011/P&ARD Dated. 06-02-2012
Use of Mobile Phones by the Government Employees during working hours - Instruction issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 39/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Transplantation of Human Organs - Duties and responsibilities of Transplant Centres in Hospitals - Detailed instructions - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 38/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Non Transplant Organ Retrieval Centers (NTORC) - Criteria Non-Transplant Centres to retrieve Organs from Brain Dead Persons - Detailed Instructions - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (MS) No. 37/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Transplantation of Human Organs - Cadaver Organ Transplantation Programme - Procedure to be adopted by the Government and Private Hospitals approved for Organ Transplantation - Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 36/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Transplantation of Human Organs - Declaration of Brain Death mandatory in Government and Private Hospitals in the State - Procedure for declaration of Brain Death - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 36/2012/H & FWD Dated. 04-02-2012
Health & Family Welfare Department - Transplantation of Human Organs - Declaration of Brain Death mandatory in Government and Private Hospitals in the State - Procedure for declaration of Brain Death - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No 83 / 2012 / Fin Dated 03-02-2012G P F (General Provident Fund) – Non Refundable withdrawal for purchasing Motor CAR / Motor Cycle – Basic pay limit revised. GO(P) No 83 -2012 - Fin Dated 03-02-2012 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 13/2012/PWD Dated. 01-02-2012Public Works Department - PWD - Revision of PWD manual approved - OrderDOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 73/2012/Fin Dated. 28/01/2012
G.O.(P) No. 73/2012/Fin Dated. 28/01/2012
Kerala Part time Contingent Employees Provident Fund -transfer to other provident schemes DOWNLOAD
Revised TA ceiling of State Government employees revised with effect from 10-07-2007 -GO (P) No. 74 / 2012 - Fin dated 28-01-2012 DOWNLOAD
G.O No. 18-2012-Gen Edn Dated 19-01-2012-
General Education Department – Senior to VHSC Principal – Posting – Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 17/2012/(36)/Fin Dated. 09-01-2012
G.O (P) No. 08/2012/Fin Dated. 05-01-2012
Pay Revision 2004 - Permission to exercise Re-Option in cases of Audit Objections / Retrospective Promotion prior to the date of effect of Option of Employees - Sanctioned - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Presented to LOK SABHA on 30 AUGUST 2011
Laid in RAJYA SABHA on 30 AUGUST 2011
G.O No. 326/2011 dated. 27-12-2011
RIT - Right to Information Act - Fee concession to BPL Family members - reg. DOWNLOAD
Public Services -- Revised qualification for the post of Last Gra Servants, Lower Division Clerk, Lower Division Typist, Typist Grade Confidential Assistant Grade II / Steno Typist, Typist-Clerk, Clerk-Typi and Assistant (Government Secretariat, Kerala PUblic Servii Commission, Local Fund Audit Department etc.) — Protection Clause f the employees who entered in service before 1.7.2011 - incorporated-Orders issued. G.O. (P) No. 39 / 2011 / P&ARD Dated. 23 / 12 / 2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O ( MS) No. 61/ 2011/ SWD Dated 22/12/2011Social Welfare Department - Operational Guidelines for Financial Assistance for Cochlear Implantation in Children with Hearing Impairment-Orders issued.DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 16481/AR13(2)/11/P&ARD Dated. 09-12-2011
Transfer and Posting of Deaf and Dumb Government Employees - Posting in respective districts at the time of general Transfer and Promotion - Instructions issued - Regarding DOWNLOAD
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 37 / 11 / P&ARD dated. 15-12-2011
(With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
GO(P) No 594-2011-Fin Dated 13-12-2011
Man missing cases- Settlement of Pensionary claims in man missing cases-Orders Modified GO(P) No 594-2011-Fin Dated 13-12-2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.40/2011/FIN Dated. 26/08/2011
Social Welfare Deprtment - persons with dis abilities act 1995. Reporting of 3 percentage back log vacancies set apat for special recruitment to physically handicapped persons - DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S)No.107/2011/FIN Dated. 17/08/2011
Taxes Department- Excise- Renewal of Abkari Policy - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Kerala Service Rules- Grant of - Paternity Leave to serving male employees - Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No.42/2011/(3)/Fin. Dated 15.07.2011
Pay Revision 2009- Pay fixation of Part time Contingent Employees - further clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 20/2011/P&ARD Dated. 30-06-2011
Public Service Commission - PSC - Postings / Service regularisation - Revised order - reg - DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 19 / 2011-P & ARD dated. 28-06-2011
General Transfer guidelines for government employees - Exceptions to the parents of mentally retarded children- Orders issued G.O. (P) No. 19 / 2011-P & ARD dated. 28-06-2011 DOWNLOAD

Police Department - Women Police Constables - Separate Norms for Inter - District transfer of Women Police Constables - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Government Orders related to Foreign visit of Government Employees
G.O (P) No. 4 / 2011 / Fin Dated. 03-01-2011 (Employees leaving country for visiting children) DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 22/2011/H.Edn Dated. 16-02-2011
Higher Education - Technical - Physically Challenged Students under Technical Education Department - Guidelines for concession for Diploma Examination - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 13/2011/Fin Dated. 11-02-2011
TA Bill of the Government Officers - Clarifications sought on audit Scrutiny - Further instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 6/2011/Fin dated. 14-01-2011
Availing Maternity Leave in different spell - Clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 42/2010/P & ARD Dated. 20-12-2010
Public Services - Appointment of Selection Posts - Period of Probation Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 396/10/Gen.Admn Dated. 13-12-2010
General Administration - Religion / Caste - various application forms of Government like PSC, SSLC Certificate etc - Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 268/2010/Home Dated. 10-12-2010
Home Department - Police Establishment - Integration of District Armed Reserve and the District Local Police (General Executive) to form a common cadre known as the Kerala Civil Police Subordinate Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 266/2010/Home Dated. 09-12-2010
G.O (P)No.55 / 2010 / Fin 06-02-2010
Enhancement of Child Adoption Leave enhanced from 135 days to 180 days G.O (P)No.55 / 2010 / Fin 06-02-2010 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 30 / 2010 / Fin.Dated. 22-01-2010.
Erratum — Vth Edition of Kerala Service Rules Part III -- Corrected - Orders Issued G.O.(P) No. 30 / 2010 / Fin.Dated. 22-01-2010. Government have noticed certain printing errors / omissions in the Vth Edition of Kerala Service Rules, Part III. After having examined the matter in detail. Government order that the mistakes stand corrected as below. The corrections made are shown in bold letters.
GO.Ms.26/2010-Fin Dated. 20-01-2010
New - HBA - House Construction Advance Scheme for State Government Employees in association with Banks-Revised interest sanctioned-Clarification issued-reg.GO.Ms.26/2010-Fin Dated. 20-01-2010 DOWNLOAD
HBA - House Building Advance - Application Form DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 15 / 2009 / P & ARD Dated. 07-10-2009
SRO 835/2009 ”Provided that at teacher (Medical Officer) in Governement Medical and Dental College in the State shall not examine or treat patients outside duty hours at his residence or at the residence of the patients and shall not be allowed to have private practice of any nature”. G.O. (P) No. 15 / 2009 / P&ARD Dated. 07-10-2009 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 408/09/Fin. Dated. 24-09-2009
Kerala Service Rules – Maternity Leave to Female recruits who join duty within a specified period after delivery – ceiling enhanced DOWNLOAD
Notification G.O (P) No. 186/2009/Gl.Edn Dated. 17-09-2009
Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education Subordinate Service (Amendment) Rules, 2009 DOWNLOAD
NOTIFICATION . G.O (P) No. 22/2009/Law Dated. 16-09-2009
G.O (P) No. 382/09/Fin Dated. 14-09-2009
Switching over to e-payment mode of remittance of Commercial Taxes - guidelines - issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 307/2009/Fin Dated. 28-07-2009
Enhancement of Daily Wages in respect of various categories ( Clerk, Typist, Chain Man, Security Guard, Class IV, Workers in Govt. Presses, Driver, Pump Operator - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 7/09/P&ARD Dated. 23-07-2009
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - G.O (P) 12/04/P&ARD Dated. 10-09-2004 - Modified - orders issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O. (P) No. 79 / 2009 - Home dated 05-06-2009
Candidates selected for appointment to public service – procedure for verification of Character and Antecedents Amended – Attestation form in Annexure I (Form I) attached herewith - G.O.(P) No. 79-2009 - Home dated 05-06-2009 (Order with Annexure I) DOWNLOAD
ATTESTATION FORM IN ANNEXURE I (FORM I) -The appointing authority shall obtain the attestation Form duly filled up by the candidate himself/herself, before permitting him/her to join duty. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 7/09/P & ARD Dated. 23-07-2009
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - G.O (P) 12/04/P&ARD
Dated. 10-09-2004 - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 168/A R 13(2)/09/P & ARD Dated 12-01-2009
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Application received in Government Offices from Public- Issue of Receipt & Model- Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 226/08/TD Dated. 02-12-2008
Taxes Department - Commercial Taxes Department - Establishment - Employment Assistance under Compassionate Employment Scheme - Appointment of Smt. Reshma. N.P as Lower Division Clerk - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 545/08/Fin Dated. 10/11/2008
Regularisation of the period of suspension as Leave Without Allowances - Refund of subsistence Allowance - Clarificatory Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S) No.531/2008/FIN Dated. 27/11/2008
Special remuneration to the drivers on daily on wages attached with Chief Secretary / Additional Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries in the Secretariat - Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 418 / 2008 / Fin Date. 16-09-2008
(Employees leaving country for private purpose) DOWNLOAD

G.O (Ms) No. 107/08/ H.Edn Dated. 30-08-2008
Higher Education - Universities - Reservation for admission to Post Graduate & Degree courses in Government Colleges and Universities Departments - Norms refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.378 / 2008 / FIN Dated. 25/08/2008
G.O (P) No. 233 / 2008 Dated. 03-06-2008 (Employees leaving country for private purpose)
NOTIFICATION . G.O (P) No. 1/2008/Law Dated. 29-02-2008
Circular No. 1257/A R 13(2)/08/P & ARD Dated 23-02-2008
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Application received in Government Offices from Public- Issue of Receipt -Reg DOWNLOAD

G.O (P) No.586/2007/FIN Dated. 13/12/2007
Sweeping and clearing work in Government officers- Guidelines for regularisation of existing eligible casual sweepers and appointments against further arising vacancies of sweepers/cleaners DOWNLOAD
GENERAL EDUCATlON - Vocational Higher Secondary Education - Kerala.
Vocational Higher Secondary Edn State and Subordinate Services RULES 2004-EXTENDING THE RULES TO AIDED SECTOR sanctioned DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 24136/RA1/07/LSG Dated 20/06/2007
Local Self Government (RA) Department- Regarding rules and regulations of issue
of building permits- DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 277/2003/Home Dated. 17-12-2003
Home Department - Compliance of Court direction recovery of Damages from the person who caused the damage or Person / Organisation, who call Hartal - Setting up of institutional mechanism - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 14495-G3-02-LSGD DATED. 7-10-2003
Clean Kerala - Ban on plastic carry bag below 30 micron - DOWNLOAD
Transfer and Posting of Deaf and Dumb Government Employees - Posting in respective districts at the time of general Transfer and Promotion - Instructions issued - Regarding DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 37/2011/P & ARD Dated. 15-12-2011
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness - Withdrawal of application so as to enable another dependent of the family to make application for Employment Assistance Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 37 /11 / P&ARD dated. 15-12-2011G.O (P) No. 37/2011/P & ARD Dated. 15-12-2011
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness - Withdrawal of application so as to enable another dependent of the family to make application for Employment Assistance Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 37 / 11 / P&ARD dated. 15-12-2011
(With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
Man missing cases- Settlement of Pensionary claims in man missing cases-Orders Modified GO(P) No 594-2011-Fin Dated 13-12-2011 DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 86/2011/Fin Dated. 12-12-2011
9th Pay Revision Commission Recommendation - Child Care Allowance to Women Employees having Physically / Mentally challenged unschooling Children - Details called for - Reg DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 16481/AR13(2)/11/P & ARD Dated. 09-12-2011
Transfer and Posting of Deaf and Dumb Government Employees - Posting in respective Districts at the time of General Transfer and on Promotion - Instructions Issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 581/2011/(26)/Fin Dated. 29-11-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Health Services Department - Designation of Medical Officers - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 86/2011/Fin Dated. 12-12-2011
9th Pay Revision Commission Recommendation - Child Care Allowance to Women Employees having Physically / Mentally challenged unschooling Children - Details called for - Reg DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 16481/AR13(2)/11/P & ARD Dated. 09-12-2011
Transfer and Posting of Deaf and Dumb Government Employees - Posting in respective Districts at the time of General Transfer and on Promotion - Instructions Issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 581/2011/(26)/Fin Dated. 29-11-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Health Services Department - Designation of Medical Officers - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. No. 426/11/Revenue Dated. 22-11-2011
Government order on revision of pokkuvaravu fees of land - DOWNLOAD
Circular No.77/2011/Fin 02/11/2011
Disbursement of pensionary benefits on the date of retirement; Instructions issued
Government have clarified that family pensioners of part-time contingent employees are eligible for medical allowance with effect from 01/02/2011. DOWNOAD
Disbursement of pensionary benefits on the date of retirement; Instructions issued
GO(P)No.495/2011/Fin Dated 31/10/2011Government have clarified that family pensioners of part-time contingent employees are eligible for medical allowance with effect from 01/02/2011. DOWNOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 217/2011/G. Edn Dated. 29-10-2011
General Education - DIET - Special Rules - 'Existing Employees' in Rule 4 - Clarified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 478/2011/Fin Dated. 24-10-2011
Eligibility for Family Pension to Parents & Unmarried daughter above 25 years of age - Enhancement in income limit - modified orders - issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No: 72/2011/(18)/Fin Dated. 22-10-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Pay Revision of Part Time Contingent Employees - Further clarification issued. DOWNLOAD =========================================================
Circular No. 10827/AR 13 (2)/11 Dated 20/09/2011
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Application received in Government Offices from Public- Issue of Receipt - Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 217/2011/G. Edn Dated. 29-10-2011
General Education - DIET - Special Rules - 'Existing Employees' in Rule 4 - Clarified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 478/2011/Fin Dated. 24-10-2011
Eligibility for Family Pension to Parents & Unmarried daughter above 25 years of age - Enhancement in income limit - modified orders - issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No: 72/2011/(18)/Fin Dated. 22-10-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Pay Revision of Part Time Contingent Employees - Further clarification issued. DOWNLOAD =========================================================
Circular No. 10827/AR 13 (2)/11 Dated 20/09/2011
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Application received in Government Offices from Public- Issue of Receipt - Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No.456 /2011/(16)/Fin dated 19/10/2011
Pay Revision 2009-Exercise of option on promotion- Modification Government have modified the Note below Para 7(3) Annexure II. DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No.456 /2011/(16)/Fin dated 19/10/2011
Pay Revision 2009-Exercise of option on promotion- Modification Government have modified the Note below Para 7(3) Annexure II. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 457/2011/(17)/Fin Dated. 19-10-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Uniform Allowance - Erratum - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No 454/2011/Fin dated 19/10/2011
Government have revised the rates of Special Allowance admissible for holding additional charge. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 450/2011/Fin Dated. 18-10-2011
General Provident Fund (Kerala - Rules Withdrawal from the Fund Revision of Upper Monetary Limit for various categories of
Sanctioning Officers with specification of theirs Scales of Pay - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
General Provident Fund (Kerala - Rules Withdrawal from the Fund Revision of Upper Monetary Limit for various categories of
Sanctioning Officers with specification of theirs Scales of Pay - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 419/11/Fin Dated. 04-10-2011
Temporary Advance Drawal of Temporary Advance and delayed refund of Excess Advance - Levy of Interest - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 412/2011/Fin Dated. 30-09-2011
Guidelines for regularization of existing eligible Casual Sweepers and appointments against future arising vacancies of Sweepers in State PSUs / Boards / Autonomous Institutions etc - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 405/2011/Fin Dated. 26-09-2011
Pension - Revision of pension and other related benefits - in respect of part-time contingent employees - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 407/2011/Fin Dated. 26-09-2011
Kerala Service Rules - Rule 90A, 93 and 103 of Part I and Appendix VII of Kerala Service Rules - Monetary Limits - Revised- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 404/2011/Fin Dated. 24-09-2011
Special Conveyance Allowance - Admissibility during Special Casual Leave - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G. O. (P) No.280/2011/GAD dated 24/09/2011
Mannam Jayanthi" 2nd January has declared as restricted holiday for the Employees belonging to Nair Community. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 419/11/Fin Dated. 04-10-2011
Temporary Advance Drawal of Temporary Advance and delayed refund of Excess Advance - Levy of Interest - Revised - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
========================================================= G .O G O (P) No. 199/2011/G.Edn Dated. 01-10-2011
General Education Department - Scientific method of Appointment and Deployment
of Teachers in Aided Schools - Implementation of package as recommended by the Committee headed by the Chief Secretary - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
========================================================= General Education Department - Scientific method of Appointment and Deployment
of Teachers in Aided Schools - Implementation of package as recommended by the Committee headed by the Chief Secretary - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 412/2011/Fin Dated. 30-09-2011
Guidelines for regularization of existing eligible Casual Sweepers and appointments against future arising vacancies of Sweepers in State PSUs / Boards / Autonomous Institutions etc - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 405/2011/Fin Dated. 26-09-2011
Pension - Revision of pension and other related benefits - in respect of part-time contingent employees - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 407/2011/Fin Dated. 26-09-2011
Kerala Service Rules - Rule 90A, 93 and 103 of Part I and Appendix VII of Kerala Service Rules - Monetary Limits - Revised- Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 404/2011/Fin Dated. 24-09-2011
Special Conveyance Allowance - Admissibility during Special Casual Leave - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G. O. (P) No.280/2011/GAD dated 24/09/2011
Mannam Jayanthi" 2nd January has declared as restricted holiday for the Employees belonging to Nair Community. DOWNLOAD
G.O(P)No. 389/2011/Fin Dated. 15-09-2011
Revision of Pension of Pre - 01-07-2009 Pensioners - Anomaly in fixing Pension - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 225/11/H.Edn Dated. 14-09-2011
Higher Education - Revised Guidelines for the Scheme of Appointment / Honorarium of Guest Teachers of the UGC - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 363/11/Fin Dated. 25-08-2011
Air Journey by Ministers and Senior Officers - Modified Instructions - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
=========================================================Revision of Pension of Pre - 01-07-2009 Pensioners - Anomaly in fixing Pension - Clarification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 225/11/H.Edn Dated. 14-09-2011
Higher Education - Revised Guidelines for the Scheme of Appointment / Honorarium of Guest Teachers of the UGC - Approved - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 363/11/Fin Dated. 25-08-2011
Air Journey by Ministers and Senior Officers - Modified Instructions - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.40/2011/FIN Dated. 26/08/2011
Social Welfare Deprtment - persons with dis abilities act 1995. Reporting of 3 percentage back log vacancies set apat for special recruitment to physically handicapped persons - DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S)No.107/2011/FIN Dated. 17/08/2011
Taxes Department- Excise- Renewal of Abkari Policy - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 345/11/Fin Dated. 12-08-2011
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of University Employees consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 in accordance with the recommendation of 9th Pay Revision Commission - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (R.T)No. 342/2011/FIN Dated. 11/08/2011 G.O (P) No. 345/11/Fin Dated. 12-08-2011
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of University Employees consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 in accordance with the recommendation of 9th Pay Revision Commission - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Kerala Service Rules- Grant of - Paternity Leave to serving male employees - Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 42160/R.C. 3/2008/LSGD Dated. 09-08-2011
Local Self Government Department - Protection of River Banks and Regulation of Removal of River Sand - Strict instruction issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 42160/R.C. 3/2008/LSGD Dated. 09-08-2011
Local Self Government Department - Protection of River Banks and Regulation of Removal of River Sand - Strict instruction issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 333/11/Fin Dated. 06-08-2011
Kerala Service Rules - Grant of Special Casual Leave for the Employed Parents of Physically / Mentally challenged Children - Guidelines - issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 333/11/Fin Dated. 06-08-2011
Kerala Service Rules - Grant of Special Casual Leave for the Employed Parents of Physically / Mentally challenged Children - Guidelines - issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 334/2011/Fin Dated. 06-08-2011
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to undergo Chemotherapy or Radiation and Kidney Transplanation - detailed guidelines - issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 32859/R.D.3/2011/LSGD Dated. 04-08-2011
Local Self Government Department - Death during journey to Hospital - Registration - Clarification - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 334/2011/Fin Dated. 06-08-2011
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to undergo Chemotherapy or Radiation and Kidney Transplanation - detailed guidelines - issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 32859/R.D.3/2011/LSGD Dated. 04-08-2011
Local Self Government Department - Death during journey to Hospital - Registration - Clarification - reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 330/2011/Fin Dated. 03-08-2011
Revision of Daily Wages of HR / CLR workers in Public Workers Department and Water Resources Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 326/2011/Fin Dated. 02-08-2011
Eligibility for Family Pension to parents & unmarried daughters above 25 years of age - Enhancement in Income limit - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt)No.36/2011/FIN 27/07/2011
Social Welfare dept- intercaste marriage-submit certificate- DOWNLOAD
Revision of Daily Wages of HR / CLR workers in Public Workers Department and Water Resources Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 326/2011/Fin Dated. 02-08-2011
Eligibility for Family Pension to parents & unmarried daughters above 25 years of age - Enhancement in Income limit - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt)No.36/2011/FIN 27/07/2011
Social Welfare dept- intercaste marriage-submit certificate- DOWNLOAD
No. 398/11/II/Ac.EIV Dated. 25-07-2011
University of Kerala - University Grants Commission - Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for SINGLE GIRL CHILD - Tuition Fees Waiver - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 43/2011/(4)/Fin 16/07/2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Exercise of Option- Further Clarification issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) 21/2011/ P&ARD Dated. 01-07-2011
Qualification of LD Clerk, LD Typist, Confidential Assistant modified G.O (MS) 21/2011/ P&ARD Dated. 01-07-2011 DOWNLOAD
Pay Revision 2009- Pay fixation of Part time Contingent Employees - further clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 20/2011/P&ARD Dated. 30-06-2011
Public Service Commission - PSC - Postings / Service regularisation - Revised order - reg - DOWNLOAD
General Transfer guidelines for government employees - Exceptions to the parents of mentally retarded children- Orders issued G.O. (P) No. 19 / 2011-P & ARD dated. 28-06-2011 DOWNLOAD
GO (P) No.271-11-Fin Dated 27-06-2011
Leave Rules - Officers appointed for limited periods and who are governed by Leave Rules under Appendix VIII, KSRs - Extending the benefit of Casual Leave - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD

G.O (P) No. 264/2011/Fin Dated. 18-06-2011
Appointment of Data Entry Operator ad Computer Operator / Junior Programmer on daily wage basis - Enhancement of Wages - DOWNLOAD
G.O. No 2281-2011 GE dated 18-06-2011
DATE OF BIRTH -Correction of Date of Birth in School Certificate - SSLC - School Records - G.O. No 2281-2011 GE dated 18-06-2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 15/2011/P&ARD Dated. 06-06-2011
Public Service Commission - PSC - Postings / Service regularisation - Revised orders issued- reg DOWNLOAD
G. O. (MS) No: 17/2011/Food and Civil Supplies Department Dated. 25-05-2011
Distribution of 25 kg. rice at Rs.1 per kg for BPL families DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 28/2011/Fin Dated. 21-05-2011
T A Ceiling on claims for attending Training - Clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 211/2011//Fin Dated. 07-05-2011
Pension Revision of Pension and Family Pension to those coming under UGC / AICTE / Medical Education Scheme - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Revision of Pay and Allowance of State govt Employees -Staff of educational institutions etc- Recommendations of the 9th pay revision Commission - Implementation Erratum- DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 83/11/Home Dated. 01-03-2011=========================================================
G.O. No 2281-2011 GE dated 18-06-2011
DATE OF BIRTH -Correction of Date of Birth in School Certificate - SSLC - School Records - G.O. No 2281-2011 GE dated 18-06-2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 15/2011/P&ARD Dated. 06-06-2011
Public Service Commission - PSC - Postings / Service regularisation - Revised orders issued- reg DOWNLOAD
G. O. (MS) No: 17/2011/Food and Civil Supplies Department Dated. 25-05-2011
Distribution of 25 kg. rice at Rs.1 per kg for BPL families DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 28/2011/Fin Dated. 21-05-2011
T A Ceiling on claims for attending Training - Clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 211/2011//Fin Dated. 07-05-2011
Pension Revision of Pension and Family Pension to those coming under UGC / AICTE / Medical Education Scheme - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 204/2011/Fin Dated. 02-05-2011
Enhancement of Daily Wages in respect of various categories Clerk, Typist, Charinman, Security Guard, Class IV, Workers in Government Presses, Driver, Pump Operator - Orders issued. Download
=========================================================Notification - G.O (P) No. 100/2011/G.Edn Dated. 30-04-2011
Kerala Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 195/2011/(1)/Fin Dated. 28-04-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Reckoning of Prior Service for Weightage - Modified Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No.143/2011/FIN Dated 30/03/2011 Enhancement of Daily Wages in respect of various categories Clerk, Typist, Charinman, Security Guard, Class IV, Workers in Government Presses, Driver, Pump Operator - Orders issued. Download
=========================================================Notification - G.O (P) No. 100/2011/G.Edn Dated. 30-04-2011
Kerala Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 195/2011/(1)/Fin Dated. 28-04-2011
Pay Revision 2009 - Reckoning of Prior Service for Weightage - Modified Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Revision of Pay and Allowance of State govt Employees -Staff of educational institutions etc- Recommendations of the 9th pay revision Commission - Implementation Erratum- DOWNLOAD
Police Department - Women Police Constables - Separate Norms for Inter - District transfer of Women Police Constables - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Government Orders related to Foreign visit of Government Employees
G.O (P) No. 4 / 2011 / Fin Dated. 03-01-2011 (Employees leaving country for visiting children) DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 87/2011/Fin Dated. 28-02-2011
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 in accordance with the recommendation of the 9th Pay Revision Commission - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2009 in accordance with the recommendation of the 9th Pay Revision Commission - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
GO (P) 85/2011/Fin Dated. 26-02-2011
Paternity Leave - Special Casual Leave for the employed parents of Physically / Mentally Challenged Children - The rate of Education Allowance to the parents of physically / mentally challenged children will be enhanced from the existing Rs. 150/- to Rs. 450/- per month. Special Leave for undergoing Chemotheraphy / Radiation / Kidney Transplantation etc - Education allowance to the parents of Physically / Mentally Challenged Children - Part time contingent Employees Scale of Pay - Spectacle allowance being reimbursement of cost of spectacles purchased is enhanced to Rs. 1000/-, which can be claimed once in 10 years of service. (in page No: 6). Leave Travel Concession - L T C - will be allowed to those employees who have 15 years of service .Special Allowance to employees working in New Delhi. Training Allowance, Project Allowance. Footwear Allowance. Uniform Allowance. Hill Tract Allowance. City Compensatory Allowance, Rent Recovery, For the purpose of travelling allowance, officers shall be classified into four grades DOWNLOAD
Paternity Leave - Special Casual Leave for the employed parents of Physically / Mentally Challenged Children - The rate of Education Allowance to the parents of physically / mentally challenged children will be enhanced from the existing Rs. 150/- to Rs. 450/- per month. Special Leave for undergoing Chemotheraphy / Radiation / Kidney Transplantation etc - Education allowance to the parents of Physically / Mentally Challenged Children - Part time contingent Employees Scale of Pay - Spectacle allowance being reimbursement of cost of spectacles purchased is enhanced to Rs. 1000/-, which can be claimed once in 10 years of service. (in page No: 6). Leave Travel Concession - L T C - will be allowed to those employees who have 15 years of service .Special Allowance to employees working in New Delhi. Training Allowance, Project Allowance. Footwear Allowance. Uniform Allowance. Hill Tract Allowance. City Compensatory Allowance, Rent Recovery, For the purpose of travelling allowance, officers shall be classified into four grades DOWNLOAD
GO (P) 85/2011/Fin Dated. 26-02-2011
Revision of Pay and Allowances of State Government Employees- staff of Educational Institutions etc. - Recommendations of the 9th Pay Revision Commission –Implementation - Orders issued GO (P) 85/2011/ Fin Dated. 26-02-2011DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 85 / 2011 / Fin Dated. 26-02-2011
Pay Revision 2009 Order - G.O(P) No. 85 / 2011 /Fin Dated. 26-02-2011 DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 22/2011/H.Edn Dated. 16-02-2011
Higher Education - Technical - Physically Challenged Students under Technical Education Department - Guidelines for concession for Diploma Examination - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 13/2011/Fin Dated. 11-02-2011
TA Bill of the Government Officers - Clarifications sought on audit Scrutiny - Further instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 6/2011/Fin dated. 14-01-2011
Availing Maternity Leave in different spell - Clarification issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 42/2010/P & ARD Dated. 20-12-2010
Public Services - Appointment of Selection Posts - Period of Probation Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 396/10/Gen.Admn Dated. 13-12-2010
General Administration - Religion / Caste - various application forms of Government like PSC, SSLC Certificate etc - Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 268/2010/Home Dated. 10-12-2010
Home Department - Police Establishment - Integration of District Armed Reserve and the District Local Police (General Executive) to form a common cadre known as the Kerala Civil Police Subordinate Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 266/2010/Home Dated. 09-12-2010
G.O (P) No. 41/2010/P&ARD Dated. 14-12-2010
Public Service Commission - PSC - Postings / Service regularisation - Revised orders issued- reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 39/2010/P & ARD Dated. 14-12-2010
Landed Property Statement -New - Statement of Immovable / Movable properties, shares in companies and other investment held by the below mentioned employee, employee's ......................................................... DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 41/2010/P&ARD Dated. 14-12-2010
Public Service Commission - PSC - Postings / Service regularisation - Revised orders issued- reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 39/2010/P & ARD Dated. 14-12-2010
Landed Property Statement -New - Statement of Immovable / Movable properties, shares in companies and other investment held by the below mentioned employee, employee's ......................................................... DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.658 /10/Fin Dated 03.12.2010
Streamlining of payments through Treasuries - Introduction of system of disbursement of Salaries and entitlements of Self Drawing Officers through Treasury Savings Bank accounts DOWNLAOD
Social Justice Department - Financial Assistance to Couples of Intercaste Marriages who does not belongs to Scheduled Cast / Scheduled Tribe DOWNLOAD
TA ceiling of retired employees who are summoned to give evidence before courts and admissibility of higher class accommodation for journey by rail - clarification cancelled - DOWNLOAD
Health & Family Welfare Department - KGSMA Rules 1960 - Msgr. Joseph Kandathil Memorial Cancer Research Centre, Cherthala - Recognition for the Cancer Treatment of Govt. Servants and their dependants for the purpose of Reimbursement of Medical Expenses and sanctioning of Interest Free Loan - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Class IV and Low Paid Employees (Included in the Subordinate Services) - Recruitment to the posts of Lower Division Clerks and Lower Division Typists through the Public Service Commission - Reservation of Vacancies - Enhanced - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
courts and admissibility of higher class accommodation for journey by rail - clarification - issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2534/2010/H & FWD Dated. 29-06-2010
Health & Family Welfare Department - Fees for getting Wound Certificate / Post Mortem Certificate from Government Hospitals - Exemption to Police and Judicial authorities - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 370/2010/ H & FWD Dated. 19-06-2010
Health and Family Welfare Department - Abolition of Dual Control System of Hospital Staff of Health Service Department 0 Re-Option by Nursing Staff - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 27396/F3/07/SCSTDD Dated. 14-06-2010
Reservation of O B Cs in appointments to the Services and Posts under the Government of Kerala - Issue of Non-Creamy Layer Certificate to the eligible candidates - Clarifications - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No.658 /10/Fin Dated 03.12.2010
Streamlining of payments through Treasuries - Introduction of system of disbursement of Salaries and entitlements of Self Drawing Officers through Treasury Savings Bank accounts DOWNLAOD
Circular No. 13532 - AR - 13 (2) -10 P & ARD Dated. 01-12-2010
Establishment - Relaxation on the promotion of Parents of mentally retarded Children - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 483/2010/Fin Dated. 13/09/2010
Kerala Service Rules, Part III - Family Pension - Sharing of Family Pension
among Mentally Challenged Persons - Order issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 66/2010/SJD Dated. 09-09-2010 Social Justice Department - Financial Assistance to Couples of Intercaste Marriages who does not belongs to Scheduled Cast / Scheduled Tribe DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 81/2010/Fin Dated. 02/09/2010 TA ceiling of retired employees who are summoned to give evidence before courts and admissibility of higher class accommodation for journey by rail - clarification cancelled - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 558/2010/H & FWD Dated. 21-08-2010Health & Family Welfare Department - KGSMA Rules 1960 - Msgr. Joseph Kandathil Memorial Cancer Research Centre, Cherthala - Recognition for the Cancer Treatment of Govt. Servants and their dependants for the purpose of Reimbursement of Medical Expenses and sanctioning of Interest Free Loan - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 25/2010/P & ARD Dated. 02-08-2010Public Services - Class IV and Low Paid Employees (Included in the Subordinate Services) - Recruitment to the posts of Lower Division Clerks and Lower Division Typists through the Public Service Commission - Reservation of Vacancies - Enhanced - Modified Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 66/2010/Fin Dated. 12/07/2010
T A ceiling of retired employees who are summoned to give evidence before courts and admissibility of higher class accommodation for journey by rail - clarification - issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2534/2010/H & FWD Dated. 29-06-2010
Health & Family Welfare Department - Fees for getting Wound Certificate / Post Mortem Certificate from Government Hospitals - Exemption to Police and Judicial authorities - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 370/2010/ H & FWD Dated. 19-06-2010
Health and Family Welfare Department - Abolition of Dual Control System of Hospital Staff of Health Service Department 0 Re-Option by Nursing Staff - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 27396/F3/07/SCSTDD Dated. 14-06-2010
Reservation of O B Cs in appointments to the Services and Posts under the Government of Kerala - Issue of Non-Creamy Layer Certificate to the eligible candidates - Clarifications - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 298/2010/Fin Dated. 24-05-2010
Pension - Implementation of New Pension Scheme for All India Service Officers (Kerala Cadre) recruited on or after 01-01-2004 - Guidelines and detailed procedures to be followed in the Scheme - Further Orders issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (P) No. 283/10/Fin Dated. 14-05-2010
Kerala State Employees Group Insurance Scheme Rules 2010 DOWNLOAD

GO.P.235 / 10 / Fin dated. 16-04-2010
Loans and Advances - Loans for the marriage of Class IV employee's daughters - Increase of Loan Amount and reduce the percetage of rate of interest - Orders issued. GO.P.235 / 10 / Fin dated. 16-04-2010 DOWNLOAD
Kerala State Employees Group Insurance Scheme Rules. - Payment of claims on legal heirship Certificate issued by Tahsildars - Revised Monetary limit fixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Notification No. G.O (P) No. 249/2010/Fin Dated. 21-04-2010=========================================================
Kerala State Employees Group Insurance Scheme Rules 2010 DOWNLOAD

GO.P.235 / 10 / Fin dated. 16-04-2010
Loans and Advances - Loans for the marriage of Class IV employee's daughters - Increase of Loan Amount and reduce the percetage of rate of interest - Orders issued. GO.P.235 / 10 / Fin dated. 16-04-2010 DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 14 / 10 / P&ARD dated. 12-04-2010
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 14 / 10 / P&ARD dated. 12-04-2010 (With all related Government Orders)
G. O (P) No. 12 / 2010 / P & ARD. Dated. 05-04-2010
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 14 / 10 / P&ARD dated. 12-04-2010 (With all related Government Orders)
G. O (P) No. 12 / 2010 / P & ARD. Dated. 05-04-2010
G.O (P) No.210/2010/FIN 03/04/2010
G. O. (P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn. Dated 27-03-2010
Higher Education (C) Department- UGC Scheme- Revision of scale of pay of teachers in, universities, affiliated colleges, teachers in law colleges and engineering colleges and Kerala agricultural universities and teachers in physical education and qualified librarians etc DOWNLOAD
LSGD - Fixation of Building Rent for Anganwadi's - Delegation of Power to Assistant Engineer - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 64/2010/Fin Dated. 10-02-2010
S.R.O No. 240/2010 - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Kerala Public Services ACT, 1968 (19 of 1968) read with Section 3 thereof, the Government of Kerala, hereby make the following rules further to amend Kerala Service Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 63/2010/Fin Dated. 10-02-2010
Pension - Kerala Service Rules - Part III - Rule 7 of Part A, Appendix X - Amendment issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 61/2010/Fin Dated. 09-02-2010
Finance (Expenditure-C) Department-Sweeping and cleaning work in Government offices-Guidelines for regularisation of existing sweepers and appointment against future arising vacancies of sweepers in Government offices-prescribed-modifications/clarifications effected- DOWNLOAD
G. O. (P) No. 58/2010/H.Edn. Dated 27-03-2010
Higher Education (C) Department- UGC Scheme- Revision of scale of pay of teachers in, universities, affiliated colleges, teachers in law colleges and engineering colleges and Kerala agricultural universities and teachers in physical education and qualified librarians etc DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 59/2010/TD Dated 11.03.2010
Taxes Department - Measures to improve the functions of the Commercial Taxes Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTIFICATION . G.O (P) No. 2/2010/Law Dated. 25-02-2010
G.O (No. 2733/10/LSG Dated. 13-08-2010Taxes Department - Measures to improve the functions of the Commercial Taxes Department - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTIFICATION . G.O (P) No. 2/2010/Law Dated. 25-02-2010
LSGD - Fixation of Building Rent for Anganwadi's - Delegation of Power to Assistant Engineer - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 64/2010/Fin Dated. 10-02-2010
S.R.O No. 240/2010 - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Kerala Public Services ACT, 1968 (19 of 1968) read with Section 3 thereof, the Government of Kerala, hereby make the following rules further to amend Kerala Service Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 63/2010/Fin Dated. 10-02-2010
Pension - Kerala Service Rules - Part III - Rule 7 of Part A, Appendix X - Amendment issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 61/2010/Fin Dated. 09-02-2010
Finance (Expenditure-C) Department-Sweeping and cleaning work in Government offices-Guidelines for regularisation of existing sweepers and appointment against future arising vacancies of sweepers in Government offices-prescribed-modifications/clarifications effected- DOWNLOAD
Enhancement of Child Adoption Leave enhanced from 135 days to 180 days G.O (P)No.55 / 2010 / Fin 06-02-2010 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 30 / 2010 / Fin.Dated. 22-01-2010.
Erratum — Vth Edition of Kerala Service Rules Part III -- Corrected - Orders Issued G.O.(P) No. 30 / 2010 / Fin.Dated. 22-01-2010. Government have noticed certain printing errors / omissions in the Vth Edition of Kerala Service Rules, Part III. After having examined the matter in detail. Government order that the mistakes stand corrected as below. The corrections made are shown in bold letters.
New - HBA - House Construction Advance Scheme for State Government Employees in association with Banks-Revised interest sanctioned-Clarification issued-reg.GO.Ms.26/2010-Fin Dated. 20-01-2010 DOWNLOAD
HBA - House Building Advance - Application Form DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 21/2009/P & ARD Dated. 30-12-2009
P & ARD - General Transfer Guidelines - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 21/2009/P & ARD Dated. 30-12-2009
P & ARD - General Transfer Guidelines - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 580/09/Fin Dated. 30-12-2009
Kerala Service Rules - Maternity Leave to Female Officers who join another Department / Post before expiry of the Leave sanctioned in the former Department / Post - Eligibility - (......Maternity Leave who get appoint in another Department / Same Department by Direct recruitment / Transfer / Promotion will be allowed the balance portion of Maternity Leave from the next day of her joining duty in the new Post / Department subject the following conditions ........) Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 22/2009/P&ARD Dated. 30-12-2009
Transfer and Posting of Government Employees - General Norms / Guidelines -
Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 21365/G3/09/Home Dated. 24-11-2009
Releasing of GOLD seized to the COMMERCIAL TAXES DEPARTMENT - directions issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O(P) No. 517/09/Fin Dated. 19-11-2009
Kerala Service Rules - Part III - Service put in by Employees in Panchayath / Municipal Common Service and Universities prior to entry in Government Service and vice versa - Reckoning for pension - Dispensing with payment of pro-rata pensionary liabilities - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P)No. 505/2009/Fin. Dated, 12.11.2009
Reintroduction of - HBA - House Building Advance scheme to State Government Employees and Teachers– Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 13953(1)/J3/2009/G.Edn Dated. 27-10-2009
General Education - Aided School Employees - Application for Leave Without Allowances - Revised Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
General Education - Aided School Employees - Application for Leave Without Allowances - Revised Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 95/2009/SCSTDD Dated. 10.11.2009
SC / ST Development Department - Creamy Layer - OBCs - Classification of State Government Employees for determining Creamy Layer - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
SC / ST Development Department - Creamy Layer - OBCs - Classification of State Government Employees for determining Creamy Layer - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 430/09/(149)Fin Dated. 06-10-2009
Pay Revision 2004 - Revision of Scale of Pay - Classification of State Government Employees - Revised Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 430/09/(149)Fin Dated. 06-10-2009
Pay Revision 2004 - Revision of Scale of Pay - Classification of State Government Employees - Revised Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
SRO 835/2009 ”Provided that at teacher (Medical Officer) in Governement Medical and Dental College in the State shall not examine or treat patients outside duty hours at his residence or at the residence of the patients and shall not be allowed to have private practice of any nature”. G.O. (P) No. 15 / 2009 / P&ARD Dated. 07-10-2009 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 408/09/Fin. Dated. 24-09-2009
Kerala Service Rules – Maternity Leave to Female recruits who join duty within a specified period after delivery – ceiling enhanced DOWNLOAD
Notification G.O (P) No. 186/2009/Gl.Edn Dated. 17-09-2009
Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education Subordinate Service (Amendment) Rules, 2009 DOWNLOAD
NOTIFICATION . G.O (P) No. 22/2009/Law Dated. 16-09-2009
G.O (P) No. 382/09/Fin Dated. 14-09-2009
Switching over to e-payment mode of remittance of Commercial Taxes - guidelines - issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 307/2009/Fin Dated. 28-07-2009
Enhancement of Daily Wages in respect of various categories ( Clerk, Typist, Chain Man, Security Guard, Class IV, Workers in Govt. Presses, Driver, Pump Operator - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 7/09/P&ARD Dated. 23-07-2009
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - G.O (P) 12/04/P&ARD Dated. 10-09-2004 - Modified - orders issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
Notification G.O (P) No. 16/2009/Law Dated. 25-06-2009
G.O (P)No. 5/2009/P & ARD Dated. 11-06-2009
Departmental Tests - Revision of Rate of Fee - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 6434/AR 13(2)/09/P & ARD Dated. 01-06-2009
Secretariat Functioning - Enforcement of Office Discipline - Attendance - Late Attendance and Early Leaving of Office - Revised - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 3 / 2009- P & ARD Dated. 07-04-2009
Providing of Xerox / Photostat copy of the OMR answer script to candidates on request- Examination by PSC -Procedure prescribed-Orders issued -G.O. (P) No. 3 / 2009- P & ARD Dated. 07-04-2009 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 5/2009/P & ARD Dated. 11-06-2009
Departmental Tests - Revision of Rate of Fee - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 6434/AR 13(2)/09/P & ARD Dated. 01-06-2009
Secretariat Functioning - Enforcement of Office Discipline - Attendance - Late Attendance and Early Leaving of Office - Revised - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 3 / 2009- P & ARD Dated. 07-04-2009
Providing of Xerox / Photostat copy of the OMR answer script to candidates on request- Examination by PSC -Procedure prescribed-Orders issued -G.O. (P) No. 3 / 2009- P & ARD Dated. 07-04-2009 DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 79 / 2009 - Home dated 05-06-2009
Candidates selected for appointment to public service – procedure for verification of Character and Antecedents Amended – Attestation form in Annexure I (Form I) attached herewith - G.O.(P) No. 79-2009 - Home dated 05-06-2009 (Order with Annexure I) DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 79-2009 - Home dated 05-06-2009ATTESTATION FORM IN ANNEXURE I (FORM I) -The appointing authority shall obtain the attestation Form duly filled up by the candidate himself/herself, before permitting him/her to join duty. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 7/09/P & ARD Dated. 23-07-2009
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - G.O (P) 12/04/P&ARD
Dated. 10-09-2004 - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 168/A R 13(2)/09/P & ARD Dated 12-01-2009
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Application received in Government Offices from Public- Issue of Receipt & Model- Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 226/08/TD Dated. 02-12-2008
Taxes Department - Commercial Taxes Department - Establishment - Employment Assistance under Compassionate Employment Scheme - Appointment of Smt. Reshma. N.P as Lower Division Clerk - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 545/08/Fin Dated. 10/11/2008
Regularisation of the period of suspension as Leave Without Allowances - Refund of subsistence Allowance - Clarificatory Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S) No.531/2008/FIN Dated. 27/11/2008
Special remuneration to the drivers on daily on wages attached with Chief Secretary / Additional Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries in the Secretariat - Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 505/2008/Fin Dated. 06-11-2008
TA – Revision of TA Ceilings of State Government Employees – modification orders – issued. DOWNLOAD
Government Orders related to Foreign visit of Government EmployeesTA – Revision of TA Ceilings of State Government Employees – modification orders – issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 161/08/AD Dated. 27-09-2008
Agriculture - (Animal Husbandry_ - Establishment - Weekly Off and compensation leave to the Employees of Veterinary Dispensaries / Hospitals / District Veterinary Centres and Farms under Animal Husbandry Department - Granted - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 427/08/Fin Dated. 22-09-2008
Child Adoption Leave to Female Government Employees - Modification - Orders DOWNLOAD
Agriculture - (Animal Husbandry_ - Establishment - Weekly Off and compensation leave to the Employees of Veterinary Dispensaries / Hospitals / District Veterinary Centres and Farms under Animal Husbandry Department - Granted - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 427/08/Fin Dated. 22-09-2008
Child Adoption Leave to Female Government Employees - Modification - Orders DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 418 / 2008 / Fin Date. 16-09-2008
(Employees leaving country for private purpose) DOWNLOAD

G.O (Ms) No. 107/08/ H.Edn Dated. 30-08-2008
Higher Education - Universities - Reservation for admission to Post Graduate & Degree courses in Government Colleges and Universities Departments - Norms refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.378 / 2008 / FIN Dated. 25/08/2008
CIRCULAR No. 51/08/Fin Dated. 18-08-2008
T A Claims of Officials - Necessity of Sanction from Competent Authority - Strict Instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
T A Claims of Officials - Necessity of Sanction from Competent Authority - Strict Instructions issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 46/2008/Fin Dated. 08-08-2008
Time Bound Higher Grade Scheme - Consolidation of Government Orders / Circulars in respect of 13 Years' Grade Scheme and further Higher Grades granted in the subsequent Pay Revision Orders - Guidelines - Issued DOWNLOAD
Time Bound Higher Grade Scheme - Consolidation of Government Orders / Circulars in respect of 13 Years' Grade Scheme and further Higher Grades granted in the subsequent Pay Revision Orders - Guidelines - Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 41/2008/Fin Dated. 02-08-2008
Government Vehicle - to curb misuse of Government Vehicle - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt.) No.703 /2008/T.D Dated 26-07-2008.
Taxes - Registration Department - Citizen Charter in the Registration Department - Approved - orders issued DOWNLOAD
Government Vehicle - to curb misuse of Government Vehicle - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt.) No.703 /2008/T.D Dated 26-07-2008.
Taxes - Registration Department - Citizen Charter in the Registration Department - Approved - orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 38/08/Fin Dated. 19-07-2008
Issue of TDS Certificate in FORM 16 to Employees - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 6166/AR13(2)/08/P&ARD Dated. 14-05-2008
Secretariat Functioning - Office Discipline - Attendance - Late Attendance and Early Leaving of Office - Revised Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.154/2008/FIN Dated. 05/04/2008
G.O(P)No.138/2008/FIN Dated. 22/03/2008
Government Orders related to Foreign visit of Government EmployeesIssue of TDS Certificate in FORM 16 to Employees - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 6166/AR13(2)/08/P&ARD Dated. 14-05-2008
Secretariat Functioning - Office Discipline - Attendance - Late Attendance and Early Leaving of Office - Revised Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.154/2008/FIN Dated. 05/04/2008
G.O(P)No.138/2008/FIN Dated. 22/03/2008
G.O (P) No. 233 / 2008 Dated. 03-06-2008 (Employees leaving country for private purpose)
NOTIFICATION . G.O (P) No. 1/2008/Law Dated. 29-02-2008
Circular No. 1257/A R 13(2)/08/P & ARD Dated 23-02-2008
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - Application received in Government Offices from Public- Issue of Receipt -Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 76/08/Fin Dated. 11-02-2008
Advance - House Building Advance to Government Employees - Additional Loans from Recognized Financial Institutions for selected purposes - Creation of Second mortgage - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS).617/07/89/(Fin) Dated. 29/12/2007
City Compensatory Allowance to the Staff in Civil Station Kakkanad G.O (MS).617/07/89/(Fin) Dated. 29/12/2007 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.584/2007/FIN Dated. 12/12/2007
Proposal for creation of post of part time sweeper -Calculation of sweeping area- guidelines - further orders issued DOWNLOAD
Advance - House Building Advance to Government Employees - Additional Loans from Recognized Financial Institutions for selected purposes - Creation of Second mortgage - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS).617/07/89/(Fin) Dated. 29/12/2007
City Compensatory Allowance to the Staff in Civil Station Kakkanad G.O (MS).617/07/89/(Fin) Dated. 29/12/2007 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.584/2007/FIN Dated. 12/12/2007
Proposal for creation of post of part time sweeper -Calculation of sweeping area- guidelines - further orders issued DOWNLOAD

G.O (P) No.586/2007/FIN Dated. 13/12/2007
Sweeping and clearing work in Government officers- Guidelines for regularisation of existing eligible casual sweepers and appointments against further arising vacancies of sweepers/cleaners DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 06/07/P&ARD Dated. 04-12-2007
General Transfer of State Government Employees - Restoration of the Privileges of INTER-CASTE Married Employees - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 519/2007/Fin Dated 23-10-2007
DA Arrears - Crediting to PF Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (P) No. 515/07/Fin Dated. 19-10-2007
Kerala Service Rules - Retrospective effect to Promotions not involving change of duties - Benefit of arrears of Pay and Allowances - Revised orders - issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 391/07/Fin Dated. 31-08-2007
Grant of Child Leave for 135 Days to Female Government Employees - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD =========================================================
CIRCULAR No. 5699-F3-07-SCSTDD dated 19-07-2007
Guidelines for the determination of the Creamy Layer among OBC- until the
report of the Rejendra Babu Commission is accepted DOWNLOAD
General Transfer of State Government Employees - Restoration of the Privileges of INTER-CASTE Married Employees - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 519/2007/Fin Dated 23-10-2007
DA Arrears - Crediting to PF Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD =========================================================
G.O (P) No. 515/07/Fin Dated. 19-10-2007
Kerala Service Rules - Retrospective effect to Promotions not involving change of duties - Benefit of arrears of Pay and Allowances - Revised orders - issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 391/07/Fin Dated. 31-08-2007
Grant of Child Leave for 135 Days to Female Government Employees - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD =========================================================
CIRCULAR No. 5699-F3-07-SCSTDD dated 19-07-2007
Guidelines for the determination of the Creamy Layer among OBC- until the
report of the Rejendra Babu Commission is accepted DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.296/2007/Fin Dated. 10/07/2007
Travelling Allowance - Revision of T.A Ceiling of State Government Employees
and Restoration of Incidental for air journeys - Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S)No.124 / 2007/FIN 23/06/2007G.O (P) No.296/2007/Fin Dated. 10/07/2007
Travelling Allowance - Revision of T.A Ceiling of State Government Employees
and Restoration of Incidental for air journeys - Sanctioned - DOWNLOAD
GENERAL EDUCATlON - Vocational Higher Secondary Education - Kerala.
Vocational Higher Secondary Edn State and Subordinate Services RULES 2004-EXTENDING THE RULES TO AIDED SECTOR sanctioned DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 24136/RA1/07/LSG Dated 20/06/2007
Local Self Government (RA) Department- Regarding rules and regulations of issue
of building permits- DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No.154/2007/LSGD, Dated 12/06/2007
Local Self Government Department – Establishment - Pension benefits of
Corporation employees- to avoid time lapse in action- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No.154/2007/LSGD, Dated 12/06/2007
Local Self Government Department – Establishment - Pension benefits of
Corporation employees- to avoid time lapse in action- Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G O. No 136/07 RD Dated. 27.04.2007
Validity of certificates obtained from Village / Taluk / RDO office and authority
of issue of certificates reg. DOWNLOAD
Validity of certificates obtained from Village / Taluk / RDO office and authority
of issue of certificates reg. DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 3180/AR13(2)/07/P&ARD Dated. 26-04-2007
Transfer of Government Employees - Guidelines - Reg. DOWNLOAD
Transfer of Government Employees - Guidelines - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Rt) No.81-07-ITD DATED. 24-04-2007
SPARK FORM NO. 1 for fresh appointment G.O.(Rt) No.81-07-ITD DATED. 24-04-2007 - SPARK FORM NO. 1 for fresh appointment DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 506/06(20)/Fin Dated. 19-12-2006
Pay Revision 2004 - Rules for fixation of Pay – Employees under suspension – clarifications – Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 371/06/(6)/Fin Dated. 15-09-2006
Pay Revision 2004 – Interdepartmental transfer – Reckoning of previous service for time bound higher grade – Modification – DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 359/2006/Fin Dated. 01-09-2006
Pension - Revision of Pension consequent on revision of Pay Scales - Procedures for Revision of Pension revised Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
APPENDIX 6 - Application for Revision of Pension / Family Pension - DOWNLOAD
Order No. 3435 / AR 13(2) / 06 / P & ARD dated. 10-05-2006
Application received at Government offices - Applicants have to be acknowledge with receipts - Order No. 3435 / AR 13(2)-06 / P & ARD dated. 10-05-2006 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P). No. 202/2006/Fin Dated. 05/05/2006
Rules – Travelling Allowance – Amendment to Rules in Kerala Service Rules – Part II – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 161/2006/Fin Dated. 31-03-2006
Rules for the use of Government Motor Vehicles - Introduction of Vehicle History Book - Instruction issued (With all formats) DOWNLOAD
SPARK FORM NO. 1 for fresh appointment G.O.(Rt) No.81-07-ITD DATED. 24-04-2007 - SPARK FORM NO. 1 for fresh appointment DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 506/06(20)/Fin Dated. 19-12-2006
Pay Revision 2004 - Rules for fixation of Pay – Employees under suspension – clarifications – Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 371/06/(6)/Fin Dated. 15-09-2006
Pay Revision 2004 – Interdepartmental transfer – Reckoning of previous service for time bound higher grade – Modification – DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 359/2006/Fin Dated. 01-09-2006
Pension - Revision of Pension consequent on revision of Pay Scales - Procedures for Revision of Pension revised Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
APPENDIX 6 - Application for Revision of Pension / Family Pension - DOWNLOAD
Order No. 3435 / AR 13(2) / 06 / P & ARD dated. 10-05-2006
Application received at Government offices - Applicants have to be acknowledge with receipts - Order No. 3435 / AR 13(2)-06 / P & ARD dated. 10-05-2006 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P). No. 202/2006/Fin Dated. 05/05/2006
Rules – Travelling Allowance – Amendment to Rules in Kerala Service Rules – Part II – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 161/2006/Fin Dated. 31-03-2006
Rules for the use of Government Motor Vehicles - Introduction of Vehicle History Book - Instruction issued (With all formats) DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P)No. 145 / 2006 / Fin Dated, 25-03-2006
Pay Revision Order G.O.(P)No. 145 / 2006 / Fin Dated, 25-03-2006 (Complete Order) DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 37/2006/H.Edn Dated. 27-02-2006
Higher Education - Universities - Reservation for admission to PG & Degree Course - Norms Refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 38/2006/H. Edn Dated. 27-02-2006
Higher Education - Universities - Reservation for Admission to PG & Degree - Norms Refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.501/2005/Fin 25-11-2005
Sweeping and Cleaning work in Government Offices - Guidelines for regularisation of existing eligible casual sweepers and appointments against future arising vacancies of sweepers/ cleaners in Government Offices - Prescribed DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.361/2005/Fin. Dated 02-08-2005
Pay Revision Order G.O.(P)No. 145 / 2006 / Fin Dated, 25-03-2006 (Complete Order) DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 37/2006/H.Edn Dated. 27-02-2006
Higher Education - Universities - Reservation for admission to PG & Degree Course - Norms Refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 38/2006/H. Edn Dated. 27-02-2006
Higher Education - Universities - Reservation for Admission to PG & Degree - Norms Refixed - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.501/2005/Fin 25-11-2005
Sweeping and Cleaning work in Government Offices - Guidelines for regularisation of existing eligible casual sweepers and appointments against future arising vacancies of sweepers/ cleaners in Government Offices - Prescribed DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.361/2005/Fin. Dated 02-08-2005
G.O (P) No. 187/05/G.Edn Dated. 17-06-2005
Kerala Education (Amendment) Rules 2005 DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 15/05/P & ARD Dated. 05-05-2005
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department – Transfer & Postings of Government Employees – General Norms / Guidelines – Modification - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 42/2005/TD Dated. 31-03-2005
Kerala Value Added Tax Rules 2005 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 187/05/G.Edn Dated. 17-06-2005
Kerala Education (Amendment) Rules 2005 DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 15/05/P & ARD Dated. 05-05-2005
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department – Transfer & Postings of Government Employees – General Norms / Guidelines – Modification - DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 42/2005/TD Dated. 31-03-2005
Kerala Value Added Tax Rules 2005 DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 1 / 2005 P & ARD Dated. 04-01-2005
Inter caste married Government employees - General Transfer of State Government Employees - Benefits reinstated - Orders issued. G.O. (P) No. 1 / 2005 P & ARD Dated. 04-01-2005 DOWNLOAD
Inter caste married Government employees - General Transfer of State Government Employees - Benefits reinstated - Orders issued. G.O. (P) No. 1 / 2005 P & ARD Dated. 04-01-2005 DOWNLOAD
G.O.(Ms) No. 03/2005/LSGD Dated. 01-01-2005
Local Self Government - Property tax - Ex-Servicemen / Widows - Exempted property tax - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 19/2004/P & ARD Dated. 08-12-2004
Public Services - Inclusion of Computer Word Processing as an essential Qualification for the Posts of TYPIST, CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT etc in Public Service Appointments - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Local Self Government - Property tax - Ex-Servicemen / Widows - Exempted property tax - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 19/2004/P & ARD Dated. 08-12-2004
Public Services - Inclusion of Computer Word Processing as an essential Qualification for the Posts of TYPIST, CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT etc in Public Service Appointments - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 16535/Adv. C1/2004/P&ARD Dated. 17-11-2004
Public Service - Deputation of Government Employees from one Department to another DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 59/04/Fin Dated. 06-11-2004
Disbursement of Pensionary benefits to State Government Employees on the Day of Retirement itself - Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.474/2004/FIN 12/10/2004
Public Service - Deputation of Government Employees from one Department to another DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 59/04/Fin Dated. 06-11-2004
Disbursement of Pensionary benefits to State Government Employees on the Day of Retirement itself - Guidelines Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.474/2004/FIN 12/10/2004
G.O (P) No. 12/04/P & ARD Dated. 10-09-2004
Minimum Tenure Policy for Government Employees - Approved - Orders issued
G.O(P) No. 390/2004/Fin Dated. 25-08-2004
Allowance - Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief to State Government Employees / Pensioners with effect from 01-07-2002, 01-01-2003 and 01-07-2003 - Revised - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 367/2004/Fin Dated. 11-08-2004
Dearness Allowance - Arrears Crediting to Provident Fund Account - Time Limit Extended - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.324/2004/FIN Dated 12/07/2004
G.O. (P) NO. 238/04/Fin. Dated 19-05-2004
Introduction of New Scheme on Motor Conveyance Advance/Personal Computer Advance for State Government Employees in association with Banks-Sanctioned DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 4/2004/Fin Dated. 03-01-2004
Travelling all allowance - Revision of TA Ceiling and Daily Allowance of State Government Employees - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Ministry of Finance – (Department of Economic Affairs) (ECB & PR Division) Notification dated 22-12-2003
F. No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR – The Government approved on 23rd August, 2003 the proposal to implement the budget announcement of 2003-04 relating to introducing a new restructured defined contribution pension system for new entrants to Central Government service,…………DOWNLOAD
Home Department - Compliance of Court direction recovery of Damages from the person who caused the damage or Person / Organisation, who call Hartal - Setting up of institutional mechanism - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 14495-G3-02-LSGD DATED. 7-10-2003
Clean Kerala - Ban on plastic carry bag below 30 micron - DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 12409 / Rules 1 / 2003 / P & ARD. Dated. 14-08-2003
Public Service—Departmental Promotion Committee—Rule 28 (b) (i) of the KS & SSR--Observance of the Procedure—Instructions Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 11/2003/P & ARD Dated. 16-05-2003
Public Services -" Persons with Disabilities" to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 94/2003/G.Edn Dated. 23-04-2003
General Education - Inter District Transfer of Teachers to remote / Inaccessible / Forest areas - Relaxation of Norms - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 226/2003/Fin Dated. 21-04-2003
Allowance - Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief to State Government
Employees / Pensioners With Effect From 01-07-2000 and 01-01-2000 -
Revision - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Pension - Reckoning of prior service under Central Government / Central Public Sector Undertakings put in by State Govt. Employees - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 47/2002/P & ARD Dated. 28-10-2002
Public Service - Inter District Transfer to Attappady Block in Palakkad District - Order issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 14704/Adv. C1/2001/P&ARD Dated. 29-08-2002
Public Services - Physically Handicapped provisional Employees who were in Service during the period from 01-01-1997 to 14-08-1998 - Regularisation of Service - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 185/2002/Fin Dated. 27-05-2002
Rules – Kerala Service Rules, Part III – Delay in payment of pensionary benefits – Guidelines to avoid – Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 37 / 02 / P&ARD dated. 15-07-2002
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 37 /02 / P&ARD dated. 15-07-2002 (With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
Public Service—Departmental Promotion Committee—Rule 28 (b) (i) of the KS & SSR--Observance of the Procedure—Instructions Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 11/2003/P & ARD Dated. 16-05-2003
Public Services -" Persons with Disabilities" to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995 - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 94/2003/G.Edn Dated. 23-04-2003
General Education - Inter District Transfer of Teachers to remote / Inaccessible / Forest areas - Relaxation of Norms - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 226/2003/Fin Dated. 21-04-2003
Allowance - Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief to State Government
Employees / Pensioners With Effect From 01-07-2000 and 01-01-2000 -
Revision - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No.113/2003/Fin dated 24/02/2003
Vehicles of Government/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ Autonomous Bodies - Curbing of misuse - Modified - Orders -Issued DOWNLOAD
New House Construction Advance Scheme for Government Employees in Association with Bank - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No.703/2002/Fin Dated. 12/11/2002 Vehicles of Government/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Local Bodies/ Autonomous Bodies - Curbing of misuse - Modified - Orders -Issued DOWNLOAD
GO (P) No.803/2002/Fin DATED. 30/12/2002
Rules -KSRs Part III Speedy settlement of Pensionary claims-Guidelines to avoid delay DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 744/2002/Fin 04/12/2002 Rules -KSRs Part III Speedy settlement of Pensionary claims-Guidelines to avoid delay DOWNLOAD
New House Construction Advance Scheme for Government Employees in Association with Bank - Sanctioned - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Pension - Reckoning of prior service under Central Government / Central Public Sector Undertakings put in by State Govt. Employees - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 47/2002/P & ARD Dated. 28-10-2002
Public Service - Inter District Transfer to Attappady Block in Palakkad District - Order issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 14704/Adv. C1/2001/P&ARD Dated. 29-08-2002
Public Services - Physically Handicapped provisional Employees who were in Service during the period from 01-01-1997 to 14-08-1998 - Regularisation of Service - Reg. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 185/2002/Fin Dated. 27-05-2002
Rules – Kerala Service Rules, Part III – Delay in payment of pensionary benefits – Guidelines to avoid – Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 37 / 02 / P&ARD dated. 15-07-2002
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 37 /02 / P&ARD dated. 15-07-2002 (With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 8239/Adv.C1/2002/P&ARD Dated 12.06.2002
Public Services - Deputation of Government Employees on Foreign Service from one Department to another, etc - Further guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 233/2002/Fin 17/04/2002
Economy in Government Expenditure - Expenditure saving measure in Government Offices and Buildings - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No. 185/2002/ Fin dated. 27/03/2002
Rules-KSR Part III-Guidelines to avoid Delay in payment of Pensionary benefits
G.O (P) No. 56/2002/Fin Dated. 16-01-2002
Ways & Means position of the State - Additional Economy Measures - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 1208/2001/Fin Dated. 22-10-2001
Economy of Government Expenditure - Abolished of post kept vacant
Government one year - Order issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. ICDS/5/9132/2001 Dated. 03-08-2001
Social Welfare - ICDS Scheme Paid Absence on Maternity and Abortion / Miscarriage to Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Revised Guidelines - Regarding DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 829/2001/Fin 19/06/2001
House Building Advance - Government Employees - Change of Plot - Release Deed DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Deputation of Government Employees on Foreign Service from one Department to another, etc - Further guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 233/2002/Fin 17/04/2002
Economy in Government Expenditure - Expenditure saving measure in Government Offices and Buildings - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
GO(P)No. 185/2002/ Fin dated. 27/03/2002
Rules-KSR Part III-Guidelines to avoid Delay in payment of Pensionary benefits
G.O (P) No. 56/2002/Fin Dated. 16-01-2002
Ways & Means position of the State - Additional Economy Measures - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 1208/2001/Fin Dated. 22-10-2001
Economy of Government Expenditure - Abolished of post kept vacant
Government one year - Order issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. ICDS/5/9132/2001 Dated. 03-08-2001
Social Welfare - ICDS Scheme Paid Absence on Maternity and Abortion / Miscarriage to Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Revised Guidelines - Regarding DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 829/2001/Fin 19/06/2001
House Building Advance - Government Employees - Change of Plot - Release Deed DOWNLOAD

Circular No. 10553 / Adv. C2 /2001 / P&ARD . 29-07-2001
Government CIRCULAR related to Foreign visit of Government Employees Employees leaving the country for private purpose- Authority competent To give permission-Uniform procedure – DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 4/2001/P&ARD Dated. 17-05-2001
Public Services - Provisional Appointments through the Employment Exchange - Priority for Appointment - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No.1213/2000/Fin dated 12/10/2000
Finance (Inspection - NT) Department - Inspection to prevent the misuse of Govt. Vehicles - DOWNLOAD

G.O (P) No.18/2000/P & ARD dated 25-07-2000
Public Services - Reservation for Physically Handicapped Persons - 3% Reservation to Class III and Class IV Posts - Orders issued - Substitution of certain terms in G.O (P) No. 20/98/P & ARD Dated. 14-07-1998 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 1035/2000/Fin 19/07/2000
Temporary Advance - Drawal of Temporary Advance and Delayed Refund of Excess Advance - Levy of Interest - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 5966/Adv. C3/2000/P & ARD Dated. 28-06-2000
Public Services - Recruitment to Public Services - Extension of Joining Time - Reporting of Not Joining Duty to the Public Service Commissioner - Instructions - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 819/2000/Fin 18/04/2000
Insurance - Third Party Insurance for Government Vehicles - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 224/2000/Fin 27/01/2000
Administrative Sanction and Purchase Sanction for the Purchase of Furniture from Government sources - Clarification Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 26/99/P & ARD Dated. 14-12-1999
Public Service - Second Report of the Kerala Administrative Reforms Committee on Attendance Monitoring System Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 24 /99 / P&ARD dated. 18-11-1999
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 24 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 18-11-1999 .(With all related Government Orders)
G.O. (P) No. 12 / 99-P & ARD Dated. 24.05.1999
Pubic Services - Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who in die in harness - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 1610/1999/Fin 22/07/1999
Advance - House Construction Advance to Government Employees - Additional Loan from Recognised Financial Institutions - Creation of Second Mortgage - Enhancement of limit - Sanctioned - Orders – Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 14 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 17-07-1999
Public Service - Recruitment to Public Services - Orders of Appointment and Joining of Duty - Extension of Joining Time to Non-Resident Keralites working Abroad - Orders Issued.
Circular Memorandum No. 19305/Rules-1/96/P&ARD Dated. 16-06-1998
Confidential Reports - Non-maintenance of Confidential Reports by certain Departments for a long time - Holding of Departmental Promotion Committee meetings to regularise previous provisional Promotions - Instructions Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 12 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 24-05-1999
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 12 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 24-05-1999 (With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 12/99/P&ARD Dated. 24-05-1999
Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who Die In Harness – Modified orders issued. (Orders with Application forms) DOWNLOAD
Advance - House Construction Advance to Government Employees - Additional Loan from Recognised Financial Institutions - Creation of Second Mortgage - Enhancement of limit - Sanctioned - Orders – Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 14 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 17-07-1999
Public Service - Recruitment to Public Services - Orders of Appointment and Joining of Duty - Extension of Joining Time to Non-Resident Keralites working Abroad - Orders Issued.
Circular Memorandum No. 19305/Rules-1/96/P&ARD Dated. 16-06-1998
Confidential Reports - Non-maintenance of Confidential Reports by certain Departments for a long time - Holding of Departmental Promotion Committee meetings to regularise previous provisional Promotions - Instructions Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P)No. 12 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 24-05-1999
Scheme for the compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Governement Servants who die in harness G.O. (P)No. 12 / 99 / P&ARD dated. 24-05-1999 (With all related Government Orders) DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 12/99/P&ARD Dated. 24-05-1999
Scheme for the Compassionate Employment of the Dependents of Government Servants who Die In Harness – Modified orders issued. (Orders with Application forms) DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 3000/98/Fin Dated. 25-11-1998
Revision of Scales of Pay of Government employees, Staff of Educational Institutions, Local Bodies etc – Recommendations of Pay Revision Committee - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 30/98/P & ARD Dated. 15-09-1998Revision of Scales of Pay of Government employees, Staff of Educational Institutions, Local Bodies etc – Recommendations of Pay Revision Committee - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Relaxation of Five Year Rule in the case of Transfers to Idukki, Wayanad and Kasaragod Districts - Further orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 20/98/P & ARD Dated. 11-07-1998
Public Services - Reservation for Physically Handicapped Persons - 3% Reservation to Class III and Class IV Posts - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 19305/Rules-1/96/P&ARD Dated. 09-09-1997
Public Services - Departmental Promotion Committee - Banning of temporary promotions under Rule 31(a) (i) of Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 15/97/P & ARD Dated. 03-09-1997
Public Service - Inter District Transfer of Employees - Conditions modified - Orders Issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O. (MS) No. 51/07/Gen.Edn Dated. 02-03-2007
General Education Department - Regarding Guidelines & instructions for Education Tours - Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 290/97/Fin Dated. 25-02-1997
Government Service - Gazetted Cadre - Classification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 37/96/P & ARD Dated. 07-11-1996
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of District wise Recruits - Conditions for Transfer - Clarification - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 12/96/P & ARD Dated. 16-03-1996
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Relaxation of Five Year rule in the case of transfers to Idukki, Wayanad and Kasaragod Districts DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 11/96/P & ARD Dated. 16-03-1996
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Leave Period Treated as Service - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Service - Transfer and Postings of Government Employees - General Norms / Guidelines - Modification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
General Education Department - Regarding Guidelines & instructions for Education Tours - Guidelines issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 290/97/Fin Dated. 25-02-1997
Government Service - Gazetted Cadre - Classification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 37/96/P & ARD Dated. 07-11-1996
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of District wise Recruits - Conditions for Transfer - Clarification - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 12/96/P & ARD Dated. 16-03-1996
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Relaxation of Five Year rule in the case of transfers to Idukki, Wayanad and Kasaragod Districts DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 11/96/P & ARD Dated. 16-03-1996
Public Services - Inter District Transfers of Employees - Leave Period Treated as Service - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (M.S)No.155/1995/FIN Dated. 27-09-1995
Government Law College- Reservation Of Seat for Ex- serviceman or their children in Evening college- sanction- Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Public Service - Working Arrangements of Government Employees - Discontinuance of - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 711/1991/Fin 10/12/1991
Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees - Drawal of Arrears of Allowance along with Salary - Clarification - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 38/91/P & ARD Dated. 02-12-1991Government Law College- Reservation Of Seat for Ex- serviceman or their children in Evening college- sanction- Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 6245/D2/95/P&ARD Dated. 31-05-1995
Public Grievances - Redresal of - Avoidance of delay - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 39/93/P & ARD Dated. 24-08-1993
Delegation of Powers to Officers in the Government Secretariat - Revised Handbook - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 7/92/P & ARD Dated. 21-02-1992
Public Service - Transfers and Posting of Government Employees - General Norms - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 1015/D2/92/P&ARD Dated. 15-01-1992Public Grievances - Redresal of - Avoidance of delay - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 39/93/P & ARD Dated. 24-08-1993
Delegation of Powers to Officers in the Government Secretariat - Revised Handbook - Approved - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 7/92/P & ARD Dated. 21-02-1992
Public Service - Transfers and Posting of Government Employees - General Norms - Modified - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 4264/D2/92/P & ARD Dated. 28-04-1992
Public Grievances - Redress of - Avoidance of Delay - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 22/92/P & ARD Dated. 18-04-1992
Public Service - Transfer and Postings of Government Employees General Norms / Guidelines - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Public Grievances - Redress of - Avoidance of Delay - Instructions - Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (P) No. 22/92/P & ARD Dated. 18-04-1992
Public Service - Transfer and Postings of Government Employees General Norms / Guidelines - Modified - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
Public Service - Working Arrangements of Government Employees - Discontinuance of - Instructions issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No. 711/1991/Fin 10/12/1991
Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees - Drawal of Arrears of Allowance along with Salary - Clarification - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Public Service - Transfer and Postings of Government Employees - General Norms / Guidelines - Modification - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) No. 36 / 91 / P&ARD Dated. 02-12-1991
Inter District Transfers of Government Employees – Conditions modified. G.O.(P) No. 36 / 91/ P&ARD Dated. 02-12-1991 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 101/1991/Fin 02/02/1991
Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees - Re-classification of the Allowance as 'Special Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees' - Drawal of the Allowance along with Salary - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O(P)No.535/1990/FIN Dated. 25/10/1990
Ex-Servicemen re employed as Last Grade Servants – Extension of Service upto 60 years of age.
Rules-Kerala Service Rules-Amendment to Rule 60(b)Part I-Issued. DOWNLOAD
Allowance - Grant of conveyance allowance to employees suffering from Spinal Deformity - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
Application for Inter departmental transfer - General direction issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (RT) 1366 / 90 / LAD Dated 27-03-1990
Profession Tax –Exemption to the handicapped persons from the payment of Profession tax G.O (RT) 1366 / 90 / LAD Dated 27-03-1990 – orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 11/90/P & ARD Dated. 05-05-1990
Public Services - Transfer and Postings of Government Employees - General Norms / Guidelines - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No.234/1989/Fin 04/05/1989
Special Casual Leave for Voluntary Blood Donation - Orders - Issued. DOWNLOAD
Inter District Transfers of Government Employees – Conditions modified. G.O.(P) No. 36 / 91/ P&ARD Dated. 02-12-1991 DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 101/1991/Fin 02/02/1991
Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees - Re-classification of the Allowance as 'Special Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees' - Drawal of the Allowance along with Salary - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O(P)No.535/1990/FIN Dated. 25/10/1990
Ex-Servicemen re employed as Last Grade Servants – Extension of Service upto 60 years of age.
Rules-Kerala Service Rules-Amendment to Rule 60(b)Part I-Issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 445/1990/Fin 23/08/1990Allowance - Grant of conveyance allowance to employees suffering from Spinal Deformity - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 20/90/P & ARD Dated. 31-05-1990
Public Services - Kerala Ministerial Service - Persons appointed TYPIST-CLERK and CLERK-TYPIST -Conversion of Category - Orders issuedDOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No. 972/90/H.Edn Dated. 23-05-1990
Higher Education - Technical - Polytechnic - Admission to Polytechnic - Reservation of Seats for the Children of Ex-Servicemen & Serving Jawans - Enhancement of - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 20/90/P & ARD Dated. 31-05-1990
Public Services - Kerala Ministerial Service - Persons appointed TYPIST-CLERK and CLERK-TYPIST -Conversion of Category - Orders issuedDOWNLOAD
G.O. (Rt) No. 972/90/H.Edn Dated. 23-05-1990
Higher Education - Technical - Polytechnic - Admission to Polytechnic - Reservation of Seats for the Children of Ex-Servicemen & Serving Jawans - Enhancement of - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Circular No: 2452/Adv. C3/90/P&ARD Dated. 17-04-1990Application for Inter departmental transfer - General direction issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (RT) 1366 / 90 / LAD Dated 27-03-1990
Profession Tax –Exemption to the handicapped persons from the payment of Profession tax G.O (RT) 1366 / 90 / LAD Dated 27-03-1990 – orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 11/90/P & ARD Dated. 05-05-1990
Public Services - Transfer and Postings of Government Employees - General Norms / Guidelines - Modification - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P)No.234/1989/Fin 04/05/1989
Special Casual Leave for Voluntary Blood Donation - Orders - Issued. DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 8/89/Fin Dated. 22-02-1989
Expeditious settlement of Pension cases of Gazetted Officers of the State Government - Instructions Issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 8/89/Fin Dated. 22-02-1989
Expeditious settlement of Pension cases of Gazetted Officers of the State Government - Instructions Issued - Reg DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 6 / 88 / P & ARD Dated 15-02-1988
Public Services - Maternity Leave under Rules 100 and 101 of Kerala Service Rules,
Part I - Treated as Duty for the purpose of Probation - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Medical Examination of Physically Handicapped Persons - Issue of Medical Certificates to Physically Handicapped and Levy of Fees - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Maternity Leave under Rules 100 and 101 of Kerala Service Rules,
Part I - Treated as Duty for the purpose of Probation - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 152/86/H & FWD Dated. 04-08-1986Medical Examination of Physically Handicapped Persons - Issue of Medical Certificates to Physically Handicapped and Levy of Fees - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No: 70/1984/Fin 08/10/1984
Leave - Leave without allowances to take up employment abroad or within the country - time limit to avail of the leave sanctioned with effect from the date of avail - Prescribed. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P)No.249/1984/Fin 09/05/1984
Leave - Special Casual Leave - Grant of Special Casual Leave to Physically Handicapped Government Employees - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) 189/76/Fin. Dated. 05-07-1976
PART I ( In Part I of the said rules, in Appendix VII under “section II Special Casual Leave ” in Note 2 to sub-paragraph (i) of rule 1, the item “(2) CHICKEN POX ” shall be omitted .) DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 212/74/Fin Dated. 01-08-1974
Welfare of Ex-servicemen - Relaxation of age limit to Ex-servicemen for appointment in Public Service - Proposal - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O. (MS) No. 185/85/GAD Dated. 20-05-1985
Public Services - Recruitment to Government Service - Employment
Assistance to the Dependents of Defence / GREF and BSF personnel
killed / Missing / Disabled in action - Extension of the benefit to cases of Death and disability attributable to Military Service - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Service Dependents of Ex-Servicemen in the Government Service - Postings in their Native Place - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
Public Services - Recruitment to Government Service - Employment
Assistance to the Dependents of Defence / GREF and BSF personnel
killed / Missing / Disabled in action - Extension of the benefit to cases of Death and disability attributable to Military Service - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 85/85/GAD Dated. 04-03-1985Public Service Dependents of Ex-Servicemen in the Government Service - Postings in their Native Place - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Leave - Leave without allowances to take up employment abroad or within the country - time limit to avail of the leave sanctioned with effect from the date of avail - Prescribed. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P)No.249/1984/Fin 09/05/1984
Leave - Special Casual Leave - Grant of Special Casual Leave to Physically Handicapped Government Employees - Orders issued. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 244/83/(495)/Fin Dated. 09-05-1983
Pay Revision 1978 - Fixation of pay in the Senior Grade in the case of Primary & High School Headmasters appointed / Promoted after 01-07-1978 and grant of additional benefits to Primary Headmasters - Further orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (P) No. 244/83/(495)/Fin Dated. 09-05-1983
Pay Revision 1978 - Fixation of pay in the Senior Grade in the case of Primary & High School Headmasters appointed / Promoted after 01-07-1978 and grant of additional benefits to Primary Headmasters - Further orders issued DOWNLOAD
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Circular No. 130558/SD 1/82/GAD Dated. 10-03-1983
Public Services - Physically handicapped Employees - Posting in he respective districts at the time of promotion - Instructions issued - DOWNLOAD
Circular No. 130558/SD 1/82/GAD Dated. 10-03-1983
Public Services - Physically handicapped Employees - Posting in he respective districts at the time of promotion - Instructions issued - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 31/83/H.Edn Dated. 19-02-1983
Education - Entrance Examination for M B B S, B D S etc and Engineering Degree Course - Appointment of Commissioner Shri. A K N Nambiar - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O(P) No. 448/82/Fin Dated. 19-08-1982
Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Government
Employees - Modification to the Existing Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
G.O (Ms) No. 31/83/H.Edn Dated. 19-02-1983
Education - Entrance Examination for M B B S, B D S etc and Engineering Degree Course - Appointment of Commissioner Shri. A K N Nambiar - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O(P) No. 448/82/Fin Dated. 19-08-1982
Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Government
Employees - Modification to the Existing Orders issued - DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 764/81 (384) Fin Dated. 16-11-1981
Public Service - Higher Grade to Non Gazetted Officers counting of War Service and Military Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 4/82/GAD Dated. 02-01-1982
Public Services – Kerala General Subordinate Service – Special Rules – Issued DOWNLOAD
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Public Service - Higher Grade to Non Gazetted Officers counting of War Service and Military Service - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 359/81/Fin Dated. 04-06-1981
Rules - Kerala Service Rules - Rules 144 Part I - Ruling IssuedDOWNLOAD
Rules - Kerala Service Rules - Rules 144 Part I - Ruling IssuedDOWNLOAD
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CIRCULAR No. 36199/SD4/81/GAD Dated. 02-06-1981
Public Services - Recruitment to Public Services - Vacancies once reported to the Public Service Commission - Discontinuance - Instructions Issued DOWNLOAD
Public Service - Ex-Servicemen appointed in the Government Service - Transfer and Postings to their native places - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 364/80/Fin Dated. 11-06-1980
Allowance - Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Government Employees - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.1028-1979-Fin dated 23.11.1979
House Building Advance - Loanees going Abroad on leave to take up Private employment G.O.(P)No.1028-1979-Fin dated 23.11.1979 DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 257/79/GAD Dated. 17-04-1979
Public Service - Recruitment to Government Service - Concessions to the Dependents of Defence Personnel GREF and BSF Personnel killed / Missing / Disabled in action etc - Consolidated orders issuedDOWNLOAD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G.O (P) No. 860 /78/Fin Dated. 16-12-1978
Pay - Revision of Pay Scale - Report of the Third Kerala Pay Commission - Orders - issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 129/78/H.Edn Dated. 22-08-1978
Higher Education - Educational Concessions to the Children of Defence Personnel Killed in action - Extension to Professional Colleges - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) 9/78/G.Edn Dated. 21-01-1978
Education – Welfare of Defence Personnel – Wives of Jawans – Appointment as Teachers – Modified orders issued DOWNLOAD
CIRCULAR No. 36199/SD4/81/GAD Dated. 02-06-1981
Public Services - Recruitment to Public Services - Vacancies once reported to the Public Service Commission - Discontinuance - Instructions Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) No. 458/80/GAD Dated. 03-10-1980Public Service - Ex-Servicemen appointed in the Government Service - Transfer and Postings to their native places - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 364/80/Fin Dated. 11-06-1980
Allowance - Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Government Employees - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P)No.1028-1979-Fin dated 23.11.1979
House Building Advance - Loanees going Abroad on leave to take up Private employment G.O.(P)No.1028-1979-Fin dated 23.11.1979 DOWNLOAD
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Public Service - Recruitment to Government Service - Concessions to the Dependents of Defence Personnel GREF and BSF Personnel killed / Missing / Disabled in action etc - Consolidated orders issuedDOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 860 /78/Fin Dated. 16-12-1978
Pay - Revision of Pay Scale - Report of the Third Kerala Pay Commission - Orders - issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 129/78/H.Edn Dated. 22-08-1978
Higher Education - Educational Concessions to the Children of Defence Personnel Killed in action - Extension to Professional Colleges - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(Ms) 9/78/G.Edn Dated. 21-01-1978
Education – Welfare of Defence Personnel – Wives of Jawans – Appointment as Teachers – Modified orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 548/77/Fin Dated. 23-12-1977
Rules - Kerala Service Rules - Compensatory Leave to Government
Employees - Amendment to Section III of Appendix VII - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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No. 91874 / Estt.C1/76/Fin Dated. 14-03-1977
Increment_InterDept_Transfer- Sanction of increments before declaration of probation in the new Department - ClarificationDOWNLOAD
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Rules - Kerala Service Rules - Compensatory Leave to Government
Employees - Amendment to Section III of Appendix VII - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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No. 91874 / Estt.C1/76/Fin Dated. 14-03-1977
Increment_InterDept_Transfer- Sanction of increments before declaration of probation in the new Department - ClarificationDOWNLOAD
G.O.(P) 189/76/Fin. Dated. 05-07-1976
PART I ( In Part I of the said rules, in Appendix VII under “section II Special Casual Leave ” in Note 2 to sub-paragraph (i) of rule 1, the item “(2) CHICKEN POX ” shall be omitted .) DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 212/74/Fin Dated. 01-08-1974
Pay - Revision of Pay - Implementation DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) No. 14/72/Labour Dated. 02-02-1972
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G.O (Ms) No. 14/72/Labour Dated. 02-02-1972
Craftmen Training Scheme – Admissions – Reservation of Seats in the Industrial Training Institutes in respect of Ex-Service Personnel and their relations – Proposal sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P) No. 309/70/PD Dated. 29-08-1970- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Welfare of Ex-servicemen - Relaxation of age limit to Ex-servicemen for appointment in Public Service - Proposal - Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 301/68/PD Dated. 26-09-1968
Public Service - Ministerial Service - Typists & Stenographers Interchangebility as Clerks - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 301/68/PD Dated. 26-09-1968
Public Service - Ministerial Service - Typists & Stenographers Interchangebility as Clerks - Orders Issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O.(P) 423/66/Fin./(PF). Dated 14/09/1966
G.O.(P) 423/66/Fin./(PF). Dated 14/09/1966
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G.O (Rt) No. 2302/PD Dated. 01/09/1966
Amenities to Families of Jawans - Transfer of relative - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
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Financial Control - Rules and procedure - observance of - constitution of an Inspection Wing in the Finance Department - further orders – issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (Rt) No. 2302/PD Dated. 01/09/1966
Amenities to Families of Jawans - Transfer of relative - Clarification issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (P)No.723/1964/PD 19/10/1964Financial Control - Rules and procedure - observance of - constitution of an Inspection Wing in the Finance Department - further orders – issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O. (Ms) No. 504 Dated. 20-11-1963
Public Services - Inter district transfers of near relatives of Army Personnel - sanctioned DOWNLOAD
G.O. (Ms) No. 504 Dated. 20-11-1963
Public Services - Inter district transfers of near relatives of Army Personnel - sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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G.O (MS) No. 838/62/HLD Dated. 20-11-1962
Department of Health Service – Recognition of certificates awarded to Technician in Armed Forces – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
G.O (MS) No. 838/62/HLD Dated. 20-11-1962
Department of Health Service – Recognition of certificates awarded to Technician in Armed Forces – Orders issued DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) 4/62/Election Dated. 15-01-1962
Election - General Elections to the House of the People, 1962 - Rates of TA and DA to Polling Personnel, Hire charges of Vehicles etc. advances - sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.150/58-Fin Dated 23-06-1958
Recommendations of the Pay Revision Committee. DOWNLOAD
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G.O (Ms) 4/62/Election Dated. 15-01-1962
Election - General Elections to the House of the People, 1962 - Rates of TA and DA to Polling Personnel, Hire charges of Vehicles etc. advances - sanctioned DOWNLOAD
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GO(P)No.150/58-Fin Dated 23-06-1958
Recommendations of the Pay Revision Committee. DOWNLOAD
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This is to inform the general public Male/Female who are healthy and %100 serious in selling their kidney for $550,000.00 should urgently contact Dr. Amar Ahirwar. As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant,Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other major treatment.whatsaap me +91-8050773651 or e-mail
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We need your urgent response...
I can't found G.O.Ms. No. 812/1982. Can you help me to find that?
ReplyDeleteThiruvananthapuram, 14-3-2007
PLEASE SEND ME GO(Ms)14/89/IRD Dated : 28.07.1989
ReplyDeleteplease send me GO(Rt)No.3162/08/Home dated 16.10.2008 and GO(MS)No.80/2011/Home dated 01/03/2011
ReplyDeleteGO(MS) No. 194/1997/H&FWD O2/7/1997 ഓർഡർ à´•ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´®ോ
DeleteGO 196/2013/HOME dated 3.08.2013 kittumo
ReplyDeleteG.O.(M.S).No.11/2006 PWD dated 28/2/2006 à´•ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´®ോ
ReplyDeletePLEASE SEND ME GO(p) 19/2015P&ARD DATED 20/06/2015